Bill O'Reilly forgot to take his happy pill

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@ Rob,
See this is the shit I don't like. As a dollar giving donator to republican candidates, when you make comments like this, it make the world thinks that all conservatives worship fools like bill o'reilly....
Bill O'Reilly is a fucking maniac that gives us civilized conservatives a bad name - asshole...
I don't see what is so wrong with that? Are all of you telling me you have never been pissed at incompetence? I am sure that was not his proudest moment but what standard are you holding him too? perfection? I don't like the guy but that just shows he is human like the rest of us.
How old is that 1984?? Anyways, political alignment has nothing to do with this..LOL. Of course he leans to the right so the leftwing freaks will cry that it's because he is on the right. Bill Clinton rages just like this. Many succesfull people will rage in the face of incompetence.

What happens when a clip goes public of Obama saying racist remarks on camera. It won't mean that all leftys are will just mean that he is a piece of shit biggot.
I can't stand him. If you're going to stand up for "conservative" America, then don't just shrug off being a friggin pillhead. Last time I checked, it was ILLEGAL to score drugs the way he did.

Now, I'm not against drugs, in fact, I'm all for legalizing pot and taxing it (we'd be out of our trillion dollar deficit in a month!). :rasta:

But what I have no tolerance for are hypocrites, and he's a big one in my book.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"If (Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders) wants to legalize drugs, send the people who want to do drugs to London and Zurich, and let's be rid of them.
-- Rush Limbaugh show, Dec 9, 1993

my :2twocents:
danay - I think you are thinking about Rush, a different person, and if anyone other than Rush had done what Rush did nothing would have happened. Rush got addicted to pain killers legally prescribed by a doctor. He did not go out and look to get high.
I don't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes you have to raise your voice and call fools out to get things done. I have been called out like this and I have went off on others the same. Do shit like your supposed to and people won't have to flip out.
I don't see anything wrong with it. Sometimes you have to raise your voice and call fools out to get things done. I have been called out like this and I have went off on others the same. Do shit like your supposed to and people won't have to flip out.

Naa man, never let them see you sweat. You can command with authority and get shit done with out losing your cool. Billy boy lost his cool.

On another note, I'm sure he's over worked, stressed, and starched to his limit, being the host of a show could cause lots of folks to loose it. I don't blame him.
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