beating g$$gle quality score BS

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
Ok I'm tired of g$$gle's complete vagueness and keeping people guessing.

Here's what you do to get bids under 5 cents.

Do all the standard stuff (privacy policy, some links, couple of sub-pages, etc)

Have keyword or keyphrase inserted dynamically into the AD with {KeyWord} feature, and have when making a landing page, for destination URL make it:

instead of spaces, make %20

On the page itself insert this code in title, meta tags and h1 tag, also at a bottom of a page and sprinkled randomly throughout your text:

$a = explode('&', $QUERY_STRING);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($a)) {
   $b = split('=', $a[$i]);
   echo '', htmlspecialchars(urldecode($b[0])),
         ' ', htmlspecialchars(urldecode($b[1])), "\n";
It will take out %20 and put spaces

To mass edit find a good search and replace program to replace spaces with %20 when editing spreadsheets, which you'll import into adwords editor en-masse.

Be aware that keyword quality is judged by whole account, that means keyword quality of other keywords affects the quality of all other keywords IN THE ACCOUNT ( so much for relevancy and not $$$ grabbing ).

Account history also influences minimum bids.

Correction: don't use {KeyWord}, but actual keywords in destination URL, like

put %20 instead of spaces
use spreadhseets and adwords editor to mass add this crap
the code transforms %20 into spaces, bingo
Last edited:

Umm, I understand the idea behind this, but I really don't understand how this could work unless Google's bot is REALLY stupid. Personally I haven't done much this junk Adwords thing and my CPC has always been pretty low. But does Adwords bot really scan your page with multiple queries where you can extract the keyword and modify the page on-the-fly?

I never have looked my server logs, but I THINK they just scan your page once and that's it.
Umm, I understand the idea behind this, but I really don't understand how this could work unless Google's bot is REALLY stupid. Personally I haven't done much this junk Adwords thing and my CPC has always been pretty low. But does Adwords bot really scan your page with multiple queries where you can extract the keyword and modify the page on-the-fly?

I never have looked my server logs, but I THINK they just scan your page once and that's it.

The bot checks quality score for every keyword.
My experience has been that the bot follows the link, and does not insert dynamic strings. So it will only see the webpage with blanks where you want to insert keywords, thus giving you zero bonus.

When we have pointed the same keyword at the same page, but with the keyword not dynamically inserted, just part of the HTML for that page, then we do see some quality score help.

Never tested this extensively as our software allows us to do this automatically, but the few times I have tried it the way you described, it did not seem to work.
I wonder if there's any adsense/smart pricing benefit to it. If the user clicks an ad and the page is specifically targeted to the exact search term the user clicked on for adwords, maybe there's a bonus there...though I have no evidence to back it, but would be great if someone did or could try and create some.
Hmm what about if you use a modrewrite to change the urls to or

What do you guys think?
The php script you just showed us is exactly the same to using:

note: I use $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] instead of $QUERY_STRING due to the latter being made totally incompatible with PHP 6 and probably going to cause a whole host of troubles ;) Also with register vars off, the latter wont work either

That works, but you need a seperate URL for each keyword.

Yes but you can use the format of:
keyword ** max bid ** url

And if your a programmer its extremely easy for you to create a list like that :)
As soon as google sees this thread they will change the qs bot to ignore pages with that script.... you should delete the thread imo...
The php script you just showed us is exactly the same to using:

note: I use $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] instead of $QUERY_STRING due to the latter being made totally incompatible with PHP 6 and probably going to cause a whole host of troubles ;) Also with register vars off, the latter wont work either


Yes but you can use the format of:
keyword ** max bid ** url

And if your a programmer its extremely easy for you to create a list like that :)

The point of that code that I posted is to replace %20 with spaces, not just insert. I guess I was wrong actually, don't use {KeyWord}, but use actual keywords (you can do so using spreadsheets and adwords editors) as desitnation URL's (like That's when you'll need to replace %20 with spaces, which this code does.
Correcting myself:
print urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

Also you say not to use {keyword} for the url how about for the adtext?

{keyword:No Keyword Text}
best prices for {keyword}
{keyword} cheap
My experience has been that the bot follows the link, and does not insert dynamic strings. So it will only see the webpage with blanks where you want to insert keywords, thus giving you zero bonus.

When we have pointed the same keyword at the same page, but with the keyword not dynamically inserted, just part of the HTML for that page, then we do see some quality score help.

Never tested this extensively as our software allows us to do this automatically, but the few times I have tried it the way you described, it did not seem to work.

You are right, my bad. I forgot that I did it differently, I used actual keywords and replacing spaces with %20, the code I posted transforms %20 into spaces. Using {KeyWord} most likely won't work.

Sorry for confusion guys.
Did you still use {keyword} in the actual AD? Just wanna clarify this point

Depends. Usually it's the easiest way.

But I usually manually do this through spreadsheets, that way if the word is too long, I at least partially get it in.
Hmm maybe im just being shit stupid, but i cant seem to see how to make an AD text etc be specific for a single keyword/keyphrase. Other than creating an ad group for every single keyword (efficient? i think not)
Hmm maybe im just being shit stupid, but i cant seem to see how to make an AD text etc be specific for a single keyword/keyphrase. Other than creating an ad group for every single keyword (efficient? i think not)

lol, well, then you can use {KeyWord} and it should work fine.
Is there a way to automatically input the keyword the searcher used to be included in your content? like a php code?

Searcher#1 types in "32 Inch LCD TV"

my ad shows up

Great 32 Inch LCD TV Deals
Find Great Deals on 32 Inch LCD And Save
Limited Time Offer On LCD TV!

my landpage content

The NEW {keyword used here} on sale today and only today. The Sony {keyword used here} feature blah blah blah blah blah. Make sure to purchase the most popular {keyword used here} today for it a limited time offer!

and if Searcher#2 uses 42 Inch LCD would automatically input it into my content.

I think something like this would definitly improve your QS, since your keyword is being used in the LP contents....just my 2cents
As your landing page url use:{keyword}

On your php page whereever you want to use the keyword use:
<?=$_GET['keyword'] ?>

If your too lazy to change all the urls your going to have to fiddle with the http_referer and parse out the keyword, more of a pain than its work

Edit: Damn its early, this whole thread is about what you are suggestingg greenvy
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