I'll probably put together a post on what I did to get those points, hopefully it'll be gay enough to interest anyone.
This whole thread is actually going into a deep section of the BST here in a few days after the contest and get buried. It's a contest sponsored by AAO so it's a self promotional thread in a public area which isnt allowed outside of BST. I cant be breaking bro rules. Jon was cool and let us keep it up while the contest was rolling and I'm paying to have it moved to BST so we can keep it.Isn't there a way to hide this kind of posts from a public zone?.
The information shared here is valuable, but there are always people copying this and sharing it in BHW, and we all know how it's going to end.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Final Conversion Rankings:
12027-31 conversions
12158-6 conversions
12168-4 conversions
3649-2 conversions
11741-2 conversions
12170-1 conversion
12208-1 conversion
11759-1 conversion
12167-1 conversion
12186-1 conversion
lol when I look at these conversions, I realize one thing.. SEO is definitely dead.. glad I didn't enter this contest after all. Seriously guys, 2 months of SEO for a few dollars of revenue in the end, kind of sucks.. doesn't even cover your fees for the domain name and hosting.. not trying to hate or anything, just trying to be objective and look at the numbers from a business perspective.. you can go ahead and flame, but you know I'm right, you all expected to see more revenue than this.
Do you think people entered for the money? lulz.
Final Conversion Rankings:
12027-31 conversions
12158-6 conversions
12168-4 conversions
3649-2 conversions
11741-2 conversions
12170-1 conversion
12208-1 conversion
11759-1 conversion
12167-1 conversion
12186-1 conversion