100 Hackers... this is turning into a crazy drama filled thread.. I guess we can't even go a week without something fucked up happening..
CPAEmpire has you beat. *PERIOD*
Lmmfao. You make a "living" off of Millnic? You're fucking 14 years old. How much of a "LIVING" do you have to make? Your fuckin parents still feed your sorry little shitass and all you're doing is annoying the fuck out of everyone here. So stfu.
Seriously...Wtf? That's like saying, "I'm totally against homosexuals...However I'll take a cock in the ass every now and then. But when it comes to blowjobs, I don't do that. Hell no. It's immoral and degrading."Seriously, I hate spam just as much as everyone here. I'm not saying I never spam or anything like that.
Their activities are criminal. They will be found. They will be dealt with. This will have no long term effect on Millnic Media. We are and will continue to be the Best CPA Network on the Planet *PERIOD*
This is but a fly in our soup. It is the hard working affiliates that are getting hurt here. People with mouths to feed. I am fine. I have more money than god. I do this for kicks. But many other people, 1000's are adversely effected by some guy who apparantly doesn't want his free iPhone...
So they can preach from the moral high ground, but they are the pieces of shit committing crimes. They are the ones who look like turds in the end.
Thought you brits had a sense of humour... guess not.
My mom told me we are the best cpa network and frankly i believe her.
Missing a few days of earnings isn't going to hurt us. I've seen gods bank statements, he isn't doing NEARLY as well as he was back in the 14/1500's.
As for systems, we pay a pretty penny for the ones we have and frankly we are yet to see a better alternative. It is easy to sit on your high horse and say 'I am invincible! I have never been hit like that! I ruuule!!!' It is very different in the trenches.
And you are pimping Copeac - who is on EXACTLY the same system as us. And could just as easily be in the same situation and has experienced some downtime from this as well.
Thought you brits had a sense of humour... guess not.
My mom told me we are the best cpa network and frankly i believe her.
Missing a few days of earnings isn't going to hurt us. I've seen gods bank statements, he isn't doing NEARLY as well as he was back in the 14/1500's.
As for systems, we pay a pretty penny for the ones we have and frankly we are yet to see a better alternative. It is easy to sit on your high horse and say 'I am invincible! I have never been hit like that! I ruuule!!!' It is very different in the trenches.
And you are pimping Copeac - who is on EXACTLY the same system as us. And could just as easily be in the same situation and has experienced some downtime from this as well.
Not really, i came clean. i actually talk to the head of myspace abuse now since i am so anti spam. millnicmedia knows that i am 100% anti spam and i believe that this myspace spam shit should not be deemed as promotion...
But i guess you could say i WAS a little terd
AmazingHippy brought up an 'amazing' point, which you did not address -- Since you guys are sitting on oh-so-many pounds of cold hard cash, will you be compensating others who make their living through your website? Or will you simply chalk it up to 'experience' and 'lesson learned?'Well this seems to have turned into a bash Millnic Media Thread.
To address some people here -
1) If any of our affiliates are caught phishing they are terminated. It is in our TOS that we do not allow this activity.
2) If you would like to report phishing or illegal activity by any affiliates please feel free to email me at dan <at> millnicmedia.com
3) If you have any other beefs with us our contact information is on the website.
4) We try to have a sense of humor. As you can tell by our website we like to try and have fun at our jobs.
5) Jason's sense of humor often brings out the haters.
6) According to Digital River this attack would have brought down any network on thier system regardless of dedicated server or not.
I hope we can all get back to work soon. Many of us were effected by this attack.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me
Dan Nicol
Millnic Media
dnic24 - AIM
AmazingHippy brought up an 'amazing' point, which you did not address -- Since you guys are sitting on oh-so-many pounds of cold hard cash, will you be compensating others who make their living through your website? Or will you simply chalk it up to 'experience' and 'lesson learned?'
I don't see how just by showing a link in the comment section means someones a phisher. Sure, theres a pretty good chance that they are but a lot of people do that with accounts that they have made themselves.
It's pretty easy to see who's phishing. Multiple comments from different accounts on the same profile. Check the screenshot I posted a few pages back.
Again, there are those that make multiple accounts and send out friend requests with them. The person doing those comments could be doing that. I know people that get 10-20K accounts made a day. So it wouldn't be that far fetched that someone added two or more accounts from someone doing that.