Bill would give president emergency control of Internet


New member
Aug 20, 2009
The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

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The bill is so broad it says any critical computer systems can be taken over by the government, yet fails to define what a critical computer system is. Just another piece of that American freedom being taken away under the guise of protecting the people. Cyber security is a major threat but this is not the way to go about defending it.
You know this really reminds me of the airline industry. The government is trying to "define" the Internet and control it like they do with FAA. It was an impressive stunt to ground all air traffic in 2001. I'm sure this legislation has something to do with an eager lawmaker who wants to attempt the same thing with all Internet connections. I don't see how that's possible. But if it was possible, does that mean we are getting closer to the methods used by China to censor all network traffic coming and going to their country? The Great Chinese Firewall vs The Rockefeller-Snowe Cybersecurity bill.
For anyone interested in RTFM here is the search on Thomas that brings up the proposed bill,


And here are a few juicy quotes, as if you need them to fuel this fire.
(13) But it’s no secret that terrorists could use our computer networks to deal us a crippling blow. We know that cyber-espionage and common crime is already on the rise. And yet while countries like China have been quick to recognize this change, for the last eight years we have been dragging our feet.’’ Moreover, President Obama stated that ‘‘we need to build the capacity to identify, isolate, and respond to any cyber-attack.’’

The President--
(2) may declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network;


(b) FUNCTIONS- The Secretary of Commerce--
(1) shall have access to all relevant data concerning such networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access;
Private industry takes care of itself just fine.

When there was a huge DDOS on that Russian guy a few weeks ago, Twitter and Facebook network admins were sharing info, IPS, and tactics with each other.

This is jsut another instance that the government wants to control EVERYTHING. This has to stop. The airline industry is fairly small. If you are not flying or sending something that is getting flown airmail you really do not care about airlines. The internet is everything and involved with all aspects of peoples lives.

The government is incapable of running something like that.

And this bill if it passes will be written in a way that prevents anyone from suing for damages.

I mean what would the damage be to domainers if they need to register each website or only run them on Govt approved servers or some shit?
omg, government is way to big, they are fucking annoying, regulating our lives... that is not the purpose of a government...

Im so tired of reading these kind of stuff everywhere... I dont even live in the US but i know that Canada, being the good puppet state that they are will surely follow eventually.

The government just makes things annoying to deal with... Everything gets long, complex and bureaucratic... I HATE bureaucracy...

Running a business in real life is already a huge freaking pain in the ass, its really really annoying dealing with all the crap that you need to go through... all the paperwork, taxes, laws and what not... Ive got a business and im really doing a terrible job at managing that shit, takes alot of time and energy...too many rules/laws, I need to pay other people to deal with this, even though my business is not making a lot of money...

In 15-25 years im sure it will be the same kind of problem running websites if the trends continues...

I dont know to what extend the government is involved in controling the internet, but the lesser the better... They will start with the little things that nobody cares about and slowly get to control as much as they can...
It just shows how close we are to becoming a society that declares freedom with no freedom to give people what they want... weight loss. :zzwhip:
Doesn't the president pretty much already control the internet? I mean, couldn't the government just take control of it if they really wanted to, regardless of the laws? That's what scares me, to be honest...
I gotta ask--what the hell is with the knee-jerk reactions everyone has? Since when are so damn fidgety and nervous? Suck it up, troopers, your internet will be there tomorrow.

For the fear mongering, only-read-one-line-and-assume-you-know-what-all-the-other-lines-say people among us: Do us all a favor and stop making sweeping generalizations and blind assumptions. I admit I haven't read this bill entirely but I'm pretty sure there is text above and below the quoted clips that stipulate under what circumstances what is allowed and not allowed.

I don't think the "Al Gore Forced CIA-Connected Brain Implant Surgery/Detention Centers" are going to open any time before the "John Ellis Hang The Elderly People ASAP Because They Are Too Expensive Too Keep Around" death camps are opening. This is all the same type of knee jerk fear mongering bullshit thats going to cost us healthcare reform.

People who try to make this a bipartisan issue need to remove their head from their ass. This bill is just as bad as the patriot act. Whether you're left or right leaning the very idea of this should outrage anyone.
For the fear mongering, only-read-one-line-and-assume-you-know-what-all-the-other-lines-say people among us: Do us all a favor and stop making sweeping generalizations and blind assumptions.

I admit I haven't read this bill entirely but I'm pretty sure there is text above and below the quoted clips that stipulate under what circumstances what is allowed and not allowed.

Seems idiotic for you to tell people to stop making assumption while in the same breath making your own assumption, especially after admitting you haven't even read the bill.