Big Dog Toys..........


New member
Aug 30, 2007
I've seen in some of the "dog" threads that a few of you have larger dogs like me. (yellow lab). Mines almost a year old and is really really rough on toys.

Kong toys... 10 minutes and they are shreds of red plastic rubber.

Those super tough *look like roadkill* fabric toys..... joke.

Those hard almost rubber bones for chewing.... haha

Can't even play catch with a tennis ball anymore - she just shreds it on the way back. We've been playing catch with a 2 liter bottle with rocks in it all week.

So she gets bored quite often, and she really can only have so many rawhides. She is still young and gets to be a pain in the ass when she is bored.... toys keep her happy, but she keeps killing them as fast as I bring them in.

Ideas? Something that worked for your dog?

** She is pretty well trained beyond this one thing. It's like she has super teeth or something.

Buy some marrow bones from your local grocer. They cost like a buck per bone around here and my yellow lab loves them.
Buy some marrow bones from your local grocer. They cost like a buck per bone around here and my yellow lab loves them.

Looking for "toys" more than bones. I've got an in on the bully stick distributor for the U.S. so bones aren't an issue :)

Actually got her a marrow bone once - she tore it up and choked on it. Had to have her sedated to get the damn thing out of her throat. Careful with those.
Looking for "toys" more than bones. I've got an in on the bully stick distributor for the U.S. so bones aren't an issue :)

Actually got her a marrow bone once - she tore it up and choked on it. Had to have her sedated to get the damn thing out of her throat. Careful with those.
Really? My dog has never had a problem with them.
Surprised your dog destroyed the Kong. My German Shepherd would destroy practically anything that I let him play with in minutes. The Kong actually lasted quite awhile. Edit> He had the "extreme kong" which is their most durable one I believe. Not sure about the standard one.
I'm not sure if it was the extreme or not - but I'll go pick one up tomorrow if it's different.

Just frustrating when you drop like 50 bucks in the pet store, and she eats one after the other like she's at a freakin buffet :)

A lot different from a few months ago when she had a nice pile of toys that she would 'clean up' and put in her basket. Now after play time we've got to sweep and vacuum.
I have a lab and she has fun with a normal soccer ball. It's hard for them to pick up since they can't get their whole mouth around it so they end up playing to figure out how to carry it around. She's actually managed to become a pretty decent little goalie. I kick it around in the house and she tries to block it from going through the doorways. A normal softball works to. She's half peeled one but she's had it for a really long time.
I've tried the soccer ball/kickball and my dog can still pop them. Any toy gets shredded within minutes, except for this tractor tire toy.

It looks like [ame=] Pup Treads Tire Rubber Tug Toy, 6" Rope: Kitchen & Dining[/ame] and its the only thing that hasn't been decimated.
Don't feed your dog rawhides, they don't digest them.

My dog is smaller in size but is unbelievably dense and ripped, she'll do the same damage yours will (kongs, etc). I bought a super thick and heavy rope to play tug-of-war and that works well, I don't leave it out for her to chew though.

It's great in the snow though, I'll throw a snowball in one direction and she'll sprint as fast as she can for it, and then launch one in the opposite direction and she turns around and sprints the other way. The combination of her simple brain and love for running makes it an incredible way to tire her out (because she never gets tired of sprinting back and forth and never actually 'fetching' anything), although I throw until my arm hurts (30-45 minutes) and she's still good to go.

For fetch just buy a kong-type ball that's heavy duty, as long as you just use it for fetch you should be fine.
My dog loves laser pens. Can keep her busy for hours - it's her favorite toy.

If yours likes to chase - give it a shot.
I'm not sure if it was the extreme or not - but I'll go pick one up tomorrow if it's different.

Just frustrating when you drop like 50 bucks in the pet store, and she eats one after the other like she's at a freakin buffet :)

A lot different from a few months ago when she had a nice pile of toys that she would 'clean up' and put in her basket. Now after play time we've got to sweep and vacuum.

The extreme one is black, so if it was red...guessing it was the standard one. You can pick them up off Amazon for $15:

[ame=] Kong Extreme - XX Large For dogs 85+ lbs (black): Kitchen & Dining[/ame]

No idea if it will work for you, but I had good luck w/ it.
My dog loves laser pens. Can keep her busy for hours - it's her favorite toy.

