Better Business Bureau


New member
Apr 18, 2012
How many of you are listed? Do you care? Do you think your business does better if it is or are most people too stupid to check with them?

That's odd Riley--I usually look things up myself and don't ask the person if they're accredited. Has saved me from quite a few scams.
This is a good idea I haven't thought of. I am sure visitors and potential customers would consider you more trustworthy if you are listed there. This is something I have to look into.
They are a total scam - watch this [ame=]Better Business Bureau 20/20 Investigation - YouTube[/ame]

Of course a lot of the public trusts them so if you have a bad rating and people are searching for your company you are basically forced to pay the $400 to get certified and get the A rating.
BBB is a total scam - I have had an F- rating ranked on page 1 for my business for a year now and no one fucking cares, because everyone knows it is a scam. Probably only company to actually beat out Yelp in terms of being a sheer con artist.
Idiots make statements without understanding ROI. It's so freakin ign'ant to call it a scam, especially when you guys are working in a field that used to bribe ass holes to list you in DMOZ or Yahoo to get you listed in their directory (at least as much as it cost to get accredited by the BBB) which drove rankings and in turn business. The BBB drives business and also gives you a link.

In my industry, we pay for the BBB accreditation with 2 sales each year. The BBB definitely drives more than that. If it can pay for itself, you should do it, if it won't pay for itself, you shouldn't. Very simple calculation.
The best thing that a BBB listing is good for is the fact that if you are a local business, you can manipulate your keyword into your listing and get your listing ranked on the 1st page of Google.

Other than that, it is just a big money grab.
Hey guys,

I run a business based at India and I do often face questions on authenticity/credibility of my business. If not BBB, what are confidence building measures would you suggest?
BBB is a total scam - I have had an F- rating ranked on page 1 for my business for a year now and no one fucking cares, because everyone knows it is a scam. Probably only company to actually beat out Yelp in terms of being a sheer con artist.

This. Fuck the BBB. I run a GPT site and get few complaints about the dumbest shit. In a few cases im able to contest the complaints but for the most part they want me to pay a crazy ass fee to get them removed. Yelp is sort of headed in the same direction. You can pay yelp to get bad reviews removed.

20/20 did a investigation on the BBB
[ame=]Better Business Bureau 20/20 Investigation - YouTube[/ame]
It doesnt matter if there is a positive ROI in it, scammy mother fuckers shouldnt get our money, its the principle. Dont strong arm the public, you need us more then we need you.
It doesnt matter if there is a positive ROI in it, scammy mother fuckers shouldnt get our money, its the principle. Dont strong arm the public, you need us more then we need you.
How is something that gives you a positive ROI a scam? I mean, you can argue that they scam the public, but they certainly don't scam businesses.

Better Business Bureau Scam - the BBB is a scam

I would tell everybody who asked if I was listed to read that and anything else as they are the WORSE.

Client: Are you listed with the BBB?

Everyones ANSWER: HELL NO. WHY WOULD I PAY TO BE BLACKMAILED ON A SITE. you can have 5 million complaints but if you pay then you maintain an A+ rating.
Just a quick question regarding BBB. I have my Client Business Listed on BBB. I listed it for Free but it does not have ratings. So Do he need to pay a fix amount to get A+ rating or it happens automatically according to their system based on some criteria?