Best Internet Connection in Rural Areas

I agree... I had 45Mb DSL connection before near a small rural/exurb town in MN.

45mb is only possible with VDSL which is probably not available in his area due to it's distance limitations.


OP you should definitely check and see if it's available, I'm just saying if you're truly in bumfuck nowhere satellite will probably be your only option.

I used to have satellite internet when I lived in Colorado. My house was like 15 min to the nearest gas station. Pretty remote.

It wasn't terrible, but if the weather is really bad, you won't have much of a connection.
Holy fuck, are you stupid? Reading comprehension problem?

Anyone that would choose satellite over DSL is a moron.

Are YOU fucking stupid? Not all DSL is created equal. I'm posting this from our office where DSL is the only option and just reported 4.2 mbps down and .67mbps up even though we pay for an 8mbps plan.

Ok, OP is from "Gump Town"...Montgomery, AL? On the fence about going rural? I'm just going to stop here.
Are YOU fucking stupid? Not all DSL is created equal. I'm posting this from our office where DSL is the only option and just reported 4.2 mbps down and .67mbps up even though we pay for an 8mbps plan.

I'd take it over satellite any day. Most plans are typically 5 to 15mbps max, with ridiculously low data caps, massive latency, and they are expensive. Despite this you seem to think it's smart to recommend such a solution when he can get DSL. Who's fucking stupid? Go suck a fat dick douche.
Satellites are garbage. Expensive equipment, long ass leases, slow speeds. Do not do it - you will regret it. Impossible for online gaming. The way it worked with DirecWay 4 or 5 years ago was if you downloaded 250~ MB within the span of an hour or so you'd get throttled for a bit to speeds that may as well be dial up.
Ok, OP is from "Gump Town"...Montgomery, AL? On the fence about going rural? I'm just going to stop here.

Yes Montgomery, AL. If you have never been here all you can go by is the assumptions about it you have heard. Montgomery is a very progressive city and we don't have the racial problems now that where present in the 50's and 60's. I live in a neighborhood with blacks, whites, and asians. :)

I wanted to move to the county close to town and that's what I'm doing. 3600sf home with 3 bay shop, barn, and storage building on 9 acres. 15 miles from town.
I wanted to move to the county close to town and that's what I'm doing. 3600sf home with 3 bay shop, barn, and storage building on 9 acres. 15 miles from town.

OK, as a fellow rural redneck I offer this option: Tranzeo WiFi antennas. Find a friend or family member that has access to high speed cable and offer to pay for their service if they let you mount one of theses antennas at their place and point it toward yours. Of course range and line of sight plays heavy into which antenna series you would choose.

Where I live, Time Warner cable smokes the local DSL service. I have high speed internet at my shop next to the road. I built my house 1000 feet off the road (beyond the effective length for underground cable run). I went with the TR-902 series and mounted one at the peak of my shop roof and mounted the other...get my basement and pointing out a basement window. I also have a pile of 100 year old pine trees in between the house and the shop, so obviously this is a non line of sight setup. Here is a speed test I just took:

Of course you'd be looking at a greater distance than 1000ft, but call Tranzeo support and tell them what kind of range and terrain you are working with and see what they might suggest. I think I paid $400 for a pair of these about 5 years ago. The one antenna has been mounted outside in harsh Maine weather for 5 years and hasn't skipped a beat, other than service or power outages. Some of these antennas can be had for cheap money on eBay.
DSL ? Rural ? Complaining... wow.

If I could get DSL with .5MBIT up and down I'd be all over that!

When you are rural latency is the problem... not speed.

I don't need 10 mbit to get my work done, and make money.

I've been on Verizon 3G air card (2 of them) for years, I have a 10' antenna on my roof that connects to my air cards. Without the antenna the internet is NOT usable.. with it I can browse, and chat... with my AMP I added I can now watch YouTube Videos, and play BF3 with a ping of 110-130.

Sounds like you guys are wanting to live on the edge of town and NOT truly rural.
It's 1hr to nearest grocery store for me, or anything that matters.
My town may be 15-20 minute drive (no stop signs, no signals) but <1k population, 1 gas station, and tourist type places... not exactly a TOWN. During winter were cut-off from the outside for sometimes days at a time, power goes out for over a week once every winter, often times 20-30 days no power each winter.

You want to talk about rural living... I`d gladly have that discussion with anyone, but living on the edge of town/city is not hte same thing, not even close.
I was on 56k for years in rural.

We moved to a better rural area, now I can get DSL. Be happy if you can even get that.

BTW, im 1 fucking pole away from the cable provider, they wont dig to me but said I could pay them $15k if I wanted them to dig to me ( 1 fucking pole away ). Crock of shit.. Im staying on DSL.
You want to talk about rural living... I`d gladly have that discussion with anyone, but living on the edge of town/city is not hte same thing, not even close.
I would have to defer you to my town planning board because I don't create the zoning.

The carriers in my state have been subsidized to bring broadband service to far reaches. I have a camp in an unorganized territory and have 3G and better cell reception there than at home.
I was on 56k for years in rural.

We moved to a better rural area, now I can get DSL. Be happy if you can even get that.

BTW, im 1 fucking pole away from the cable provider, they wont dig to me but said I could pay them $15k if I wanted them to dig to me ( 1 fucking pole away ). Crock of shit.. Im staying on DSL.

They wanted 450k to bring cable from the office across the street from mine... Yet at my old house they came out and dug up the street to get it to me.. LOL