Bitcoin = Amway

hilarious how all the random WFers and aff marketers i still follow on Twitter from back in the day suddenly have cryptotrader in their bios
LukeP is crypto OG in my book.

I don't want any part of taking real positions in crypto, but I am very interested in crypto applications.

Bitcoin is benefitting for being first to market, but technology-wise is it the better crypto? That's the question that bugs me and prevents me from investing more than I have. I thought Ethereum was better, but then cryptokitty came along and fucked things up. Which crypto is the TOP contender at this point for becoming a mainstream currency and potentially replacing the dollar? Zat is ze question friends.
Jon, we actually agree on something, bitcoin is a big ponzi scam, but the Winklevoss Twins Trust is what is benefiting most.

Bitcoin & Marijuana Stock Scams The Movie - YouTube

I don't think it's a good comparison with Amway.. I mean, MLM's are literally the worst ideas ever, unless you're in the earliest group of starting up... MLM's are more like pump and dumps..

Bitcoin, or any coin really = 100% speculation.

See, if it's speculation based, it's not a scam, it's just based on hype and dreams, and the more people with skin in the game the more they want it to increase in value... much like any currency that isn't based on anything.... oh, like the US Dollar? We've been off that gold since the 1970s, but then again it's one of THE most widely accepted forms of fiat currency, so it's not going anywhere.... plus, it does have one hell of a military power backing it up, even though you can't own any of that awesomeness. But at least it's not technically based on nothing but hopes and dreams like the bitcoin is.

Look guys, wanna make millions on bitcoin?

Steal it. Get paid in it. Or let the VC's keep touting the shit out of it for ya. That's all ya really gotta do here. And they will totally keep doing that because their stakes are way larger than yours. So just ride that wave and sell off when it feels right. There's not much to it.

Whenever I get paid in crypto, I sell it off. Am I a moron for doing that? Maybe. But the money I get in return makes me feel less dumb and I don't have much of a problem with not holding onto it. I don't keep up on how much some dipshit wants to buy it for, allegedly, because I know just how game-able it all is. And this is coming from the guy that took down the biggest bitcoin ponzi schemer to date, with just one IRC convo.

This is just one manufactured bubble of many others out there. So enjoy yourselves. Ride it, sell it, who gives a fuck. But it's so much less stupid than any MLM, that's for sure.

Omg the stories I have for you guys if you ever wanted to hear what it's like deep inside the MLM start up pyramid scheme realm... makes every shady internet marketing scheme look tame as fuck. Those guys are for real evil. Though still not as evil as the Wall Street ibankers, probably because ibankers love to finance MLM's.. but that's a whole 'nother story for another time.

Gosh, I love how all of this shit is somehow connected or interlinked at some point to the other. It's fascinating as hell to say the least.
hahaaha you missed the btc train thats why posting this BS LMAOOOOOOO

PS Bro its still a GOOD time to buy prices are SUPERCHEAP cause of the current DIP we going to 30k BABY!!

I'll say this again... I am gonna be a Millionaire in dec 18. :D lettuce see.
Once people realize tether USDT has absolutely no value, Bitfinex will crash and drag the bitcoin down with it...
Bitcoin is a bubble, and it will come crashing down one day. But crypto has its own market, demand and usability which tell you it is here to stay. But bitcoin will not be the market leader in the future. It will be a coin that is pre-mined, offers zero transfer fees, interest on storage, and 100% anonymity.
Wow Drave, Bitcoin's been here for 9 years now. Still waiting for this "bubble" to pop?

oh just did. ok, ok it is just a sham and everything you said is true but don't let all the suckas here know that ffs.

not a ponzi scheme nor a pyramid scheme but certainly an MLM type scam that relies on new investors to inflate it's real value which is only $1 when you think about it.
Bitcoin is a bubble, and it will come crashing down one day. But crypto has its own market, demand and usability which tell you it is here to stay. But bitcoin will not be the market leader in the future. It will be a coin that is pre-mined, offers zero transfer fees, interest on storage, and 100% anonymity.
Bitcoin has huge built-in branding value/market cap. That's "full faith" and confidence - nothing could count more in this space.
Bitcoin has huge built-in branding value/market cap. That's "full faith" and confidence - nothing could count more in this space.

* "full faith" and confidence - nothing could count more in this space. agreed

* Bitcoin has huge built-in branding value/market cap. agreed

while 1) "full faith & confidence" is certainly the most requisite quality in the crypto space (as you said), and 2) bitcoin is clearly the branding & market cap leader in the crypto space, unfortunately being the branding & market cap leader in a laughably ridiculously comically volatile marketplace does not equate to any kind of "full faith & confidence".

there's the disconnect. bitcoin is certainly the leader in scaring anyone but full-on nutbag speculators shitless. in other words, enjoy your no-utility penny stock.

if somebody comes up with a way to have all the benefits of bitcoin without the volatility? world changer. until then? meh.