Best greek mythology book?

Try getting her this book if you can - immortals of meluha . My last girl friend who was like this, really enjoyed this book and offered me her virginity only after reading two paragraphs of the book. (okay, the latter is a joke).

checking into it now. thx.

edit: Amazon reviews don't look too promising.

Not Greek mythology, but if by chance she is a fan of the Lord of the Rings series like many Greek mythology fans are, get her the Silmarillion. Shit will blow your mind if you have read LOTR.
Not Greek mythology, but if by chance she is a fan of the Lord of the Rings series like many Greek mythology fans are, get her the Silmarillion. Shit will blow your mind if you have read LOTR.

Not sure about her, but I've read and enjoyed the LOTR Trilogy/The Hobbit, so will def check this out.

Edit: Oh shit, so LOTR is just the ending to this book? Dat cray. Not sure if I have it in me to read this bitch or not.
Expand her horizons into Anglo Saxon epics, and get her Beowulf (original anglo-saxon with translation side-by-side)

As well as being a cool story (bro), it's a badass-sounding poem if you read it out loud in the original language. Get the Seamus Heaney translation.

(for LOTR fans, you should read this too. JRR Tolkien studied Anglo Saxon, particularly Beowulf, and it was his inspiration for the series)
Not sure about her, but I've read and enjoyed the LOTR Trilogy/The Hobbit, so will def check this out.

Edit: Oh shit, so LOTR is just the ending to this book? Dat cray. Not sure if I have it in me to read this bitch or not.

It's kind of a prequel that was started, but not published or finished, before LOTR. It's really interesting. It describes the creation of the world and some of the more powerful characters found in LOTR. You will understand waayyyyy more about LOTR by reading it. For example, the progression of Gandolf (Grey>>White), who Sauron is and why he's so much more powerful than the other wizards, what the Balrogs are, how the kings of men became wraiths, why the rings were created etc. It's pretty bad ass how much back story there really is and how it's all explained. My Dad made me read a fuckload of Greek mythology and classic novels when I was younger and the Silmarillion was one of the books that felt like a break because I enjoyed it so much. I highly recommend it. It may entice you to know that Sauron is a fuckin' pussy compared to some of the characters in that book. There are actually gods and wars between lesser gods which is why it is very attractive to those that enjoy Greek mythology.
Expand her horizons into Anglo Saxon epics, and get her Beowulf (original anglo-saxon with translation side-by-side)

As well as being a cool story (bro), it's a badass-sounding poem if you read it out loud in the original language. Get the Seamus Heaney translation.

(for LOTR fans, you should read this too. JRR Tolkien studied Anglo Saxon, particularly Beowulf, and it was his inspiration for the series)

JRR Tolkien was actually a professor in Anglo-Saxon lore/history, but he was also a devout christian and it shows, for example in Silmarillion and the garden of Eden allegory and the fallen angel Melchior/Morgoth. Probably why it is so successful since a lot of people naturally find the themes interesting.
Does she like The Wire? I realize that's a random question, but she would probably get a lot out of it watching it with the understanding the the cops are the gods who influence the game without actually being a part of it. For example, none of the cops die.
Google for "Gustav Schwab", a german, his collection of greek myths is the modern base of it since the 19th century.
JRR Tolkien was actually a professor in Anglo-Saxon lore/history, but he was also a devout christian and it shows, for example in Silmarillion and the garden of Eden allegory and the fallen angel Melchior/Morgoth. Probably why it is so successful since a lot of people naturally find the themes interesting.

Correct. He also went to the same school I did. :rainfro:

Also, if you want to get deeper into why the themes in Beowulf / The Bible / LoTR etc, this is worth a look:

[ame=""]The Hero with A Thousand Faces Collected Works of Joseph Campbell The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell: Joseph Campbell: Books[/ame]

The hero with a thousand faces by Joseph Campbell. It's fascinating, but it's not light reading.