Bitch Niggas

Well with your attitude I can confidently say you will never earn any real money.

i don't think any of the rich got to where they are by wasting money. i know quite a few above middle class who still save their pennies at the end of the day.
I am astounded by this thread.

First OP is a twat, insulting a network that hasn't paid him $xx without trying to contact the network properly (email and phone). I mean that is a two digit figure!!!!! the price of a fucking meal and you are coming on here bitching about it.

Second, Adsimilis is actually taking the time to even answer this guy on here rather than letting the wolves tear him apart.

Thirdly, Adsimilis is gracious enough to pay him a two digit figure by wires even after he created this bitch thread and is clearly not an affiliate of ANY value. A wire on a 2 digit amount is totally pointless and would basically eat up most of the amount in charges.

This thread shows two things, firstly the OP is a fucking twat and should quit now and go work in McDonald's and Adsimilis is the fucking nuts and should be well respected for such a honorable, but unnecessary move. I think that they should be seeing more business from this one thread. Bravo Adsimilis! Fuck you OP!

Hint: people sometimes make shit up. On related news:

So, the point of this thread is: We are adsimilis, a fail from the start cpa network and I know that our name sounds like a penis enlargement pill but don't worry about it. We have more important things to worry about.

Because of being broke with no affiliates, we have nothing better to do but creating fake memberships on forums to spam the hell out of it to get a few gullible newbie affiliate marketers. Right now, the situation is tighter than our assholes so we apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.