Best greek mythology book?


New member
Sep 12, 2012
Dating this new girl.. B day in a week.. no fucking clue what to get, but she's big into reading classic greek mythology like Homer, Odyssey, etc..

Thought maybe one you fuckers would have a good recommendation as far as books go... or hell any random gift ideas would be great.

She's into greek mythology.. funny interwebz/memes.. has an awesome sense of humor.. likes to read. Like I said, any random suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

inb4 Zeus dildo

Buy her a book of 15th century Italian poetry with English translation. Make sure you read them before you give her the book. Then find somewhere quiet and read them to her - English first then Italian.

It worked for Bob Dylan.

Dating this new girl.. B day in a week.. no fucking clue what to get, but she's big into reading classic greek mythology like Homer, Odyssey, etc..

Thought maybe one you fuckers would have a good recommendation as far as books go... or hell any random gift ideas would be great.

She's into greek mythology.. funny interwebz/memes.. has an awesome sense of humor.. likes to read. Like I said, any random suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

inb4 Zeus dildo

[ame=]The Complete World of Greek Mythology: Richard Buxton: 9780500251218: Books[/ame]

You should also get her this game. I played it for 7 years!

[ame=] Age of Mythology: Including Titans Expansion: Video Games[/ame]

She will love the story mode! 2 games in one!


You should give her the book 'Oedipus'. Tell her it really reminds you of your family. She'll get really turned on after that.
When reading the biography of Alexander The Great, it said that he always carried [ame=""]Iliad [/ame](link to modern day edition) with him and his inspiration was the exploits of Achilles(although later Alexander conquered even more and didn't lost a single battle in his life).

I am not so into mythology, but [ame=""]The Iliad[/ame] could be a good pick.
Try getting her this book if you can - immortals of meluha . My last girl friend who was like this, really enjoyed this book and offered me her virginity only after reading two paragraphs of the book. (okay, the latter is a joke).
Try getting her this book if you can - immortals of meluha . My last girl friend who was like this, really enjoyed this book and offered me her virginity only after reading two paragraphs of the book. (okay, the latter is a joke).

Virgi..niwhat? You must not live in the West bro.
These - Robert Graves The Greek Myths (2 Volumes) or Greek Gods and Heroes - quite a small book often read by children but beautifully written.