Bill Cosby Allegations


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
Disclaimer: I am not a fan of Bill Cosby and do not think he is particularly funny.

This whole situation with all of these women coming out at opportune times to accuse Cosby of the exact same thing they heard other women accuse him of is a bit irritating. If so many women were raped/sexually assaulted by the same person, then it seems particularly unlikely that exactly zero of them went to the police. It reminds me a lot of the Satanic Cult Ritual hysteria that happened a decade or two ago.

What does WF think?

I think it is completely bogus and most likely just slighted one night stands looking for a payday.

I also think we're seeing peak feminism right now which has taken on the form of the new Inquisition.

The friviolity with which some women accuse men of rape is a real problem and needs to be dealt with in the form of mandatory prison time for false rape accusation.
Rape isn't just physically assaulting them, and forcing sex, you know. There's rape of the mind and emotions too, and that's just as bad!

Come on, get with the times. Feminism is here! They quite obviously won.
I certainly don't want to downplay rape accusations, but it is always odd when one person settles a case out of court for probably a ton of money and then all of the sudden a bunch of other people claim the same thing happened to them.

And I am no expert, but did young Bill Cosby really have any trouble getting pussy? Maybe it just wasn't any fun if they were conscious.
The best part is the CNN interview where the guy asks the alleged rape victim why she didn't bite when performing oral.
Cosby might have enticed these women after the waiving the dollar bills on them, and the women agreed, all of a sudden it is considered rape. If I was Bill Cosby since he is semi or fully retired, I would take all these whores to court and lets see what happens without any concrete evidence. These bitches will run.
I'd usually call bull, but in the UK we've had a shit ton of 1970'/80's celebrities jailed for rape and pedo shit that happened many, many years ago. Seems like women, especially kids of that era were reluctant to go to the police.

Operation Yewtree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No smoke without fire.

I watched a few documentaries on Jimmy Saville on Youtube a few days ago. Wow this shit's interesting how loved this guy was in the UK and how fucked up he was. The more you watch the more you uncover. It's just interesting to see this guy manipulate the entire UK and even the royal family the whole time being a massive pedo and possibly necrophiliac. Because the funny thing is he fuckign looks like a pedo necrophiliac. Oh and don't forget to watch the part on the organized pedo rings with upper echelon society involved. Eyes wide shut shit is real.. but that was the low-end shit.

[ame=""]Exposure Update - The Jimmy Savile Investigation - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Crimes That Shook Britain - Jimmy Savile. - YouTube[/ame]
As far as Cosby is concerned. Ya, feminism is out of control.. but lets face it there has been a lot o rapin goin on in this world since the dawn of man.

Those seeking power/fame are often the most fucked up people too in some way. And many if not most men who get power will use it to get pussy. And when they are inundated with pussy they sometimes get bored with it and do more freaky shit I guess.

I was thinking the women might be whiners too until they said they were drugged unconscious by Cosby.. which is unnecessary and disturbing. The most freaky assed people are often hid behind the warmest smile. Do i have to bring up Catholic priests?
There's rape of the mind and emotions too, and that's just as bad!

I bet at least 90% of the most loud-mouthed feminists didn't get hit on or got to experience what receiving affection from men they were actually attracted to feels like, so they rationalize for that void by feeling threatened by the gender as a whole.

Feminist logic: I heard something somewhere happened, so I'm gonna stand up for women I don't know, against men I've never met and parrot my own version to the world without any first hand experience on what the hell actually happened. Then do the same thing all over again, as soon as the next big outrage comes up.
I bet at least 90% of the most loud-mouthed feminists didn't get hit on or got to experience what receiving affection from men they were actually attracted to feels like, so they rationalize for that void by feeling threatened by the gender as a whole.

Feminist logic: I heard something somewhere happened, so I'm gonna stand up for women I don't know, against men I've never met and parrot my own version to the world without any first hand experience on what the hell actually happened. Then do the same thing all over again, as soon as the next big outrage comes up.

I know of three women that have been raped. One of them almost got killed. They are all feminists and against sexual assault.

None of them called the police.

Imagine that...
If I was Bill Cosby since he is semi or fully retired, I would take all these whores to court and lets see what happens without any concrete evidence. These bitches will run.

