Beware of my Evil Axe

I grew up listening to W.A.S.P. too. I was so confused as a kid when Blackie switched from playing bass to guitar. Here's a pic of him playing the guitar version.

very very nice. i always wondered how many guitar players like myself were roaming around here. i suspected ibanez|jan played (for obvious reasons, though that may be coincidence), pleasantly surprised at the thread response.

well done, OP.
Can't believe no one posted any W.A.S.P. yet

[ame=]W.A.S.P. - Wild Child - YouTube[/ame]

I changed my avatar in honor of this fine instrument.

Why thank you, kind Sir! :music06:

very very nice. i always wondered how many guitar players like myself were roaming around here. i suspected ibanez|jan played (for obvious reasons, though that may be coincidence), pleasantly surprised at the thread response.
well done, OP.

Thanks, and yeah there are (or at least used to be) quite a few guys here who played. There were some threads a few years back with people showing off their gear and shit.

Dude are you wearing jeans with CARGO POCKETS ?!
Lol...they're cargo SHORTS. :)

Very bad ass. Also reminds me of KISS

Yeah I also have a couple of Kiss guitars (Silvertone Apocalypse, and of course an Iceman). :)


i've always been interested in getting a custom classical made for me (that's what i play, don't much mess with electrics), where i could pick a shape, the top/neck/fretboard woods, etc.

seems like there ought to be a biz that cranks those out assembly-line style, and doesn't charge 100% custom prices. not just for classicals, but steel-string acoustics & electrics as well.

that may be common, but i've never looked into it.