"Blog Engage" Is a Scam!


Looking back at the thread that started it all, everyone did a stellar job. The pacing is perfect.


Many, many classic lines in that thread:

" Hi bbrian017. I see you spent 5 years crafting the perfect second post. Very good."

" oh my goodness that's terrible attitude..."

"Well slow down, buddy, we've still got to get through 2013."

"I'm actually going to order my lunch by delivery today, because I'd kick myself if I was out at the sandwich shop when he came back. "

" I always feel a bit out of the loop when it comes to what's happening in the blogosphere. " (self promo but it was funny)

" Why can't there be any legitimate services on this damn site, my rankings are going down the tubes "

"I wouldn't. So what you're saying I don't need $70 dollar ebooks, the real key to success is building relationships for 9.99? I can find relationships on fiverr for half that price."

" Hey if you make it to 100 posts, you can start syndicking some content into your sig here! "

and of course ITE and as "good cop" and everyone else as "bad cop" was amazing.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA9ZCWA2iPk"]The Other Guys (Bad Cop, Bad Cop) - YouTube[/ame]
I'm going to assume all of these thread views aren't just from us... unless Brian is sitting here crying :(

Let's keep it up guys. I'll get some more high PR backlinks back up later tonight.