Bounce Rate Of Landing Page

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New member
May 22, 2007
Hello everyone,

After reading the recent SeoDave great post about making PPC on hot news, I thought it would be nice to try it out.

So i quickly setup a tiny landing page similar to SeoDave with the burning question that requests their vote. The ad clearly states the voting procedure along with their "present"!

So far I have ok-bad Adwords CTR. The real problem though is next. The voting CTR is super-charged freaking TERRIBLE! I think about 3-5%. I was wondering how come a user that clicks an ad that says "Click here to vote" and then does not vote at all.

As suggested by someone, my server response maybe slow therefore the users just go away. I am located in Europe and the response is fine here. But since this offer is for US, is there a way to check the response rate?

Also is there a way to check if the user waits until the page i fully loaded?

I am open for any other suggestions. :bigear:

Thanks for reading

I've done the same thing, and so far I've driven 20 people to my voting site and apparently no one has either voted or once they have voted, entered their zip code :(

In the other thread there was talk about scrubbing and such - do you think that this may be my problem? That my users are actually entering in their zip code, but the advertiser is rejecting the lead?
I've done the same thing, and so far I've driven 20 people to my voting site and apparently no one has either voted or once they have voted, entered their zip code :(

In the other thread there was talk about scrubbing and such - do you think that this may be my problem? That my users are actually entering in their zip code, but the advertiser is rejecting the lead?

It is not guaranteed to work for everyone. Voting is not enough to get someone enticed until and unless every one has an opinion on it. I have done the same and not much have converted. But I think it's all about testing.
It is not guaranteed to work for everyone. Voting is not enough to get someone enticed until and unless every one has an opinion on it. I have done the same and not much have converted. But I think it's all about testing.

Hey man, dont get me wrong. I am not shooting up the campaign and waiting to work its way up on its own.

However, there are some things that are very strange, and that is why I started the thread.

As I said in the original post, the ad clearly states


Firefox Or Explorer
Give your vote
and receive $500 gift on computer stuff

Now imagine someone that clicks on this ad. What does he expect? My opinion is, nothing much actually. Someone would click there in order to cast his/her vote and receive his gift.

You can't say that his put away by the zip sumbit because that comes AFTER he votes. So, why does that person clicks away?

Maybe the landing page is ugly? Maybe, but what the heck is expecting if he just wants to vote on something? Of course the landing page should be nice but not perfect.

What to you think?
What does your landing page look like? Maybe you're not fooling them and they know that voting will just take them to an offer page.

Also, is your offer targeted to the demographics who would have an opinion about that news issue? If you're doing one about that senator that jerks guys off in airport bathrooms, don't use an offer for a free trip to American Idol.

Also it's not an easy way to make money. You would have to stay on your toes and be very alert about any hot news. But yes voting is not enough to get people to submit anything further.
I made the decision to try to the same thing. Learned alot. So I had a pretty good success rate with the CTR from search engines, something like 50% or so. I had no luck getting them to convert over for the offer. The percentage dropped pretty far pretty fast. About 4% average, not high enough to sustain.

I attributed it to a couple of things -

1) Wrong Offer
2) Too obvious the offer was on another page

It's a good concept, thanks SEODAVE, it's posts likes his that are the reason that I keep coming back.

I can see with some minor modifcations and different targetting how this would be successful, so thanks again for providing the "a-ha" moment. Also - generated my first offer money from AFF - thanks.
ck256 your SE CTR was 50%? Wow! Mine was about 2-3%...
Did you clearly state that it was a "vote and gift" situation in your ad?

You say that a possible reason is the Wrong Offer. However if you state in your ad that they are going to get a "$500 FootLocker Gift Card" those that are not interested in that offer will not click, right?

Hmmm about your second point... I haven't actually thought of that but maybe you are right. But if you are one click away from your gift, why not continue? Maybe they have already seen similar voting pages and they know the drill so the go away... maybe...
I've passed 72 clicks to the zip submit page, and not one has converted. My offer is running keywords for Larry Craig and the prize is a $500 Visa gift card - any demographic group would like that I would believe. I'm starting to think that some of the users are submitting their info but "scrubbing" or whatever is taking place and i'm not always getting credit...who knows. I'm new to this. But I think that I should have at least 1 conversion out of 72 hits.
ck256 your SE CTR was 50%? Wow! Mine was about 2-3%...
Did you clearly state that it was a "vote and gift" situation in your ad?

You say that a possible reason is the Wrong Offer. However if you state in your ad that they are going to get a "$500 FootLocker Gift Card" those that are not interested in that offer will not click, right?

Hmmm about your second point... I haven't actually thought of that but maybe you are right. But if you are one click away from your gift, why not continue? Maybe they have already seen similar voting pages and they know the drill so the go away... maybe...

