Bill Cosby Allegations

was just about to post this.

A good conservative skit about seeking out roofies and using them on ladies.

Some guys think that as long as the girl isnt awake or the drugs make her "up for it", including alcohol, then it's OK.

He's guilty, fuck him.

He's guilty based off of a comedy bit from 45 years ago? That's some Pewep level shit right there.

Holy shit, i wonder what horrific crimes that makes guys like Louis CK and Dave Chappelle guilty of...

Also, I guess that makes these guys rapists too because they rapped about Spanish Fly back in 1986:

[ame=""]beastie boys brass monkey with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
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He's guilty based off of a comedy bit from 45 years ago? That's some Pewep level shit right there.

Holy shit, i wonder what horrific crimes that makes guys like Louis CK and Dave Chappelle guilty of...

Also, I guess that makes these guys rapists too because they rapped about Spanish Fly back in 1986:

beastie boys brass monkey with lyrics - YouTube

I read an article yesterday that left me thinking, "Geez, Cosby's guilty because he refuses to respond to allegations to a reporter? He's guilty because he settled a case for an undisclosed amount years ago? Do these knuckleheads even know how criminal law works?"

Now I'm faced with the fact that there are individuals on WickedFire who think in the same manner.

Cosby may indeed be guilty. But shouldn't we wait for definitive evidence before condemning him? (I'm not asking you UG. You and I are seeing this stuff through the same lens.)
I read an article yesterday that left me thinking, "Geez, Cosby's guilty because he refuses to respond to allegations to a reporter? He's guilty because he settled a case for an undisclosed amount years ago? Do these knuckleheads even know how criminal law works?"

Now I'm faced with the fact that there are individuals on WickedFire who think in the same manner.

Cosby may indeed be guilty. But shouldn't we wait for definitive evidence before condemning him? (I'm not asking you UG. You and I are seeing this stuff through the same lens.)

We have been down that road before

By the way here is the video I talked about with CNN Host Don Lemon asking her why she didnt bother to use "teeth" (1:48)

How do you know they didn't go to the police? Back then a lot of these things were just ignored.
How do you know they didn't go to the police? Back then a lot of these things were just ignored.

Accusations of rape were, and still are, ignored because they are incredibly difficult to prove.

Bruising and tearing in the vaginal region is insufficient evidence since many people enjoy rough sex. When the parties have a relationship, the mere presence of fluids is insufficient because fluids alone do not indicate a lack of consent.

If the accuser claims the defendant drugged her, blood tests can (sometimes) reveal the substance used if it hasn't passed through the body yet. But even if the substance shows up on tests, it doesn't prove the accuser was an unwilling recipient.

The question has traditionally been, "can you prove non-consent?" That's tough to do without a recording of the incident.

Women should take preventative measures to avoid these situations. A friend once told me she never accepts a drink that has been out of her sight. She's very attractive and used to frequent clubs and bars. She's also smart and knew how to negotiate the risks.

Most women are very optimistic about men. They don't insulate themselves from risk. Historically, husbands and male family members have protected women from harm. Without that protection, they become prey.
Here's a question.

Why is Mr Cosby not suing these women into bankruptcy for liable/slander?

These accusations have cost him a lot of lost earnings (probably more than all of their net worth put together) as well as massive punitive damages for lost reputation. The man is worth almost half a billion so suing 10,20 or 30 women into oblivion wont matter much to his bank balance. Surely it's the easiest way to stop more women coming out of the woodwork and to go some way to clearing his name.

The cost would be pretty much nothing for him and the benefits are huge as it will prove to vindicate himself in the eyes of the press and to rectify his legacy for his future generations.

In fact there is probably no reason for him not to do it .........unless......
Why is Mr Cosby not suing these women into bankruptcy for liable/slander?

Because then it'd be front page, headline news for the next 2 years.

If he stays in the shadows, maybe handles it privately, and lets it blow over, there's a chance we'll all have forgotten in a week or two from now.
Here's a question.

Why is Mr Cosby not suing these women into bankruptcy for liable/slander?

These accusations have cost him a lot of lost earnings (probably more than all of their net worth put together) as well as massive punitive damages for lost reputation. The man is worth almost half a billion so suing 10,20 or 30 women into oblivion wont matter much to his bank balance. Surely it's the easiest way to stop more women coming out of the woodwork and to go some way to clearing his name.

