Now more than ever, I'd say no.
The latest attack of the BFL Drama Lama:
A respected bitcoin Dev in Oz says he received the first unit yesterday and showed pictures... Of it still in Kansas. When questioned about the timing and how it couldn't have possibly been a 1-day shipping job on Easter from Kansas to Oz, he admitted that he never received it, but somehow he flew to Kansas recently to test it there and then left his unit there. :thumbsup:
Now why on earth would I want to do that?? I'd basically have a 75% chance of losing money:
Outcome 1: Bitcoin goes down. - I'd likely get back less value than I loaned out.
Ouctome 2: You run off with the money - I'd get back zero.
Outcome 3: Bitcoin goes up a bit - The only win scenario for me, I'd get back X BTC in interest plus the appreciated coins.
Outcome 4: Bitcoin goes way up - While you held it, tying up my cash for that now-too-low X BTC in interest!
Of course I could charge a lot in interest but then I'd be pumping up the likelihood of outcome #2!
I don't wanna be a loan shark... But
there are options for you sir.
A 100% Guarantee, huh? Wow, that's pretty rare in this day and age. Can I get that in writing kind sir?
Are you simply not buying any of the arguments that even at $1,000 per bitcoin it's waaaaay undercapitalized?
Did you read the
Falkvinge post saying it will grow to between $10K and a $Million? I've seen others give other mathematical reasons to show it will grow to at least $10k... So I have to wonder now what the reasons are for it to NOT grow to $10k a bitcoin.
I'm sure it could fall a bit, but freefall?
In case you haven't noticed, there isn't a very long wait between news about evil governments stealing from their people these days.
"If the internet vanished" I think we might have bigger fish to fry.
I'm certainly not against diversifying your schiznit, but I don't see how the argument of the vanishing internet can be said in public with a straight face. Don't forget, the One Laptop Per Child movement has been popularizing mesh networking for years now; we're really only one wifi spec away from having the ability to do away with all ISPs in any big city worldwide... At that point the only thing that could take out the internet is global nuclear warfare.
First of all, leaving it in the bitcoin economy instead of cashing out IS WHAT ALL LIBERTARIANS ULTIMATELY WANT.
Never forget that... We want to be able to Ignore the Feds and central banks and have a truly free market. That's what bitcoin offers all humanity.
But because we know that not everyone is anti-state enough to think like this, there still exists many other ways to cash out for bitcoin holders. I could name at least 10 that exist right now.
Sure, it won't be as convenient as with the major exchanges still in place, but it's a good safety net nonetheless, and the economy to buy those coins from these scaredycats is always going to be there from the libertarians, black marketeers, and others who are starting to depend on bitcoin for it's unique properties.
No harder than Prohibition was to overturn, I'm sure.
Everyone knows that alcohol is bad for you, yet we didn't let the government keep that away from us... With Bitcoins it'll be easier because everyone knows that Bitcoins are GOOD for us, and the government will look like the bad guy to even the most sheeply of sheeple if they try... There will be no excuses of "we're just trying to help" this time, excepting only the claim that it's to fight terrorism, which we all already know it's not.
(Just the image of Afgahnis in caves sending bitcoins to each other is hilarious... It'll be the worlds most popular meme the same day that uncle sam uses terrorism as an excuse to meddle with bitcoins.)
LOL; WU wouldn't get a single libertarian behind it... Not one... That'd fail so miserably it's laughable... Especially since it can't be trusted by anyone if it's not open source, and you know it won't be.
We just passed the $1 Billion Cap recently, give it some time... I'm sure in a year it wouldn't be a problem anymore.
Well so far the biggest barrier to entry (by a wide margin) with bitcoins has been buying them. This feature is DESPERATELY needed, and will be needed more and more as there are more things to buy with bitcoin.
Yes, that ATM can do that too, as you would have known if you clicked through.
But again, the hope of bitcoin is to be able to stop using nationalized money altogether. We may never get all the way there without a full revolution, but that is the drive behind it.
I never predicted such a thing, moron child.
Don't you have some objects to be moving with your telekinesis?
I saw no rumors, I only saw his press release and it had no bullshit in it.
Sure it was timed to gain interest in the Cyprus news wave, but until he puts a bunch of ATMs elsewhere, or fails to deliver any at all, he's telling the truth.