To clarify - out of 200 clicks through adwords - I got about 100 click through to the zip submit - from there - not so much - about 2-5% - not sustainable. Intuitively, I'd think maybe another 1/2 of those coming to the site and voting would submit zip. "Scrubbing" seems like BS . . but I'm a noob, what do I know.

Every market has people that are motivated by different things - people are wising up to the free stuff - but you'd think that a zip code is pretty benign. I think it depends on who you are marketing too and how much "Internet" time they have. SEODAVE's group probably worked because you'd have pretty much every demographic covered.

I agree with Kronkel tho - this is a short term type of deal - my adwords prices already went up 24 hours after starting . . Ill probably just let it run.

Good luck.
Can anyone please help me, on how to figure out the response time of my server in the US?

Thank you.
On my campaign I was getting 90% of clicks from Adwords to click thru to my affiliate. How is yours at 50%? On the other hand my CTR for my adwords ad was only like 4-5% so how the hell you got 50% is beyond me. You should also be looking to get around 15-30% conversions from the people that do hit the actual zip/email offer. Perhaps your offer doesn't target your audience correctly? Maybe you don't make it clear in your adwords ad that they will be hitting an offer after they hit your survey? I'm not sure what the deal is, but you definitely have way too low %'s on both your numbers - although your Adwords CTR is phenomenal.
Hey man, dont get me wrong. I am not shooting up the campaign and waiting to work its way up on its own.

However, there are some things that are very strange, and that is why I started the thread.

As I said in the original post, the ad clearly states


Firefox Or Explorer
Give your vote
and receive $500 gift on computer stuff

Now imagine someone that clicks on this ad. What does he expect? My opinion is, nothing much actually. Someone would click there in order to cast his/her vote and receive his gift.

You can't say that his put away by the zip sumbit because that comes AFTER he votes. So, why does that person clicks away?

Maybe the landing page is ugly? Maybe, but what the heck is expecting if he just wants to vote on something? Of course the landing page should be nice but not perfect.

What to you think?

Well like I said before, People want a big incentive otherwise it's not worth their time. The prize should be good enough to get them to fill forms. Most people are very lazy with typing and would not enter a thing till the time they find someone very amusing.
On my campaign I was getting 90% of clicks from Adwords to click thru to my affiliate. How is yours at 50%? On the other hand my CTR for my adwords ad was only like 4-5% so how the hell you got 50% is beyond me. You should also be looking to get around 15-30% conversions from the people that do hit the actual zip/email offer. Perhaps your offer doesn't target your audience correctly? Maybe you don't make it clear in your adwords ad that they will be hitting an offer after they hit your survey? I'm not sure what the deal is, but you definitely have way too low %'s on both your numbers - although your Adwords CTR is phenomenal.

Okay - clarify again - I must not be 'splaining well!

My Search Engine "Hit" Rate was pretty low - around 2%. To me, this means my ad was displayed on G 100 times, and 2 people actually clicked my ad.

Of those 2 people, 1 clicked through to the offer, or 50%. Once they got to the offer tho - only 4-5% of those folks submitted.

There's prolly a few reasons for it, I'll figure it out. :)

I should add, that I am negative cash on this campaign, but to me that's okay. It ends up being a cheap lesson.
Ah. I didn't read your second post thoroughly enough. 2% CTR for Adwords is normal for this kind of campaign. A little higher CTR would be good, but is not necessary. Your main problem is your bounce rate. DO both the poll results (Yes or No) lead to the zip submit? If so, your ctr of 50% should be closer to 90%. Otherwise something in your ad is deceptive and people aren't finding what they expect when they get to your site. If the WHOLE reason why someone is GOING to your site is to VOTE then they won't leave before voting unless your server is really slow and times out on them. Is your landing page confusing? If so, it shouldn't be. IT needs to have the question clearly spelled out with 2 clearly polarized responses. YES or NO works very well, and the question should be the type that is easily answered by a yes or no. If your answer is not easily answered, then you may be asking the wrong question. Anyway, check your server response time. IF it seems to be fine then analyze both your Adwords ad and your Landing page and make sure there is no reason for anyone to click on your ad without subsequently voting on the next page. Let us know how it turns out.
I've passed 72 clicks to the zip submit page, and not one has converted. My offer is running keywords for Larry Craig and the prize is a $500 Visa gift card - any demographic group would like that I would believe. I'm starting to think that some of the users are submitting their info but "scrubbing" or whatever is taking place and i'm not always getting credit...who knows. I'm new to this. But I think that I should have at least 1 conversion out of 72 hits.

Hahaha that's the EXACT same campaign I'm doing. Mine's performing a little better than that but not by much and I'm underbidding on the keywords big time.
I still can't figure out why my visitors are bouncing.
For server response I tried a US web proxy that I am using and it seems it loads pretty fast so I dont think is that.

I will leave it running and see what happens. today I had about 40 clicks from Yahoo, of which 18 clicked to vote and 3 converted.

I am in the red :D heehee This thing is addictive!!!!
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