The cost would be pretty much nothing for him and the benefits are huge as it will prove to vindicate himself in the eyes of the press and to rectify his legacy for his future generations.

In fact there is probably no reason for him not to do it .........unless......

There most certainly is a reason. You're not thinking it through clearly.
Because then it'd be front page, headline news for the next 2 years.

If he stays in the shadows, maybe handles it privately, and lets it blow over, there's a chance we'll all have forgotten in a week or two from now.

I think it's already hit that no-return point where it can't be forgotten. Also, it's cost him a long term show and a Netflix special. Nickster has a pretty good point. Still no proof either way.
Because then it'd be front page, headline news for the next 2 years.

If he stays in the shadows, maybe handles it privately, and lets it blow over, there's a chance we'll all have forgotten in a week or two from now.

His legacy is pretty much destroyed. That's enough of a reason to try to clear his name. What is more important to a man in his late 70s who has been a beloved entertainer his whole life?

If he dies tomorrow he will forever be associated with these accusations and that is a stigma that his family will have to live with.

So his only interest in it "blowing over" is if he is guilty as sin. Damage has already been done.

Plus, if these are all spurious claims then there will probably be lots more, dragging it out indefinitely. The only way to stop more coming out of the woodwork is a fear of being sued into oblivion.

There most certainly is a reason. You're not thinking it through clearly.


My apologies. I hastily hit the "Submit Reply" button. I went back to amend my post with the following, but had been timed out...


Here's a question.

Why is Mr Cosby not suing these women into bankruptcy for liable/slander?

These accusations have cost him a lot of lost earnings (probably more than all of their net worth put together) as well as massive punitive damages for lost reputation. The man is worth almost half a billion so suing 10,20 or 30 women into oblivion wont matter much to his bank balance. Surely it's the easiest way to stop more women coming out of the woodwork and to go some way to clearing his name.

The cost would be pretty much nothing for him and the benefits are huge as it will prove to vindicate himself in the eyes of the press and to rectify his legacy for his future generations.

In fact there is probably no reason for him not to do it .........unless......

There most certainly is a reason. You're not thinking it through clearly.

When a magazine implies that you, an A-list actor, abandoned your 6-year-old daughter (e.g. Tom Cruise), you file suit for libel. When a gay porn actor claims you and he shared a relationship that ended your marriage (e.g. Tom Cruise), you sue for slander.

Lawsuits alleging libel and slander are typically filed by A-listers when there is a single party making false claims. A $50 million judgment dissuades other parties from joining in. When unsubstantiated claims are made by multiple parties, filing such lawsuits is no longer a viable option. It can be done, but at considerable expense. Plus, the main reason to do it - dissuading others from joining in - has vanished.

If Cosby were going to take that route, he should have filed suit against Buress (the comedian) the day after Buress made his comment about Cosby's alleged past. But I'd be surprised if Cosby even considered doing so. After all, comedians say unreliable things all the time. No one takes them seriously. Filing suit against Buress would give the appearance of guilt (e.g. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"). That's bad if you're trying to ink a deal with Treasure Island in Las Vegas and simultaneously ink a deal for a new NBC sitcom.*

Cosby probably dismissed Buress's comment as lacking sufficient juice to cause major damage. At the very least, he may have figured people would forget and move on. The ensuing wave of rape allegations - and its momentum - probably surprised him. (Ironically, the meme created by his intern only served to fan the flames in the social media channel.)

At this point, he'd be insane to sue for libel or slander. That ship has sailed. His legacy is permanently tainted.

By the way, lest I be seen as a Cosby apologist, let me be clear. If he drugged and raped women, he should be held accountable. But I cringe at the ease with which people are demonizing him without demanding evidence.

* Both deals have since been cancelled.

My apologies. I hastily hit the "Submit Reply" button. I went back to amend my post with the following, but had been timed out...


There most certainly is a reason. You're not thinking it through clearly.

When a magazine implies that you, an A-list actor, abandoned your 6-year-old daughter (e.g. Tom Cruise), you file suit for libel. When a gay porn actor claims you and I shared a relationship that ended your marriage (e.g. Tom Cruise), you sue for slander.

