Brit to be extradited to US for copyright charges.

the world will be a lot better off once the usa bankrupts itself

sometimes i'd like RP to get elected to make it better, and sometimes I wish just another puppet gets elected so that the country is that much closer to imploding on itself
This shit is why so many people HATE the US. Could you ever imagine this being the same situation in reverse i.e. The US extraditing a US citizen for something that is not even a crime in the US.

It is just playground bullying and nothing more. Disgraceful!
I wonder where this guy hosted his website. I'd think if he hosted his website in a non-extradition country/a country with lax copyright laws he'd be fine. But then again the way they seize domains makes it slightly more complicated. Even on that front there have to be registers out there that wont bow down to this kind of stuff. I kinda think maybe this guy could've protected himself if he would've been a bit more careful.

Still though this is fucked up.
I wonder where this guy hosted his website. I'd think if he hosted his website in a non-extradition country/a country with lax copyright laws he'd be fine. But then again the way they seize domains makes it slightly more complicated. Even on that front there have to be registers out there that wont bow down to this kind of stuff. I kinda think maybe this guy could've protected himself if he would've been a bit more careful.

Still though this is fucked up.

Apparently what he did wasn't illegal at all in the UK, where he is based. His site is not even hosted in the US.
Apparently what he did wasn't illegal at all in the UK, where he is based. His site is not even hosted in the US.

That means nothing the US took Marc Emery from us up here in Vancouver because he sold seeds ( legal up here ). I still can't believe that our Gov.t bent over and took it in the ass and handed him over considering he paid his taxes on his legal business.
^ after that case i was wondering if i had a vibrator store (legal in Canada), and i was shipping them to Saudi Arabia, and i got the death penalty there (for corrupting their women or something), if Canada would extradite me....
^ after that case i was wondering if i had a vibrator store (legal in Canada), and i was shipping them to Saudi Arabia, and i got the death penalty there (for corrupting their women or something), if Canada would extradite me....
haha...that would suck.

however, we are talking about blatant theft.

copyright theft...and not on a small scale.
he was making money left right and center

he is a thief of high magnitude.
haha...that would suck.

however, we are talking about blatant theft.

copyright theft...and not on a small scale.
he was making money left right and center

he is a thief of high magnitude.

Sorry but what did he steal exactly? He had links to material, not illegal. Whether he made money or not you can't lock someone up or extradite them for something that is not illegal. I am not sure that the US government gets that.
Sorry but what did he steal exactly? He had links to material, not illegal. Whether he made money or not you can't lock someone up or extradite them for something that is not illegal. I am not sure that the US government gets that.

We can paint it up anyway we like.
put make up on it...make it real pretty.

However at the end of the day he is part of the thief circle.
Don't worry he won't be the only one.
Welcome to one world government. Humanity is enslaved and has been for a long time, get it through your minds.
We can paint it up anyway we like.
put make up on it...make it real pretty.

However at the end of the day he is part of the thief circle.
Don't worry he won't be the only one.

This is the reason for LAWS and the judicial system. It is not up to a government official or the laws of another country to decided what is wrong in our countries, it is down to the laws that are in place.

Lets see how happy you would be if you got locked up and deported for dropping litter or taking the lords name in vain as they might be a capital punishment in another country.

This is not about copyright crime it is about all of our freedom. Allowing this to happen opens up a terrifying precedent that takes away all of our freedoms on the whims of another government.

Should NEVER be allowed.
We can paint it up anyway we like.
put make up on it...make it real pretty.

However at the end of the day he is part of the thief circle.
Don't worry he won't be the only one.
Congrats, I'm nominating you for the Golden Troll award.

A "thief circle?" Are you fucking kidding me? :love-smiley-086: