Brutal Rugby Hits


Aug 12, 2008
Great Britain
[ame=""]YouTube - INSANE RUGBY HITS![/ame]

Starts off pretty slow but there are some bad ones in there.

I have a friend who plays Rugby. It looks to me like it's got more in common with MMA than it does American football.
Pretty sweet video.

I really don't know the rules of Rugby though. When does play actually stop? Some of those guys were getting hit multiple times while still on the ground, is the ball still in play then?
See I dunno, I respect rugby players and all but I just find lacrosse hits more amusing for some reason (not trying to derail) - it's probably because I played it for a few yrs.

[ame=]YouTube - Body Checks[/ame]
Pretty sweet video.

I really don't know the rules of Rugby though. When does play actually stop? Some of those guys were getting hit multiple times while still on the ground, is the ball still in play then?

Yeah, there's two types of Rugby - union and league.

In union play generally only stops when a foul is committed or the ball goes out of play. Someone takes a big hit and goes down - they usually find themselves under a pile of other players getting raked in the face as play continues.

In league, play briefly pauses after a tackle is made as the defensive team retreats, and possession is swapped after 6 tackles, but it's also pretty hardcore.
Most of those hits are illegal and probably directly resulted in a punch-up afterwards.

A good, clean tackle on someone that takes them out is a very satisfying thing indeed. Never actually knocked someone out, but caused a few people to puke in my time.

Happy days.
Always wanted to give rugby a try. Looks like some of the backyard football games Ive played in.
See I dunno, I respect rugby players and all but I just find lacrosse hits more amusing for some reason (not trying to derail) - it's probably because I played it for a few yrs.

YouTube - Body Checks

i haven't seen a minute of a real lacrosse game i my life but talking from this video: lacrosse body checks = straight blind side hits ?
[ame=""]YouTube - Trailer - IWAS European Wheelchair Rugby EC 2009[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - wheelchair rugby hits[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - kasparovs wrong move[/ame]
One of my best friends Dad's coaches one of the teams in that video.

In both forms of Rugby tackling from the neck above is not legal.

what team?

most of those tackles were illegal, not wrapping arms around and sometimes even using the shoulder, shocking
Not that many were illegal. Of the first 21 hits on the video, only two were clearly illegal (a lot were the offensive player knocking down the defensive one anyway). A couple of borderlines, but most of the NRL hits were perfectly standard in any NRL game. (I stopped counting after that)

@SEO-Mike - the rule (in league) used to be that you could use a forearm as long as you hadn't locked your arm straight. I think they had to change that.

Union and League are great to watch. I think union is a more entertaining game, but the better athletes are definitely in League.
Some of those Union ones I caught were illegal, cannot tackle a player when is in the air / jumping

I disagree, I find League more interesting to watching and I would certainly consider Union players better athletes.

Edit. Yeah I am a Chiefs supporter, don't watch it heaps but follow up the scores on the net - mainly because of the relation to the team though.