Bitcoin = Amway


fear not
Apr 12, 2012
the more rubes that sign up, the more valuable it is... and once you've signed up, preach the gospel to as many rubes as you can find. and once those rubes see the increase from the other dopes they've persuaded, we have an upward spiral of dumbfuckery.

every one of you dopes lukep signs up puts money in his pocket. he knows it has absolute jackshit utility in the real world, but he "got rich" (on paper) by getting in early on to a get-rich-quick pyramid scheme, and he needs you in order to get richer.

the upswing in bitcoin price is due to one thing -- rubes buying in. that's Amway's business plan. so be wary next time anyone is offering off-brand detergent or Bitcoin.

my post was unfair to Amway... the government isn't going to shut them down like they will Bitcoin. as soon as Bitcoin becomes in any way relevant, it will become explicitly illegal.

Kinda like holding Confederate bills after the Civil War.

But by all means, continue trading them amongst yourselves like they mean something in the short term.
Wow Drave, Bitcoin's been here for 9 years now. Still waiting for this "bubble" to pop?

You know the actual tulip bubble only lasted 4 months? The dot com and housing bubbles didn't make it much longer than a year. Bubbles founded on hype and salespitches simply don't have the legs to keep going.

Why can't you see the value in a censorship resistant money that governments can't own nor control? Plenty of economists do. Tons. Most of the Austrian school now loves it and holds bitcoin. Assange, Snowden, the EFF, Glen Greenwald, projects like TOR, Wikipedia, BitTorrent (who is doing their own coin now) and pretty much every single person online that professionally needs censorship-resistant money now uses and promotes it.

In case you haven't noticed, nearly all of the biggest financial markets in the world have already started listing bitcoin products like Futures and hedge funds based off of the new asset class called cryptocurrencies... If you'd watch CNBC for about 10 minutes they'll be sure to remind you that Bitcoin is the first of an official new asset class now.

Amway and MLM schemes aren't ever going to become asset classes traded on futures exchanges or via Forex platforms. Are you starting to see the difference yet?

As for your point about shutting bitcoin down, they've already said they don't have the ability to do that in many countries. Yellen said so here. Putin seems to absolutely adore them, and Japan has made them a legal payment method nationwide. In Switzerland you can pay your taxes with Bitcoin, and in Korea, trading of cryptocurrencies has grown far larger than their stock exchange trading volume. EVERYONE there trades it, it's like a national pastime now.

Most importantly though, Bitcoin's been something that can get you thrown into jail in Venezuela for a long time now, yet Thousands of people mine it there to feed their families as the local currencies becomes worthless. This is a fact, and the police are extorting these miners commonly too.

The situation has been going on for so long and is so widespread that Maduro has announced a National cryptocurrency to replace the official fiat money with! Just yesterday he picked a superintendent for it and says it'll be backed up by 100,000 barrels of oil to start out with but nobody trusts that he is competent or honest enough to even do that...

"I am sure that the steps we are taking are firm and the year 2018 I imagine, I feel it in my body, is the year of the takeoff of the cryptocurrency and the recovery of the economy of the country." - Maduro

But maybe it's all just a ponzi scheme right? Surely it won't last another year, will it?

It sounds like you have some serious catching up to do. I recommend you start in the getting started section of this page.
big difference between this bubble and all other bubbles is the amount of bitcoins mined is known and limited. tulips and property flooded the market for their bubbles.

i don't have any bitcoins left, i spent them all over the years, you know, like you're supposed to do with a curreny (not bitter at all!)

if i could buy bitcoins easy with the dollars in mypaypal, i'd buy some now but it's not feasible. i'm not losing money on paypal's shocking currency fees going USD->EUR just to buy bitcoin.
Bitcoin/crypto has no utility at all, except for:

- Instant transactions
- Low fees
- International commerce
- Store of value
- Non-inflationary
- Security
- Privacy
- Accessibility
- Immutability
- Market currency
- Decentralized consensus
- Competition to improve

