Be a Ron Paul Delegate. I'll figure it out for you.


New member
Aug 10, 2007
So after some communication with a few really intelligent but really confused peers, I realized that the will maybe there but lack of information or understanding maybe stopping you.

I know you've all been hearing about Ron Paul, delegates, yada yada but some of you may find the whole process to be (understandably) extremely confusing and convoluted.

Tonight a friend mentioned that she would be voting for RP in the primaries in April in her state and the conversation went like this:

Me: Great. But what you really need to do is be a delegate.
Her: How does one do that?
Me: Every state is different but many times, you just need to be a registered voter and just show up, that's it. If you give me your precinct info I'll research it for you.

5 minutes later I found that there was a rally going on 2 days before the primary in her state where they were signing up delegates and it was down the road from her. She was stoked.

So here's my commitment to you. Post in this thread your county and precinct number (found on your voters registration card) and I will figure out how to get you to where you need to be. (If you don't have your registration card you can usually get it online. Don't let this stop you if you can't, I still maybe able to help) I prefer you post in the thread to keep it active but if you find this to be highly sensitive info then you can pm me with it, just post in the thread that you're sending a pm.

Here's another commitment to you. If you don't volunteer to become a delegate, and Ron Paul doesn't win the primaries, I will troll each and every one one of you with this fact every time you bitch about Obama for the next 4 years. ;)
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It drives me fucking nuts that there isn't a single thing I can do from canada except get the word out.
what about states that already voted like ohio?

Most Delegate selections are done the day of the primaries. So if you've already had your primaries then it's done.

I still reserve the right to troll you, though.

I'll look around and see if I can find a list of states with upcoming primaries.
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Rob I see you have an April 3rd deadline coming up. Better make sure yo shit is lined up since you made that one RP thread. You're committed now.

ChrisS you're up in June. Let me know if you me to figure out the details.

Oh look Eli You're May 15.

Erect You're May22.

Jack You're June 2...

And a bunch of others out there. I'll find you.
The Top 3 Reasons why you ALL MUST BECOME A PAUL DELEGATE:

I wish we'd done this sooner, thanks Turbo...

The Top 3 Reasons why you ALL (who live in states yet to choose) MUST BECOME A PAUL DELEGATE:

1. Because your Freedom is literally on the line.

I won't preach too much to this crowd about our lost freedoms lately, but I do want to mention that the overall trend of lost freedoms has been doing nothing but SPEED UP and is starting to get out of control.

You know very well that the NDAA, ACTA, and even the NDRP are all unconstitutional and march us directly towards a 1984-style police state at some point in the future if anyone but Paul is elected. Sadly though, I believe many of you feel that Obomba can't do an amount of damage in the next 4 years that you can't put up with.

I'm absolutely convinced this is not the case gentlemen. The upcoming war in Iran alone is going to be BRUTAL. That country is huge and has a population many times larger than any of the other countries we've fought with since WWII. (17th largest out of 300+ countries!) It's going to be a very bloody mess and the draft is LIKELY.

The Fed also isn't behaving itself any better these days, and the Dollar could literally hyperinflate before the end of Obomba's 2nd term. That's why so many of you buy precious metals.

YOU can help stop all of that directly. You can help repeal the NDAA, ACTA, and the NDRP, among many other assaults on your freedom, all with this one effort!

2. Because YOU CAN DO IT.

It's not that hard to be a delegate, you don't even have to be one to show up and vote for one, if you do become one you don't have to do very much, and there's lots & lots of help for all Paul delegates everywhere.

What kind of help? Check out this Vid made by a delegate assistant the other day. This person was not a delegate at all, but had studied all the rules and was there to talk Paul's delegates through the deception that almost befell them when the GOP tried to rush things through without letting all the Paul delegates get nominated:

[ame=](3/24/12) Estblshmnt tries to stop Ron Paul supporters from becoming delegates in MN - YouTube[/ame]

tl;dw: Dude knew his shit, Paul's team got their delegates. WIN.

Paul's extended team is VERY, EXTREMELY, UNPRECEDENTEDLY well organized, and in fact is probably the first bunch of delegates to go out with walkie-talkies and other high-tech gear to stay ahead and grab every last delegate possible.

Where to get the help? Turbo can only help you so far; Get your ass over to DAILYPAUL.COM and start reading. The forums there and of course at will surely help you get in touch with your local delegate HQ. It's very important that you meet up with them so you can act as a team at these events.


Many of you are thinking right now: "But Paul hasn't even won a single state! What's the point?"

"Beauty contest" polls like those HAVE NEVER elect candidates! They're just fodder for the masses, and have nothing to do with who becomes the nominee. DELEGATES elect nominees, and Paul's team has put together an almost foolproof delegate domination plan.