If yours likes to chase - give it a shot.

haha, she's OCD. If she sees where I lay it down, she will sit there for an hour and keep going back looking for it, even days later.
haha, she's OCD. If she sees where I lay it down, she will sit there for an hour and keep going back looking for it, even days later.

Lol. I used to mess with my dog with one of those as well, same thing. He looked for it in my back porch for weeks after I did it one time. Sniffing around trying to hunt it down.
+1 for the laser pen. I just forgot about that, but it drives my dog nuts. Also, I found a good Frisbee for 10 bucks and its lasted three months. I have a nice field to throw but it only takes 15-20 minutes and the my dog is wiped out for a couple hours.
You need the Kong that's shaped like a beehive. I have an 85lb 2 year old Golden Retriever and he eats through EVERYTHING. He has even destroyed a Kong within a matter of less than an hour. Don't get the 'dental' Kong. It's got ridges in it for cleaning teeth but my dog uses them as leverage to tear the thing apart. The beehive shaped Kong has rounded edges which are just enough to keep him frustrated and working on it for hours.

Put peanut butter inside of it, then place it in the freezer to freeze the peanut butter. The cold feels good to their mouths and makes it that much harder and challenging to destroy.

Oh yeah, forgot to say, when my dog drops the Kong on the kitchen tile floor, it bounces in all directions and drives him wild.
Sometimes when he's excited to see me walk through the door, he keeps it in his mouth and whines thus making a honking sound through it like he's playing a trumpet. Cracks me up.
For the beehive one, kong also make spray things that taste like meat, but spray like spray-cheese (can't remember what you guys call it). Looks pretty good, although I haven't tried it.
You need the Kong that's shaped like a beehive. I have an 85lb 2 year old Golden Retriever and he eats through EVERYTHING. He has even destroyed a Kong within a matter of less than an hour. Don't get the 'dental' Kong. It's got ridges in it for cleaning teeth but my dog uses them as leverage to tear the thing apart. The beehive shaped Kong has rounded edges which are just enough to keep him frustrated and working on it for hours.

Put peanut butter inside of it, then place it in the freezer to freeze the peanut butter. The cold feels good to their mouths and makes it that much harder and challenging to destroy.


LOL exactly the one I throw around in the back yard with the German Shepperd. I like the little hole in it so I can stick my finger in it and avoid all the drool.
LoZ has it right, you want the black behive shaped Kongs, they are the most durable. We've got an 86 lb Lab/Dobie cross who likes a good chew and she can't put a dent in them. My girlfriend loads one up for her every morning before work with dental biscuits and peanut butter and it takes her about 15-20 minutes to get everything out. And as LoZ said, freezing makes it last that much longer which can be good if you're going out of the house and leaving the dog at home and want to give them a project.

Also good are Nylabones, the authentic ones. They are made from annealed nylon and are hard as fuck. You can get them in "Souper" size (looks like a leg bone) in different densities and flavors. Get the one for strong chewers and it should last for quite awhile. They can put dents in them and actually create a surface on them that is good for cleaning their teeth, but the good part is that they never break off large pieces and so don't end up with chunks in their system.

Product Finder | By Product Type | Non-Edible for Powerful Chewers << their full line of products for strong chewers

Dura Chew® Bone - Original | Product Finder | By Product Type | Nylabone® << this is the type I'm talking about

The other thing we get are toys made out of webbing material for games of tug and chase. If left alone she'll sometimes chew them, but they are a lot more resilient than rope toys which she will demolish. One brand is Pentapulls. They have a goofy stuffed head on them that usually doesn't last more then a day, but the X webbing material lasts for months if they don't make a chewing project out of them. Here's a link to one online retailer...

Original Pentapulls Dog Toys Amazon also sells them.

Rawhide isn't really good. As pointed out, they don't digest it well and can swallow large chunks which can cause blockages. Also, a lot of rawhide is manufactured in China and eastern Europe and can contain toxins like mercury. If you're going to give them rawhide, get good quality all American made and keep an eye on them while they chew it.

Same goes for bones. Never leave your dog unattended with a bone.

On a side note somewhat unrelated but maybe of some interest to you dog lovers is this food from Alberta, Canada called Orijen. It's organic grain free dog food with an ingredients list that sounds like a gourmet cookbook. We get it through a Spanish distributor here, but it should be available from most good pet suppliers in North America. Highly, highly, recommended...

Orijen Pet Foods: Products

Adult Ingredients