Bizop: LOW LOW Conversions 6-22

I ran an offer this morning on a network that had a Facebook Biz Opp.. got 1000 clicks and one $32 conversion, I turned off that bitch fast.

There are some solid biz opps still performing well, it's all a matter of finding them. I know a lot of you PPCers are married to the Google Biz Opps, so you're really going against a huge tide there if you want success.
yeah shit has been slow for me today too.

All non-Google Cash biz-opps seemed to get scrubbed really hard.
I miss the days of 14% CR.

Lucky to hit 6% now, same traffic, same LP... wonder what the other factor in this could be?! hmmmmm
Yeah , started off slow , switched to another offer, did well, also found out one of my traffic sources was killed, which would have a negative impact on conversions, so there should have been a higher rate.
Oversaturation, give the advertisers some time to optimize their pages. These deals need to be continuously revamped to keep conversions up.
Oversaturation, give the advertisers some time to optimize their pages. These deals need to be continuously revamped to keep conversions up.

Yep. And most of the affiliates hit the same traffic. I use traffic with less competition and my conversions were never as high I some. I hit 11% at times, but have dropped to around 8-9%. I am sure when some new type of landing pages come out, we can get that conversion rate back up a couple of % point's.
I am sure when some new type of landing pages come out, we can get that conversion rate back up a couple of % point's.

Ya no shit. I'm getting sick of seeing the same fucking landing page on every single different channel. I mean test some of your own shit guys, at least fucking use different pictures, names, and logos. Use your fucking brains.
Ya no shit. I'm getting sick of seeing the same fucking landing page on every single different channel. I mean test some of your own shit guys, at least fucking use different pictures, names, and logos. Use your fucking brains.
At least stop fucking using my name.

same here... bizop epcs have dropped to about 1/3 in the last few weeks. So you guys really think this is due to advertisers scrubbing rather than a slow economy and a lot of bad press for homebiz ops?
Ive spent months refininng kw lists and lps to the point where I know what kind of cr it backs out at. Thats not me dreaming of happy days when conversions were sky high its a fact.

Now cr floats around 4-8% which is less than half of previous rates.

Fact is the advertisers in this niche are greedy bastards and will happily fuck over anyone they feel like.

All this "quick jump to this one... no wait this one.... no this one" every fucking day is waaaay old.

If one advertiser had the bollocks to actually run it, test it and get it to back out at their end instead of fucking over people who are driving leads this niche could actually last.

As it is it sucks and is a shadow of what it was not a long time ago. Its not going anywhere however when pubs are happy to keep running at low low epcs.

2 cents.