Not only has Paul already won the 2nd largest number of delegates behind Romney (Frothy and Newt have absolutely No delegate plan worth speaking of) but the fact is that MANY ROMNEY DELEGATES ARE GOING TO VOTE FOR PAUL IF THE CONVENTION IS BROKERED!!!!

What does that mean exactly?

If Romney doesn't get 1144 pledged delegates before the September GOP convention in Tampa, (which we are making sure of) then the convention rules state that pledged delegates can just vote for anyone they so choose after the 1st vote.

From the start, Paul's team has been planning to use that fact. You see, most states are "primary" states where the winner of the "beauty contest" poll gets the majority of the "Bound" delegates and the rest (Always) gets voted on. (a.k.a goes to Paul.) While other candidates have been focusing on winning those primaries and getting the big number of delegates up front, Paul's team has been sneaking in his extra Delegates as Romney delegates too, so in Tampa these guys can actually vote for Paul!

It's a killer strategy, and Paul's whole team is as sure as ever that they've got a great chance. Just look on Youtube for evidence, you'll find so much it will make your head spin.

Now; if that weren't enough, there is hope even if Paul doesn't win the GOP Nomination...

Paul, at or after the convention, can announce that he's running as an Independent! (And many believe he would.)

Think about this; Independents don't seem to have a chance because of 2 reasons:
A. The 2-party system steals all of the Mainstream media coverage. (No primary debates, no equal coverage, etc.)
B. The lack of support that comes from the lack of media.​

Paul clearly won't suffer one bit from those two scenarios! Those debates are over, he got all the coverage already, and his coverage has been stellar online and peer-to-peer, which simply keeps building day to day!

Also very interesting: Paul is the first candidate in many decades that will vote "No one but Paul." It's their mantra. Even the other Repugs know they aren't getting the votes from Paul's ppl, ever again, so Paul's going to be taking a VERY CONSIDERABLE CHUNK of voters away from the GOP this November in the general election.

Add that to all the Young People that Paul ALREADY stole from Obama's camp, and you've got a possible victory on your hands already. Paul will do AWESOME in debates against Obama, so the bottom line is that we still have a chance to win, either way it goes.

Remember, Paul's videos and fans are very Viral online right now and have been growing at record speeds... Meanwhile there are still SEVEN more months until the general election! Plenty of time to swing the american vote.

But we still need your help... Every delegate counts because we've GOT TO keep Romney away from reaching 1144. If you are one of Pauls' (Or Frothy's, lol) delegates then that's one less delegate for Romney.

If you don't do it now, then how will you feel knowing you didn't do it the day that we send our ground troops into Tehran or the day the dollar Hyperinflates?
Ok just woke up. Got to do some morning family stuff and then I'll be researching the PMs you guys sent.
Precinct 0052, Harris County, TX

edit: ah crap maybe I should read that PM you sent me first :D

Did you find your SD#? Did you hook up with that Meetup group? Let me know if you need more info.

pm'ed you

WAR Ron Paul!

Looking into now.

can u share that wiki link

Republican Party presidential primaries, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not registered, help me! New jersey.

In NJ you can either registrar statewide or by county. Considering you want to be sure you are registered before the vote I would print out your specific county form and walk it down to your county commissioner of Registration. You have 21 days prior to the election to register. Do it this week please.

You have a couple of meetups (BTW, EVERYONE Ron Paul meetups are highly recommended. This is where I first learned everything I needed to do and it's how to really get involved locally)
Neil schloss - New Jersey Ron Paul Liberty Headquarters Meet-up (Millstone Township, NJ) - Meetup
The Somerset & Hunterdon County Ron Paul Meetup (Bridgewater, NJ) - Meetup

Find out more at the NJ facebook page

Get specifics on what is needed for NJ delegates from Mike Ward:
Michael Ward
Communications Director
NJ Liberty Headquarters


Please report back on your progress :)

Working on a PM back

Michigan is done, but let me just say that you are TEH SHIT for doing this Turbo. You are hereby absolved for your Obama vote in 2008.

I'm kicking myself for not doing this earlier, but luckily there's still a buttload of states out there, and as we see with the NJ post, there's still time to do everything you need.
Surely there is an easier way of doing this than doing it manually? You're webmasters right, some of you can code and the rest of you have money.

Why can't somebody just enter in the information that turbo is requesting and get the answer immediately and automatically?

Surely there is an easier way of doing this than doing it manually? You're webmasters right, some of you can code and the rest of you have money.

Why can't somebody just enter in the information that turbo is requesting and get the answer immediately and automatically?


that toppled with the fact that we are all highly intelligent and all very adapt at google searches, you'd think it would be simplier.

But I'll tell you, while most of this stuff I can find in google in a few minutes, other stuff takes me days. This is one of those times where democracy + thousands of municipal counties with different rules works against us. So there is absolutely no judgement in this thread. If your results take me 3 minutes or 3 hours I'm happy to do it.

For Ron Paul, I don't mind. This my contribution.