Lawsuits alleging libel and slander are typically filed by A-listers when there is a single party making false claims. When unsubstantiated claims are made by multiple parties, filing such lawsuits is no longer a viable option. It can be done, but at considerable expense.

If Cosby were going to take that route, he should have filed suit against Buress (the comedian) the day after Buress made his comment about Cosby's alleged past. But I'd be surprised if Cosby even considered doing so. After all, comedians say unreliable things all the time. No one takes them seriously. Filing suit against Buress would give the appearance of guilt (e.g. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"). That's bad if you're trying to ink a deal with Treasure Island in Las Vegas and simultaneously ink a deal for a new NBC sitcom.*

Cosby probably dismissed Buress's comment as lacking sufficient juice to cause major damage. At the very least, he may have figured people would forget and move on. The ensuing wave of rape allegations probably surprised him. (Ironically, the meme created by his intern only served to fan the flames in the social media channel.

At this point, he'd be insane to sue for libel or slander. That ship has sailed.

* Both deals have since been cancelled.


I totally agree that he shouldn't or shouldn't have sued Buress. He would not that case for many reasons.

But the suit against the women who are going to the newspapers is definitely winnable as long as he is innocent. They are both very recent and are not second hand, which is very important.

You say:

Lawsuits alleging libel and slander are typically filed by A-listers when there is a single party making false claims. When unsubstantiated claims are made by multiple parties, filing such lawsuits is no longer a viable option. It can be done, but at considerable expense.

He would need to sue them individually not collectively. And anyway in the eyes of the law the number of plaintiffs does not prove guilt, otherwise the whole of this thread is mute anyway (i.e. he's guilty). And as I said, a man who is worth close to half a billion dollars can sue those 15 women without batting an eyelid at the cost. The money is not relevant in this case. How much do you think a man of this stature values his reputation?
Here's a question.

Why is Mr Cosby not suing these women into bankruptcy for liable/slander?

These accusations have cost him a lot of lost earnings (probably more than all of their net worth put together) as well as massive punitive damages for lost reputation. The man is worth almost half a billion so suing 10,20 or 30 women into oblivion wont matter much to his bank balance. Surely it's the easiest way to stop more women coming out of the woodwork and to go some way to clearing his name.

The cost would be pretty much nothing for him and the benefits are huge as it will prove to vindicate himself in the eyes of the press and to rectify his legacy for his future generations.

In fact there is probably no reason for him not to do it .........unless......

Bill Cosby Lawyer Statement: Martin Singer Speaks Out :

"The new, never-before-heard claims from women who have come forward in the past two weeks with unsubstantiated, fantastical stories about things they say occurred 30, 40 or even 50 years ago have escalated past the point of absurdity," said attorney Martin Singer in a statement.

"These brand new claims about alleged decades-old events are becoming increasingly ridiculous, and it is completely illogical that so many people would have said nothing, done nothing and made no reports to law enforcement or asserted civil claims if they thought they had been assaulted over a span of so many years.

"Lawsuits are filed against people in the public eye every day," Singer continued. "There has never been a shortage of lawyers willing to represent people with claims against rich, powerful men, so it makes no sense that not one of these new women who just came forward for the first time now ever asserted a legal claim back at the time they alleged they had been sexually assaulted. This situation is an unprecedented example of the media's breakneck rush to run stories without any corroboration or adherence to traditional journalistic standards … It is long past time for this media vilification of Mr. Cosby to stop."

So apparently he has retained an attorney who is well known for going after media outlets with lawsuits for running unsubstantiated claims. As Jake pointed out, going after all these new opportunistic chicks would probably be unfeasible and even if you win the amount awarded would probably not be collectable.
I suspect hiring Singer is a scare tactic. Each accuser will receive a letter essentially stating, "Shut your pie hole or I'll bankrupt you." Singer will also use the press to (try to) discredit them.

I'd be floored if Cosby actually filed suit against his accusers. But he's got the right man if he decides to take that route.

Yeah you can tell from the wording of the statement that he probably plans to go after the media outlets financially and just scare off any other women from trying to hitch their wagon to this.