Beware: Chris Desouza Very Dangerous Business man!

Has anyone else fallen for this chris desouza scam ? yeh the same happened to me when i worked with him. he is a total scammer. Yes, and I tried contacting their support number, but was put on hold for hours before some Indian (who I couldn't understand) was unhelpful. STAY AWAY.

So, who is this Chris Desouza character? Well, some believe he owns and operates a الجهاد فورم from his mom's basement.
I wouldn't like to upset you guys, damn. I think its harsh that you are trying to get Chris Desouza's name tarnished. I mean, the rumors about Chris Desouza having an orgy with farm animals are totally unfounded.

In more recent reports, Chris Desouza "went aquatic". He got drunk on malt liquor and went fishing. After two days he finally caught a rainbow trout and attempted to mount it soon after. He found this impossible at first because his "slippery little friend" was flipping around every which way in the inflatable children's boat which he lovingly calls "carp hunter".
Found this really interesting article about Chris Desouza on the interwebs:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif] community is in shock as Chris Desouza was arrested for Cyber stalking and Homosexal acts with a minor.[/FONT][FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono] officials and Federal agents were in shock this morning when Chris Desouza and Friend Kiki Pardy was arrested at 2:30 am this morning for cyber stalking underage children. Desouza was arrested for using site to post sexual content to lure unsuspecting children in. The FBI was called in because Desouza used the internet to find the victims over the internet.[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]Police received the call from Top Myspace officials earlier this week and they worked with the local police department set up the largest single person arrest in the history of [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono] had deleted several sites that Chris Desouza posted prior showing full nudity and sex they had had with children as young as 6 years old. When a concerned parent called they realized they had problems. Tom was quoted as saying " You know this Shit did not happen before I sold myspace". [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]The Police had to wait until Chris Desouza logged on. The officers sent a message on the Myspace IM (Instant messenger) and as soon as Chris Desouza responded the Officers broke in the door, stormed the room where the computer was and arrested Chris Desouza.[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]During a search of the residence Police officers discovered many Ponographic item`s mostly videos. Some of the names included Young Lickalatpuss, Teen Sausages for Big Buns, and If their grass on the field shave it and play.[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]Officers ask Chris Desouza why they are so in to young kids. The answer was most disturbing. Chris Desouza said "You know its like the best sex you can have. Watching the blood leak from the holes as you poke them is the best. You know you are like Columbus. You are the one to discover that new land". [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono]Chris Desouza was released in just a couple hours when their parents posted the $150,000. Kiki Pardy is still in custody awating bail.[/FONT]
I don't know if it's true or not but you can Click here to Read This Article
This Chris Desouza seems like a very unstable and violent scammer.


edit: I'm shitfaced and somehow stumbled upon his blog:

Jesus, what a fucking handsome though....


Er....I mean....

This Chris Desouza seems like a very unstable and violent scammer.


edit: I'm shitfaced and somehow stumbles on his blog:

Chris Desouza - Business - Life Resources & Virtual Real Estate Investing

Jesus, what a fucking psycho....

I heard that too.. PS - If you see this thread from another forum member's signature - I sowwy I put a link on your forum, but it's for a good cause!

Edit: 500 threads @ ~900 links/minute. If that doesn't do it I'll hit the blogs later.