beating g$$gle quality score BS

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As your landing page url use:{keyword}

On your php page whereever you want to use the keyword use:
<?=$_GET['keyword'] ?>

If your too lazy to change all the urls your going to have to fiddle with the http_referer and parse out the keyword, more of a pain than its work

Edit: Damn its early, this whole thread is about what you are suggestingg greenvy

so correct if im wrong, if my domain was

i'll just have to change my ad site destination to{keyword}

and use

<?=$_GET['keyword'] ?> where i want the "keyword" to show up?

sorry i don't know much about php

do i have to create a page.php file to make this work?

i would test it out but im at work...
in page.php the whole page could just be:

<?=$_REQUEST['keyword'] ?>

That would just print the keyword on the page, you can create any php script easily using notepad.
it's not going to work that way

{keyword} inserts only keywords that you have added, not any ppc query.

To insert an actual referring querry you'll need a more complex script probably, I'm not sure how complex.
Eh? If you've bidded on certain keywords then it will only show up for certain keywords? And thus, you dont need anything else?
I think int_josh is talking generally about broad and phrase match. If you broad match on the keyword insurance and the ppc query is "new york car insurance", your landing page will see "insurance" as the keyword instead of "new york car insurance". I think this only really matters on the search network because you can't generally parse out the actual query from some content site but you can parse it out from the search network.

I haven't tested any of this, so I might be wrong.
The way I understand how adwords works is this

You give it keywords, say:
new york insurance
buy new york insurance

when a person enters:
new york insurance cheap

and one of your keyword is triggered by "new york insurance cheap"
the keyword that is most relevant will display instead of {Keyword} tag.
So, if google thinks "new york insurance" is most relevant (from the list of your keywords), it will display that.

So, this means that if the keyword that user enters into PPC querry is not in your list exactly, then it will pick the best match. Otherwise misspellings would also appear instead of {keyword} (unless you're biddin on them, they will be matched to closest match possible)
OK, Not too proficient with PHP. Where have I gone wrong here?
Using the following code, the keyword is not echoed.
$a = explode('&', $QUERY_STRING);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($a)) { $b = split('=', $a[$i]);
   echo '', htmlspecialchars(urldecode($b[0])),' ', htmlspecialchars(urldecode($b[1])), "\n";
But if I use
then the keyword is displayed, but of course it also echo's the "%20"

I've tried the following url formats:

The latter is correct, to remove the %20 use:
print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
The example the OP shows is the example shown on:
PHP: urldecode - Manual with parts changed

OK, thanks. Worked a charm.
FWIW I changed the above to
print ucwords(strtolower(urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])));


where ever I wanted the keyword/phrase to have first letters capitalized
Jesus, you guys are crazy with all this code. I think the only person that has understood the point is Diorex.

My experience has been that the bot follows the link, and does not insert dynamic strings. So it will only see the webpage with blanks where you want to insert keywords, thus giving you zero bonus.

When we have pointed the same keyword at the same page, but with the keyword not dynamically inserted, just part of the HTML for that page, then we do see some quality score help.

Never tested this extensively as our software allows us to do this automatically, but the few times I have tried it the way you described, it did not seem to work.

Okay, half of you mistook this thread to be about, how to dynamically insert your keywords into your landing page. The easiest way to do this is:

Set your destination URL in your ad to:{keyword}

Then in your PHP landing page (index.php), put the code wherever you want your keyword to show up:
<? echo $_GET['keyword']; ?>

That is how you do it.

The point of this thread, however, is that Google, when checking your QS, does not add the inserted $keywords. This results in blanks showing up on your page wherever there is supposed to be the keyword, leaving you with a low QS and a high CPC.

I haven't tested this, but if its true it makes tons of sense. All you would have to do is use excel to put the words into the
keyword ** bid ** URL
format. Anyway, I'm going to try this now.
btw, doing it with the basic {keyword} method adds all the stupid %20 for you, so need to even be screwing with any of that.
Would someone be so kind as to post a link to an example of this script/ method implemented?

Example Page using keyword "forex trading"

HTML source
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php print ucwords(strtolower(urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])));?></title>
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?>"/>
<meta name="description" content=" The best Site on the Web for <?php print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?> Information & Resources "/>
<h1> <?php print ucwords(strtolower(urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))); ?> </h1>
<p>Some traders rely solely on technical analysis while others prefer fundamental analysis, but many successful <?php print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?> traders use a combination of both to get a broad overview of the market and for plotting entry and exit points.</p>
<p>Technical analysis relies on one key concept: Prices move by trends.  The common saying in <strong> <?php print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?></strong> is 'The trend is your friend.'  Market movements have identifiable patterns that have been studied over many years and a thorough understanding of these  <strong> <?php print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?></strong> trends and how they can be read forms the basis of a good trading strategy.</p>
<p>Copyright ©  2007 <a href=""><?php print ucwords(strtolower(urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])));?> </a> All Rights Reserved.</p>
The point of this thread, however, is that Google, when checking your QS, does not add the inserted $keywords. This results in blanks showing up on your page wherever there is supposed to be the keyword, leaving you with a low QS and a high CPC.
I haven't tested this, but if its true it makes tons of sense.

diorex and you are right. google does NOT insert keywords if you were setting up dynamic keyword insertion.

All you would have to do is use excel to put the words into the
keyword ** bid ** URL
format. Anyway, I'm going to try this now.

that's the way to go. combined with the dynamic "keyword on page"-insertion you can get a virtual high density score for the keyword chosen. test it yourself and you will see that it works like a charm.
How about using .htacces and mod-rewrite to make the page look like:
etc. ?
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