Biggest Landing Page Theft of All Time!


New member
Jun 12, 2007
Well kinda.....I have seen a lot of post with members crying and bitching about some fool jacking their landing pages. It looks like the Democrats are trying to jack Bush's lander.

On February 11, 2010 Joe Biden said in a speech, “Irag will be one of the great accomplishments of the Obama Administration”.

This administration is a fucking joke. Not only was Iraq settled before BO got into office he VOTED AGAINST the surge in the first place.

How can you be responsible for something that you voted AGAINST?!?! This administration stands right in the face of the American public and lies their ass off to them. Are you BO sheep embarrased yet? Hell, I am embarrased for you.

Actually, this time I'm gonna have to agree with popeye. For Biden to claim that the Iraqi "success" is BO's doing is a fucking lie.
Well, that's because they need a winning campaign, since it's been a long year of nothing but FAIL for them, they might as well try the other guy's lander.
“Iraq will be one of the great accomplishments of the Obama Administration”

Notice he says WILL BE. Not a huge Obama fan here either, but surely you can't believe Iraq was "settled" before he took office? Not saying it is "settled" now either, but I think it's OK to say it "will be an accomplishment." Then again, Obama has a history of promising things.
I can't see how anyone on this forum supports obama? I thought we were all entrepreneurs here...

Really? This is not an attack on anyone that supports him... More power to ya, I just want to understand yall?

Why do you support obama?

Obama is marxist, or at least I perceive him that way. ( I could be wrong)

And his whole spreading the wealth campaign on taxing business owners and giving the money to the lazy sheeple who don't contribute to society just seems so flawed to me...

Doesn't it make more sense to tax the proletariat, and give it to business owners so they have more room for hiring employees, or keeping their business alive through hard times by preventing bankruptcy (Which means the 18 employees the company has will not be laid off, and still have jobs!)

Why don't we reward people for hard work? If a company breaks $500k in revenue we should reward them with tax breaks, or come tax time the company should qualify for a tax credit, like the eic is for poor people.

Why do people that don't contribute to society, and are too lazy use a condom, get rewarded for being lazy to the tune of $5000 or more come tax time OF MY MONEY, while the entrepreneurs (aka lifeblood of the economy) that bust their asses to CREATE JOBS FOR OTHERS are taxed even more heavily?

Really why do you guys support higher taxes, higher regulation, and higher government power which in turn mean lower profits, AND LESS FREEDOM for you?

Why do you support Obama? Am I missing something?
Really why do you guys support higher taxes, higher regulation, and higher government power which in turn mean lower profits, AND LESS FREEDOM for you?

Why do you support Obama? Am I missing something?

I asked the same question in another thread. The common reason seems to be:

"We support Obama because he is OK with weed, porn, posting boobies and letting you fuck and marry whoever you want. Yes we can!"

I think selling out your rights to make monies online just for this is ridiculous.


Why don't we reward people for hard work? If a company breaks $500k in revenue we should reward them with tax breaks, or come tax time the company should qualify for a tax credit, like the eic is for poor people.

Why do people that don't contribute to society, and are too lazy use a condom, get rewarded for being lazy to the tune of $5000 or more come tax time OF MY MONEY, while the entrepreneurs (aka lifeblood of the economy) that bust their asses to CREATE JOBS FOR OTHERS are taxed even more heavily?

You need income to qualify for EITC, so the theory at least is that it encourages people to accept lower income jobs instead of just doing nothing and getting welfare. It was first proposed by Nixon, passed by Ford and expanded by Reagan and HW Bush. I guess they all must be Marxists.

"the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress." - Ronald Reagan on the EITC
On February 11, 2010 Joe Biden said in a speech, “Irag will be one of the great accomplishments of the Obama Administration”.

I think that this is just an admission by Joe Biden that Obama is going to be the biggest lame duck president in our history. Because according to almost any Democrat, the Iraq war is not an accomplishment of any kind. So to admit that this is going to be "one of the great accomplishments" should be seen as a dis of the highest degree.