Brit going to live in NYC for three months... Advice please :)

Yeah if you want to get something affordable try several places where there is a subway. I am not a big fan of Fort Green, Park Slope, Dumbo but you may try Astoria Queens or even parts of uptown such as St Nicholas. you tell a cab at 3 AM to take you to Brooklyn during the weekend and he will tell you NO. Anyway try to sublet with no strangers.
Good luck

NYC is a dirty, shitty city. Come to a real city, CHICAGO.

While I love NYC in short doses, I do agree that Chicago rocks. It's my favorite city. Growing up in the Keys, where winters are chilly if it dips into the 70's, I would never last a winter in Chicago or I would have moved there a long time ago.

As for NYC, you may want to push it back to April or May... but if you plan on staying for a couple months you will get some decent weather. You could always spend March in South Beach and then head to NYC. You definitely wouldn't regret that as Winter Music Conference is in March. If you've never done that, you are missing out!
Might as well go down and occupy wall street or occupy central park or occupy the subway, or wherever else all the douchebags are occupying. Probably make for some good fun.