Break-in, guy on cam, need help!


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Hi All!

My house was broken into over the weekend and I have a brief video of the person who entered my house because he didn't notice the camera above him where he turned off the lights.

The image is darkish, then when the guy turns off the light and the infrareds come on, he looks right at the camera but it's all white. Only thing I can see is his facial hair.

If I could find out what the hat says and a better pic of his face it would help a lot. I already tried applying different filters in premiere but no luck. Are there any video gurus here that might be able to help with this? PM me and I'll send you a link to a downloadable version.

Here is the video:

Thanks in advance!

I'm hoping your source file isnt 480p?

If theres anything of detail in it I can get it out, theres a few frames in the youtube video that could be promising if the source is higher quality
It's hard to make out anything.

Sorry to hear about your break-in; many times it's an 'inside job.'

Did someone know you were leaving? Did he take anything of value?
I'm hoping your source file isnt 480p?

If theres anything of detail in it I can get it out, theres a few frames in the youtube video that could be promising if the source is higher quality

Unfortunately the source is 480p. 640 x 480 ... It's a very simple camera that I use to see who comes and goes from the house. Wasn't even supposed to be recording as I uninstalled the software from my NAS but I didn't reboot it so the recording service was never removed. Lucky break I guess. I just ordered the 1080p version of that cam but well too little too late. Hopefully there isn't a next time but if there is....

It's hard to make out anything.
Did someone know you were leaving? Did he take anything of value?

No one knew I was leaving and 3 other houses that same night got broken into in the residential. Also my wife was here in the house. He managed to take from my house 2 ipads, an iphone and a childs watch. We got the 2 ipads and the watch back as it would appear that he left them hanging in the tree near his bike, so it's likely that he planned to hit a few more homes that night. Or he left it for someone in the morning to pickup.
Sorry to hear about the break in. Hope you are able to catch the guy.

Who is the girl at the end of the video?
Sorry to hear about the break in. Hope you are able to catch the guy.

Who is the girl at the end of the video?

That's my wife. The security guys told her and so did I to never ever go to investigate weird sounds.. Rather to call security, cops, etc.
Has a necklace with a cross or a star on it.

Shirt has a word that ends in a 's' like the Dodgers logo 's'.

kinda looks like Drew Myers.
I'll just leave this here:


Well, and maybe this one too:

I'll just leave this here:


Well, and maybe this one too:


Get a real guard dog (Sparky)

Also that really sucks. I would post that on Imgur/Reddit. I almost guarantee they having nothing going on and would love to spend all their time not working and instead hunting this guy. Plus the high amount of graphic guys there. Something with a title like "Help Us Catch The Burglar Who Robbed My Home *Video*".
Get a real guard dog (Sparky)

Also that really sucks. I would post that on Imgur/Reddit. I almost guarantee they having nothing going on and would love to spend all their time not working and instead hunting this guy. Plus the high amount of graphic guys there. Something with a title like "Help Us Catch The Burglar Who Robbed My Home *Video*".

^^^ At the very least, someone spending enough time looking at logos can probably figure out what was on his shirt.
Also that really sucks. I would post that on Imgur/Reddit. I almost guarantee they having nothing going on and would love to spend all their time not working and instead hunting this guy. Plus the high amount of graphic guys there. Something with a title like "Help Us Catch The Burglar Who Robbed My Home *Video*".

Good suggestion. But be sure to cut out the bit at the end, OP, or they will spend all their time trying to enhance your wife's tits...