This for sure. I would ruin these bitches like they're trying to ruin him. False rape accusations should carry a mandatory prison sentence.

On the other hand if he is/was a rapist, these women are at least partly responsible for other victims if they didn't go to the police when it happened. If you really want "gender equality", then that equality comes with equal responsibility. You don't get to come forward after the statute of limitations has run out when you know you won't have to go through a criminal trial just to try and do a money grab. If you do, then that makes you a rape enabler and you should be treated as such.

All that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if this is due to his calls for personal responsibility in the black community. He made a lot of enemies with that shit, people don't want to hear the truth. The victim card generates a lot of money and power for some people, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is related to that.
The most freaky assed people are often hid behind the warmest smile. Do i have to bring up Catholic priests?

A normal person is actually 4-5x more likely to abuse a child than a priest. What you and the majority of Americans are suffering from is media bias. To illustrate the point, imagine if the media published this headline "Normal guy rapes child". No one would read that. Now if you make the headline "Priest rapes child", then an irrationally high number of people will read the article. ...and that's what has happened in the past decade or so. A bunch of highly sensational news reports were published (some rightfully so), but failed to mention that in a room of 100 priests and 100 normal people, there were 4-5x as many normal people committing child abuse.

But don't take my word for it: google the statistics yourself.

tl;dr WickedJoe is more likely to rape a child than a priest. Sorry man.
I know of three women that have been raped. One of them almost got killed. They are all feminists and against sexual assault.

None of them called the police.

Imagine that...

For every legit victim there's a thousand benefiting from misinformed outrage. Noble men are getting crusified over essentially nothing
To illustrate the point, imagine if the media published this headline "Normal guy rapes child".

Yet if the headline was "44 year old man rapes 5 year old girl in bathroom at local supermarket" people will read that.

That is also the head line more likely to appear in the news vs "some guy rapes some kid"

Your acting like people only care about bad shit priests do and ignore the bad shit non-religious affiliated people do.
Cosby might have enticed these women after the waiving the dollar bills on them, and the women agreed, all of a sudden it is considered rape. If I was Bill Cosby since he is semi or fully retired, I would take all these whores to court and lets see what happens without any concrete evidence. These bitches will run.

Going to trial is problematic for a few reasons.

First, rape is (understandably) an emotional issue. Although a lot of DAs won't pursue charges due to a lack of evidence, there have been numerous cases where defendants have been found guilty despite false allegations. There is an alarming level of flexibility in the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard for criminal cases involving rape allegations.

Second, if a defendant is found guilty, the verdict informs - fairly or unfairly - the verdicts in other cases. Criminal law is not supposed to work that way, but again, rape is an intensely emotional issue. Logic and the presentation of proof beyond a reasonable doubt sometimes take a back seat (similar to the film Twelve Angry Men). That's a huge risk when you're an A-lister like Cosby.

Third, there is considerable confusion about the burden of proof in rape cases. The burden is usually placed upon the accuser in criminal cases. However, in cases involving rape allegations, the burden of proof sometimes lies with the defendant. The defendant is expected to prove that his accuser consented to have sex. That's a tough standard to meet.*

The article I've linked above mentions an earlier court decision that required accused rapists to meet that burden of proof. Pretty scary when that kind of nonsense is codified as a piece of criminal law.

Given the issues and risk, I can understand if Cosby is reluctant to go to trial. If I were in his position, I'd be reluctant.

* Could most guys prove consent on the part of their sexual partners from 30 years ago? Probably not.
All that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if this is due to his calls for personal responsibility in the black community. He made a lot of enemies with that shit, people don't want to hear the truth. The victim card generates a lot of money and power for some people, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is related to that.

He made a lot of enemies when he made that speech about black people holding black people back and talking about personal responsibility.

I simply can't see Cosby being a callous vicious rapist. Taking advantage of his fame to lead women on and seduce them, yes, obviously.

The BBC case is different, I can easily see shit like that happening in an untouchable liberal institution such as that. I can also see it happen with the degenerate liberal Hollywood.

Cosby on the other hand, has his entire life stood for family and good conservative values, I simply do not see it as likely. As for the priests, everyone knows the catholic church attracts a certain kind of person, when you can't marry, what kind of priest do you expect to get?