What I found funny is that the guy flat out used the term "fatties"

"As a business, we mourn the loss of any member, but the fact remains that our members demand the high standard of beauty be upheld," said Robert Hintze, founder of "Letting fatties roam the site is a direct threat to our business model and the very concept for which was founded."
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The huge media coverage is currently generating so much traffic on our servers that we have had to limit some users from using the site.
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The BeautifulPeople Team
lol .. on the bottom of the main page it says "to ugly to sign up?, browse as a guest" ... hahah thats classic
Hello friends,

I think that very discriminate. Women that go for man handsome no is smart.

It smart for go for man rich. If man both smart and rich it very good but usual man rich no look movie star.

If women marry man handsome eventual he get old and no look good. It hard for get more handsome as become more old.

But if marry man rich he can get more rich as become more old.

Good luck bros
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Hello friends,

I think that very discriminate. Women that go for man handsome no is smart.

It smart for go for man rich. If man both smart and rich it very good but usual man rich no look movie star.

If women marry man handsome eventual he get old and no look good. It hard for get more handsome as become more old.

But if marry man rich he can get more rich as become more old.

Good luck bros

Can we please package up this gold and sell it as a $97 ebook?

"Dating Wisdom" by Sumit Dhawan