Damn you gay perverts! :p

And Mr. Ugly Ass - People who are on my facebook or have met me in real life know how awesome my ass is. I don't need to show it to you.

I can't believe that website exists. Certainly is a new frontier..

Honestly I don't believe it's mean.
There are dating websites for midgets and fooders. lol
Little people meet is the midget one.

large and lovely is a fat one...

I swear there was an actual 'fooder' one though that promoted getting fatter than you actually were. And it actually showed real pictures of these people... people were getting jollies off of these images and found it appealing. And I mean fooders as in their very goal was eating as much as they could day by day. I can't find it right now but it's out there, either that or blocked now.
^ post a pic so we can have another photoshop contest! thank you.

p.s. the boobies, how big you want?
Little people meet is the midget one.

large and lovely is a fat one...

I swear there was an actual 'fooder' one though that promoted getting fatter than you actually were. And it actually showed real pictures of these people... people were getting jollies off of these images and found it appealing. And I mean fooders as in their very goal was eating as much as they could day by day. I can't find it right now but it's out there, either that or blocked now.

You might be thinking of his:

Feederism describes sexual relationships where both members obtain gratification from the gaining of body fat. Feederism refers to the acts of feeding, encouraging eating, or being served large quantities of food. Sexual pleasure is derived from the act of eating itself, and/or from the process of becoming fatter. Pleasure may be derived from specific changes to specific areas of the body.

The site you were thinking of might be somewhere in this search:

'fatties' thats sweet

And apparently, enough beautiful people were angry that some members had enjoyed a bit too many treats during the holiday season.
Hello friends,

I think that very discriminate. Women that go for man handsome no is smart.

It smart for go for man rich. If man both smart and rich it very good but usual man rich no look movie star.

If women marry man handsome eventual he get old and no look good. It hard for get more handsome as become more old.

But if marry man rich he can get more rich as become more old.

Good luck bros

This is satire, right?