Break-in, guy on cam, need help!

You won't get facial data from the IR footage(you can't get data where there is none, and I did check in PS/histogram) - you did get his his exact outline of facial and ear structure. (Which could be scaled and overlaid if the police receive any other footage)

His hat doesn't appear modded, he was just lucky enough that the particular camera was set to correctly expose the room.

If you have a few laptops/pc's laying around you can convert them to mini security stations with webcam motion record(you can use yawcam if yours didn't come with this software) and auto upload to dropbox so you get the footage even if the computers dissapear.

I'd also suggest Prey for your devices, so you can get gps signalling/monitoring remotely.

The cops have been handed the video. But lol they won't do much. We have had people report theft on the beach and perfectly describe the guy and the cops told her "oh yeah we know exactly who that is but we can't do anything about it"... so yeah my faith in the police is pretty much non-existent at this point. We called at 8 AM they showed up at 2 PM ... The team to dust for prints didn't come till Monday (they take the weekend off). So yeah lol...

Thanks everyone for your help so far! He is wearing a leather necklace with a cross on it.

That's pretty fucking fast in Tico Land. They probably would've been there by noon if you had them on the payroll.
So if he took apple devices, why are not using the "find my iphone/ipad" icloud feature to track the location?
So if he took apple devices, why are not using the "find my iphone/ipad" icloud feature to track the location?

Here in the US that doesn't do jack shit unfortunately. My boss had his car broken into and more than $20k in shit stolen.

He was able to pull up the tracking app on a second ipad which showed it inside a house a few days later. He drove to the house, called the cops, the cop knocked on the door and asked if they had it, the homeowner said nope, and the cop said he can't do anything, even though my boss could show that he was getting a signal from that house....he even snapped a photo from the stolen laptop remotely and never got anywhere with it.
I'd also suggest Prey for your devices, so you can get gps signalling/monitoring remotely.

Prey is the shit. I love the siren feature. +1

he even snapped a photo from the stolen laptop remotely and never got anywhere with it.

Snapped a picture of what with it? A wall? Or the dude that came to the door to talk to the cops? I find it highly unlikely they wouldn't do anything if you've got an actual picture of the perp to show them.
Apologize in derailing thread.....

but any recommendations for surveiling a commercial property, about an acre of parking lot and building. Need to place on neighboring properties - so need clarity for at least 50'.
Hope this helps.



Prey is the shit. I love the siren feature. +1

Snapped a picture of what with it? A wall? Or the dude that came to the door to talk to the cops? I find it highly unlikely they wouldn't do anything if you've got an actual picture of the perp to show them.

The picture was of someone younger than the person who answered the door, likely his kid.

The thieves went directly to walmart and charged a bunch of shit on his CC cards as well and he couldn't get the cops to even look at footage for the time of the purchase.

He filed a police report when the shit was stolen. Cop said he couldn't do anything without a search warrant and wouldn't try to get one.