Bizop: LOW LOW Conversions 6-22

Here is part of the deal- the advertisers got BF'd when the chargeback train got going in full swing. NOW, the advertisers CALL you after you buy a biz opp, and really hold your hand and try to soft close you on the phone to accepting the rebill, instead of small print motherfucking you. This has of course reduced THEIR cr, and increased their costs.
So guess what? We all pay the price.

What I hear from my advertisers is that due to FTC crack downs, they all needed to change their back ends... that change has caused conversion rates to drop in half... I don't want to believe that advertisers scrub (usually just the email/zip submit peeps do), but then I am probably biased...
What I hear from my advertisers is that due to FTC crack downs, they all needed to change their back ends... that change has caused conversion rates to drop in half... I don't want to believe that advertisers scrub (usually just the email/zip submit peeps do), but then I am probably biased...

Why would a change in their back end cause conversion rates to get cut in half, thats the biggest crock of shit I ever heard. I doubt youd be willing to go on record and inform us WHICH Advertisers are doing this so we can adjust our inventory accordingly?
probably terms all over the order page and whatnot now, very obvious, where there weren't before. that and/or merch acct changes not allwoing them to accept certain leads (this would be due to chargebacks not ftc)
question: how many of you actually BUY one of the offers you promote?
If you do so, you will learn ALOT more than just selling it blindly.
Try a prepaid cc and go get the trial and then you will see what Im talking about. and Jared is right..
anybody here tried using what they learned promoting bizopp to actually promote a REAL offer? Like a real training program that actually provides some value to the customers so they like continuity?

... just curious...
anybody here tried using what they learned promoting bizopp to actually promote a REAL offer? Like a real training program that actually provides some value to the customers so they like continuity?

... just curious...

that would be like if WF and WaFo had a child together,..,..
now that Money Master is gone I tested Google Startup and that looks like complete shit (1/3 the conversion rate).

Who has something that's performing? I've got volume...
I'd love to know this too, I have a 2% conversion rate on Google startup right now (though I'm testing so it might just be my traffic).
I was running steady at 11% + for a few days on startup then as if by the will of the shaving gods I dropped to 2% and an epc of less than a fycking dollar.