Brit going to live in NYC for three months... Advice please :)


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Hi all,

I am in to my second-to-last week at work before I leave to go travelling. I'm going to Asia and Oz for six months and am thinking about going to NYC after that and renting a flat for between 1-3 months for fun.

Anyone lived in NYC or have any advice/tips? Where abouts would you recommend for getting a place, Manhattan or otherwise?

I'm on the fence as to whether or not to rent a room in a house/flat share or get a studio because I'd probably have friends coming over at times. On the other hand, a shared property would be a good way to meet people. (I'm from England and don't know anyone in NYC).


Let me know if you're coming to Melbourne when your in Aus and I'll take you out for a beer.

Where you wanna go in NYC depends on what your interests and budget are. Rent is crazy expensive so you're probably best off sharing.

That'd be sweet. Will be there around March time! I have good Aussie friend I'll be with. Will def give you a message then!
dude i lived there for 3 months the summer of 09 to be closer to traffic sources etc. best summer of my life. going back after this upcoming ski season for another 3 months of summer. if you going to go, live in manhattan and pay the price you won't regret it.
I really like north Queens, cheaper than Manhattan, easy commute to the city (-15 minutes). Check out Woodside, Astoria, Maspeth, Sunnyside, Long Island City. This is a very cool place for young people with really cool bars and affordable rents.

Best place to find an apt. is Craigslist but watch out cause its filled with scammers.

You can PM me if you have any questions. I have done work in most of the boroughs, not too much in Manhattan but I can give you advice on neighborhoods and such.
Thanks all!

Big Joe - A lot of people are recommending Brooklyn (Willamsburg specifically). What do you think?
I say stay in Manhattan, look on AirBNB you may be able to rent a place long term for a good price.
Thanks all!

Big Joe - A lot of people are recommending Brooklyn (Williamsburg specifically). What do you think?

Williamsburg is really cool but Im not sure about commuting. I was helping my friend look for a place a few months ago and he was having problems with the commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan (where he works).

If your not going to make trips into Manhattan all the time than Brooklyn has lots of good options as well.

Fort Green, Park Slope, Dumbo - anything that border the water is pretty good.

I think Brooklyn is separated more into small groups, Williamsburg as a very high concentration of Hasidic Jews. The other areas I mentioned are pretty mixed.
Let me tell you my secret for always staying for cheap in Manhattan...

Post an ad on craigstlist sublets & temporary section saying that you're a nice & clean brit looking for an apartment/studio to sublet in the city, from this date to this date. Include your maximum budget /month. It is important that you emphasize on the fact that you're clean, respectful and trustworthy. You'll get answers guaranteed! There's always people living the city and needing to sublet their place. They're not necessarily looking to make money, they just want their rent paid for while they're away!

Using this technique I've stayed in the nicest Manhattan neighborhoods (UWS, UES, Soho, LES) at amazing rates, while my buddies were paying the same prices for shitty places deep in Brooklyn and Queens.
Hi all,

I am in to my second-to-last week at work before I leave to go travelling. I'm going to Asia and Oz for six months and am thinking about going to NYC after that and renting a flat for between 1-3 months for fun.

Anyone lived in NYC or have any advice/tips? Where abouts would you recommend for getting a place, Manhattan or otherwise?

I'm on the fence as to whether or not to rent a room in a house/flat share or get a studio because I'd probably have friends coming over at times. On the other hand, a shared property would be a good way to meet people. (I'm from England and don't know anyone in NYC).


Bring money. Expect to spend around 7-8 grand a month in living expenses if you wanna live comfortably in the city as a tourist. More if you wanna have fun.

Expect to walk a lot. Take the time to look at the map, work out the bus and train routes. You will use cabs a bunch. Winters here are cold. It snows. Summers are hot. People are more aggressive than back home as a rule.

You will get sick of New York pretty fast. At least I did. I live an hour away from the city and I'm paying like 60 bucks in tolls just to get in.
Let me tell you my secret for always staying for cheap in Manhattan...

Post an ad on craigstlist sublets & temporary section saying that you're a nice & clean brit looking for an apartment/studio to sublet in the city, from this date to this date. Include your maximum budget /month. It is important that you emphasize on the fact that you're clean, respectful and trustworthy. You'll get answers guaranteed! There's always people living the city and needing to sublet their place. They're not necessarily looking to make money, they just want their rent paid for while they're away!

Using this technique I've stayed in the nicest Manhattan neighborhoods (UWS, UES, Soho, LES) at amazing rates, while my buddies were paying the same prices for shitty places deep in Brooklyn and Queens.

Haha that's fucking sweet! I will give it a go for sure!
Best advice for you... pack light. Bring plenty of shorts. There is a tax here that makes shorts sell for more than what a plasma screen tv goes for, so even if you don't wear it, you can always make some extra monies from packing SMART! This shorts tax is making people bank, kinda crazy. If I were you, I'd bring an entire suitcase of just shorts. You can thank me later.

Its going to be very humid in the city. Global warming + 547467478 hippy protesters dancing and causing air synergistic friction = UNUSUALLY WARM WEATHER for this time of year!!!!

Its a proven scientific fact.