I can't quite put my finger on why people would choose to use it over government fiat.
the more rubes that sign up, the more valuable it is... and once you've signed up, preach the gospel to as many rubes as you can find. and once those rubes see the increase from the other dopes they've persuaded, we have an upward spiral of dumbfuckery.

every one of you dopes lukep signs up puts money in his pocket. he knows it has absolute jackshit utility in the real world, but he "got rich" (on paper) by getting in early on to a get-rich-quick pyramid scheme, and he needs you in order to get richer.

the upswing in bitcoin price is due to one thing -- rubes buying in. that's Amway's business plan. so be wary next time anyone is offering off-brand detergent or Bitcoin.

tldr; you didn't buy any bitcoin and now you're mad?
Crypto has some intrinsic value but its prices right now are driven entirely by FoMO.

I can't see this ending well for bitcoins prices.
Bitcoin is going to shut before they become too much popular and amway is scam IMO.I never promote amway products instead i promote clickbank,amazon and affiliate products.
I don't think it's a good comparison with Amway.. I mean, MLM's are literally the worst ideas ever, unless you're in the earliest group of starting up... MLM's are more like pump and dumps..

Bitcoin, or any coin really = 100% speculation.

See, if it's speculation based, it's not a scam, it's just based on hype and dreams, and the more people with skin in the game the more they want it to increase in value... much like any currency that isn't based on anything.... oh, like the US Dollar? We've been off that gold since the 1970s, but then again it's one of THE most widely accepted forms of fiat currency, so it's not going anywhere.... plus, it does have one hell of a military power backing it up, even though you can't own any of that awesomeness. But at least it's not technically based on nothing but hopes and dreams like the bitcoin is.

Look guys, wanna make millions on bitcoin?

Steal it. Get paid in it. Or let the VC's keep touting the shit out of it for ya. That's all ya really gotta do here. And they will totally keep doing that because their stakes are way larger than yours. So just ride that wave and sell off when it feels right. There's not much to it.

Whenever I get paid in crypto, I sell it off. Am I a moron for doing that? Maybe. But the money I get in return makes me feel less dumb and I don't have much of a problem with not holding onto it. I don't keep up on how much some dipshit wants to buy it for, allegedly, because I know just how game-able it all is. And this is coming from the guy that took down the biggest bitcoin ponzi schemer to date, with just one IRC convo.

This is just one manufactured bubble of many others out there. So enjoy yourselves. Ride it, sell it, who gives a fuck. But it's so much less stupid than any MLM, that's for sure.

Omg the stories I have for you guys if you ever wanted to hear what it's like deep inside the MLM start up pyramid scheme realm... makes every shady internet marketing scheme look tame as fuck. Those guys are for real evil. Though still not as evil as the Wall Street ibankers, probably because ibankers love to finance MLM's.. but that's a whole 'nother story for another time.

Gosh, I love how all of this shit is somehow connected or interlinked at some point to the other. It's fascinating as hell to say the least.
But maybe it's all just a ponzi scheme right? Surely it won't last another year, will it?

It sounds like you have some serious catching up to do. I recommend you start in the getting started section of this page.

Having been part of the online gaming bubble, where participation grew and grew and GREW to the point of laughable arrogance (sound familiar?) until the government 100% smacked it down literally in a single day with a midnight rider on a totally unrelated port security bill.

every dude i knew suddenly couldn't get a dollar of his millions extracted from neteller because neteller switched from pro-you to pro-them on a dime... on account of pressure from the government they were supposed to be insulated from.

but that'll never happen to any of you. lukep said so.
I don't think it's a good comparison with Amway.. I mean, MLM's are literally the worst ideas ever, unless you're in the earliest group of starting up... MLM's are more like pump and dumps..

Bitcoin, or any coin really = 100% speculation.

