Ballin Ass Sticky Notes.

If I was an affiliate network or company I would pay Nick Throlson to NOT blog about me.
I like when they send me checks and every time I cash them I think of them. But to each his own.
Very appropriate to the thread:

[ame=""]YouTube - Video Interview with John Chow at AdTech April 15th 2008[/ame]
LMFAO! This thread is so full of laughs. What 'dose' he do for a living? Ummmmmmmmmmmm.....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........annnnnnnnnnnnnd
This fucking kid, is blogging about sticky notes?

Nick I know you are on these boards, if you're going to blog about shit.
Please make it interesting. Post a fucking case study of a campaign or something. When you wear a suit, wear shoes not sneakers. Take that fucking silver chain off.

Learn how to construct a sentence without using umm or uhhh after or before every word.
This fucking kid, is blogging about sticky notes?

Nick I know you are on these boards, if you're going to blog about shit.
Please make it interesting. Post a fucking case study of a campaign or something. When you wear a suit, wear shoes not sneakers. Take that fucking silver chain off.

Learn how to construct a sentence without using umm or uhhh after or before every word.

and stop talking like you're a "thug" - you're a fucking neckbeard affiliate marketer (supposed affiliate marketer).

The suit + sneakers at a fucking ballgame is what got me; why are you wearing that to a baseball game, are you trying to get attention? if so, the attention you're getting is for looking like a douche by wearing sneakers.
sup guys sittin out here at the park it gives me a lot of time to think about jamoola.
Internet Mastermind... strike that.. GENIUS.

Have you noticed that all of the words that he misspells are almost as if he's spelling them phonetically rather than how they're supposed to be spelled according to anyone on the planet who's had a 3rd grade education and/or has at some point in their life had access to a dictionary? I don't think those were typos. I honestly believe he might not know the correct spelling of those words(and many others along with 'em).

Then the dramatic sell video posted above (with the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack)......Dare I say that it's borderline magical? One more thing.


It's become almost mandatory in these types of warriorforum videos to at some point flash a wad of cash and/or all the amazingly expensive cars you own, but this guy takes it to a whole new level and instead is brutally honest with you. In this clutch scene where he's got a wad of bills fanned out and the tagline of "Question is How Much Money Do You Need?" he's telling you that as long as you don't need more than ~160, he's the guy you should invest your time in. Most people at least fake it and have a hundred dollar bill or two up front and hold the fanned out cash so the numbers are hidden, giving the allusion of a wad of hundos. Here he's just got a few 20's followed by a bunch of 5 dollar bills in the back. Hells yeah! And then in the other video with the post-it notes, all he's doing is telling you that he values your call.... so much that he has a special post-it note booklet that he will happily write any message or notes from the conversation on. Dude thinks ahead and has got ya covered in case in the middle of the call you both come up with a genius idea and are like, "Damn, if only i had something handy to write this killer idea on... then i'd wakeup a rich man!" He's got your back bro.

I salute you.
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Come on guys. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he just didn't have enough space on the screen to finish the question: "How much money do you need to wipe your ass with?" The rest of his millions are stashed in the secret compartment in his neck.

**double peace sign**