Bookmarking Site List - BMD Compatible

hi GoogleBitchSlap thanks for sharing this list!i just want you to know that i added my own list with yours & checked with SB to get rid of those dead links & then i checked domain pr of all those live i have a list that has more then 400 links(working) & sorted out in a text file with pr.if anyone needed then let me know i can share with you guyz & GoogleBitchSlap i hope its OK with you(sharing the list).if its not cool with you then i am not going to share it here.
And to those who politely asked and havent harassed me, I'll make sure you get a copy of each even if you are a noob.
I would love to get a copy, I've had BMD since 2008
I just fired it back up again after not using it for a
Thanks for the list in this thread, I've added just under 40 new bookmarketing sites to my program.
Really looking forward to seeing a list of 1500 that we can import into BMD

Cheers for you