Brit to be extradited to US for copyright charges.

This is the reason for LAWS and the judicial system. It is not up to a government official or the laws of another country to decided what is wrong in our countries, it is down to the laws that are in place.

Lets see how happy you would be if you got locked up and deported for dropping litter or taking the lords name in vain as they might be a capital punishment in another country.

This is not about copyright crime it is about all of our freedom. Allowing this to happen opens up a terrifying precedent that takes away all of our freedoms on the whims of another government.

Should NEVER be allowed.

as someone who has been through the legal system in terms of dealing with multi-national companies, and thinking i was ok because i was CDN...guess what? i wasn't.

Any country that engages in trade with the USA has already signed away your rights as a citizen of that country. If you are stealing(linking to free shit that isn't yours is the same as handing a stolen tv), abusing american property etc etc..then you will be prosecuted.

Do you really think the whole world is going to sit back and say...Fuckin Canadians doing this or that, lucky for them they are Canadian so we let them steal and abuse us... I hate to be the one to break it to you guys, but the world doesn't work like that.

I highly doubt anyone is going to extradited to be executed. However a fair jail term for what is applicable in the offending persons country of origin is what will likely happen. If you would get 10 years for stealing millions of dollars in your home country, then you should get that as well in the one you stole from.
If some backwater foreign country wants to execute people, then thee offending people should be jailed in their own country, for a reasonable period based on the offense.

as someone who has been through the legal system in terms of dealing with multi-national companies, and thinking i was ok because i was CDN...guess what? i wasn't.

Any country that engages in trade with the USA has already signed away your rights as a citizen of that country. If you are stealing(linking to free shit that isn't yours is the same as handing a stolen tv), abusing american property etc etc..then you will be prosecuted.

Do you really think the whole world is going to sit back and say...Fuckin Canadians doing this or that, lucky for them they are Canadian so we let them steal and abuse us... I hate to be the one to break it to you guys, but the world doesn't work like that.

I highly doubt anyone is going to extradited to be executed. However a fair jail term for what is applicable in the offending persons country of origin is what will likely happen. If you would get 10 years for stealing millions of dollars in your home country, then you should get that as well in the one you stole from.
If some backwater foreign country wants to execute people, then thee offending people should be jailed in their own country, for a reasonable period based on the offense.

So how much time do you deserve?
as someone who has been through the legal system in terms of dealing with multi-national companies, and thinking i was ok because i was CDN...guess what? i wasn't.

Any country that engages in trade with the USA has already signed away your rights as a citizen of that country. If you are stealing(linking to free shit that isn't yours is the same as handing a stolen tv), abusing american property etc etc..then you will be prosecuted.

Do you really think the whole world is going to sit back and say...Fuckin Canadians doing this or that, lucky for them they are Canadian so we let them steal and abuse us... I hate to be the one to break it to you guys, but the world doesn't work like that.

I highly doubt anyone is going to extradited to be executed. However a fair jail term for what is applicable in the offending persons country of origin is what will likely happen. If you would get 10 years for stealing millions of dollars in your home country, then you should get that as well in the one you stole from.
If some backwater foreign country wants to execute people, then thee offending people should be jailed in their own country, for a reasonable period based on the offense.

So you are saying that you think it is alright for me to get into trouble for breaking the laws of your country, even though it is not illegal in mine. So if you upload a video on YouTube stating that you thing God is not great, that Saudi Arabia would be justified in having you deported to them to stand trial for blasphemy if your country had the same extradition treaty set up? If not, why not? After all the video would be freely available to watch in Saudia Arabia.

It is not the same point that I am trying to make, but the above poster is also correct, why isn't Google being prosecuted for linking to illegal activities? In fact they are directly allowing people to access details on making explosives etc., much more dangerous than copyright infringement.

Do you really think for one second that the US would extradite one of their own citizens to another country for something that is not illegal in the US and done in the borders of the US? Not a chance in hell. As I said before, it's just a case of playground bullying.

Time to go serve your time in a lovely Paris cell?
So you are saying that you think it is alright for me to get into trouble for breaking the laws of your country, even though it is not illegal in mine. So if you upload a video on YouTube stating that you thing God is not great, that Saudi Arabia would be justified in having you deported to them to stand trial for blasphemy if your country had the same extradition treaty set up? If not, why not? After all the video would be freely available to watch in Saudia Arabia.

It is not the same point that I am trying to make, but the above poster is also correct, why isn't Google being prosecuted for linking to illegal activities? In fact they are directly allowing people to access details on making explosives etc., much more dangerous than copyright infringement.

Do you really think for one second that the US would extradite one of their own citizens to another country for something that is not illegal in the US and done in the borders of the US? Not a chance in hell. As I said before, it's just a case of playground bullying.

I admit it is playground bullying. However, you have to also admit that people outright breaking the law need to be brought to justice.
The Saudi Arabia thing worries me, you are right i dont want to be prosecuted by some religious nutbag over something silly. This is not the same thing though. I get what you are going for, slippery slope and all that, however it is a bit extreme. Why not let in the thought police at that

I am not sure why google is allowed to get away with it, as it seems very similar.

i am not a lawyer..just someone who is more careful now.
I cant see the going past the appeal process, based on published facts.

Dual criminality is part of the extradition process. Unless he has done something else i am not aware of, then he has not committed a crime recognized by the UK.

Also, provided we dont go to war with iran, or the euro breaks up, this will be hot political stuff, with plenty of news coverage. And the home secretory has the final say at the end of the day.
I admit it is playground bullying. However, you have to also admit that people outright breaking the law need to be brought to justice.
The Saudi Arabia thing worries me, you are right i dont want to be prosecuted by some religious nutbag over something silly. This is not the same thing though. I get what you are going for, slippery slope and all that, however it is a bit extreme. Why not let in the thought police at that

I am not sure why google is allowed to get away with it, as it seems very similar.

i am not a lawyer..just someone who is more careful now.

Precedent dude.

And he is not "outright breaking the law" as what he was doing wasn't illegal in his country, therefore he wasn't breaking the law. Think about it this way, every day you are probably breaking around 12 laws from some country in the world, does that mean that you are outright breaking the law and should go to jail or be extradited?

I cant see the going past the appeal process, based on published facts.

Dual criminality is part of the extradition process. Unless he has done something else i am not aware of, then he has not committed a crime recognized by the UK.

But why should it have to go to appeal? He has been cleared for extradition, how has this happened in the first place if he hasn't committed a crime in the UK?
It's time to set up our sovereign countries, independent of the oligopoly:

Blueseed - Home - sample
Well well well... A twist on seasteading... Looks like they're within a year or two of launching now that Thiel's on board, too. Good find! :banana_sml:

We've had a couple or three seasteading threads on here in the past, but before blueeseed's conception, apparently. That silicon-valley-incubator twist may be just what it needs to get something to go forward finally.
However, you have to also admit that people outright breaking the law need to be brought to justice.

Were they serving as a hub for torrents? It sounds like they were just linking to streams and such. Even if he was American, I thought the laws still aren't clear on that type of stuff.

Youtube is loaded with copyrighted content and people on here and all over the place link to it frequently.