Better Business Bureau

BBB deosnt mean shit. People arent going to check with them, just like the days of slinging berries with the BBB jpg image on your advertorial lander
Does Google, etc... look at the BBB rating?

I think it's a shakedown... we get 10K unique visitors per day and have two complaints and an F- rating... and we are trying to decide if it is worth paying the shakedown price.

I am more interested in ROI vs the principal that they are assholes shaking companies down for cash...
Does Google, etc... look at the BBB rating?

I think it's a shakedown... we get 10K unique visitors per day and have two complaints and an F- rating... and we are trying to decide if it is worth paying the shakedown price.

I am more interested in ROI vs the principal that they are assholes shaking companies down for cash...

Personally you probably would have a better ROI, hiring an attorney and taking the BBB to court. I'm not sure what type of product you have, but their whole operating process is similar to Yelp's where they try to leverage their reputation and extort people into paying, just to have a fair rating.
How is something that gives you a positive ROI a scam? I mean, you can argue that they scam the public, but they certainly don't scam businesses.

I would say that when they give you a rating based off of how much money you give them it is pretty much a scam for both the business and the customer looking at that rating assuming its legit.

It doesnt matter if your positive on the roi they should die off like the yellow pages.
I think, I am confident guests and probable consumers would believe you more responsible if you are listed there. Thanks for the post.
I wouldn't be too quick to assume that people would not check with BBB. Besides my internet adventures, I work as a digital marketing manager for a home improvement company. We have an A+ rating on BBB and constantly get referrals from them. In addition, customers often mention that they chose us because of our positive reviews on BBB.

Again, this is all in context. Here I am talking about a brick store, that has physical showrooms, locations, etc...this is not an e-commerce website that sells home improvement tools from a catalogue. All I am saying is that as part of our overall internet marketing strategy, submitting company's info to websites such as BBB or Homestars is great (given you can maintain a positive profile).

Having said that, I did own an ecommerce website (furniture) that I registered on BBB. Within a week from the registration, I had 4 negative reviews. People said they never got their items, the company was a fraud, etc...I can only imagine those were fake reviews, because at the times we had no such complaints. The reason I submitted it to BBB, is because according to my competitors' analysis, the big shots were there.

IMO no review website can hurt your business if you maintain a positive profile.
Ugh..we used them for one of my companies and it turned into a nightmare. We had an A rating with them for over a year. All of a sudden after 1 year they sent us a laundry list of changes they wanted us to make to our website (all changes that would have decreased the conversions to unprofitable levels). This was after we paid the $300+ fee to be accredited for the coming year. We basically told them there was no way we could operate with the changes. Even went as far as showing them competitors in the industry who had A ratings using identicl verbiage as us.

Long story short, my partner got into a big fuck you argument with them and they changed our rating to an F. Also, wouldn't refund the $300 fee. Good thing we have multiple locations and tons of sites.

This is just one of multiple experiences with them over the years. Total scam.
As someone who checks out businesses on BBB... more often than not I am checking on businesses that have messed up already. Or I tend to check in on businesses that are going to cost me a lot of money -- cross country moving services, remodeling, car mechanics, etc... If you have a lower cost product or service I would say don't bother...
An alternative solution

I'm not sure if BBB is a scam, I've heard both good and bad reviews about it.

But either way, if you want to be successful in your business and feel confident about what you do, I think it's best to know what's stopping you from achieving business success. A successful business rakes in good reviews so you don't have to worry. This video will help you
Been in business 20 years and its always been a scam. It's not a "bureau" in any way, it is a for profit business. Any BBB business can simply dispute any complaint made against them making any said complaint null, thereby making the entire thing irrelevant. Boobs :love-smiley-085:
A better business bureau tries to resolves dispute between consumers and business. When the blade falls off a month later you talk the faulty mower back and ask for a refund. Thje sales man says you must have heard him wrong. the store does not offer money back guarantees. Maybe you should get a new hearing aid, he jocks, then should you call the better business bureau BBB. <a href="">internet marketing strategies small business</a>.