See, if it's speculation based, it's not a scam, it's just based on hype and dreams, and the more people with skin in the game the more they want it to increase in value... much like any currency that isn't based on anything.... oh, like the US Dollar? We've been off that gold since the 1970s, but then again it's one of THE most widely accepted forms of fiat currency, so it's not going anywhere.... plus, it does have one hell of a military power backing it up, even though you can't own any of that awesomeness. But at least it's not technically based on nothing but hopes and dreams like the bitcoin is.

Look guys, wanna make millions on bitcoin?

Steal it. Get paid in it. Or let the VC's keep touting the shit out of it for ya. That's all ya really gotta do here. And they will totally keep doing that because their stakes are way larger than yours. So just ride that wave and sell off when it feels right. There's not much to it.

Whenever I get paid in crypto, I sell it off. Am I a moron for doing that? Maybe. But the money I get in return makes me feel less dumb and I don't have much of a problem with not holding onto it. I don't keep up on how much some dipshit wants to buy it for, allegedly, because I know just how game-able it all is. And this is coming from the guy that took down the biggest bitcoin ponzi schemer to date, with just one IRC convo.

This is just one manufactured bubble of many others out there. So enjoy yourselves. Ride it, sell it, who gives a fuck. But it's so much less stupid than any MLM, that's for sure.

Omg the stories I have for you guys if you ever wanted to hear what it's like deep inside the MLM start up pyramid scheme realm... makes every shady internet marketing scheme look tame as fuck. Those guys are for real evil. Though still not as evil as the Wall Street ibankers, probably because ibankers love to finance MLM's.. but that's a whole 'nother story for another time.

Gosh, I love how all of this shit is somehow connected or interlinked at some point to the other. It's fascinating as hell to say the least.

Interesting points, but having wrecked the forum, go fuck yourself.
I don't think it's a good comparison with Amway.. I mean, MLM's are literally the worst ideas ever, unless you're in the earliest group of starting up... MLM's are more like pump and dumps..

Bitcoin, or any coin really = 100% speculation.

See, if it's speculation based, it's not a scam, it's just based on hype and dreams, and the more people with skin in the game the more they want it to increase in value... much like any currency that isn't based on anything.... oh, like the US Dollar? We've been off that gold since the 1970s, but then again it's one of THE most widely accepted forms of fiat currency, so it's not going anywhere.... plus, it does have one hell of a military power backing it up, even though you can't own any of that awesomeness. But at least it's not technically based on nothing but hopes and dreams like the bitcoin is.

Look guys, wanna make millions on bitcoin?

Steal it. Get paid in it. Or let the VC's keep touting the shit out of it for ya. That's all ya really gotta do here. And they will totally keep doing that because their stakes are way larger than yours. So just ride that wave and sell off when it feels right. There's not much to it.

Whenever I get paid in crypto, I sell it off. Am I a moron for doing that? Maybe. But the money I get in return makes me feel less dumb and I don't have much of a problem with not holding onto it. I don't keep up on how much some dipshit wants to buy it for, allegedly, because I know just how game-able it all is. And this is coming from the guy that took down the biggest bitcoin ponzi schemer to date, with just one IRC convo.

This is just one manufactured bubble of many others out there. So enjoy yourselves. Ride it, sell it, who gives a fuck. But it's so much less stupid than any MLM, that's for sure.

Omg the stories I have for you guys if you ever wanted to hear what it's like deep inside the MLM start up pyramid scheme realm... makes every shady internet marketing scheme look tame as fuck. Those guys are for real evil. Though still not as evil as the Wall Street ibankers, probably because ibankers love to finance MLM's.. but that's a whole 'nother story for another time.

Gosh, I love how all of this shit is somehow connected or interlinked at some point to the other. It's fascinating as hell to say the least.

Pretty much how I feel about all of it.
hilarious how all the random WFers and aff marketers i still follow on Twitter from back in the day suddenly have cryptotrader in their bios