Azoogle is Getting Sh!t on Left and Right

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what i dont get is probably 99% of you here dont even have referrals not to mention the people who do dont make any good money with it anyway. I think read somewhere one of the top so called affiliate marketers in the game had like a couple hundred referrals ad he only makes like 400$ a month off them or something.

Why is everyone so worried about this? Average people are making 1k-10k a day through azoogle no problems just average joes. Seems like everyone else is crying because that 100$ a month or so isnt gonna be there forever. spend more time learning how to make the money instead of looking like a bum trying to get free money

Ignorance is bliss.

Just because you earn $0 and are a failure in life doesn't mean everyone else is.
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dunno if you read the post right or not but you edited your post so i guess you had to re-read it? try again this time with those 4 inch glasses.

i make money with azoogle and i have 0 referrals and even if i had 100 referrals that made 1,000$ minimum each a month thats 200$ hardly worth even getting those 100 referrals in the first place.
dunno if you read the post right or not but you edited your post so i guess you had to re-read it? try again this time with those 4 inch glasses.

i make money with azoogle and i have 0 referrals and even if i had 100 referrals that made 1,000$ minimum each a month thats 200$ hardly worth even getting those 100 referrals in the first place.

I can gurantee I made more money in 2007 in referrals then you did in "affiliate marketing".
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That's right start accusing of photoshoping now, its clear you're a fucking moron from your post yesterday claiming 75|1 conversion ratio on tones. No need to post stats.
dunno if you read the post right or not but you edited your post so i guess you had to re-read it? try again this time with those 4 inch glasses.

i make money with azoogle and i have 0 referrals and even if i had 100 referrals that made 1,000$ minimum each a month thats 200$ hardly worth even getting those 100 referrals in the first place.

If you could do simple 2nd grade math I for one would be more inclined to take you seriously... 100 referrals making 1,000 minimum each a month would earn you 2,000 a month not 200. 2% of 100,000 is $2,000...

If you admit to having 0 referrals and don't make a penny off of referrals than who the helll are you to tell people who make money off of them to stop crying or anything for that matter... Retard alert...

Please leave the thread with your head being pulled out of your own ass now!
I hate to say, but a network coming out and promising lifetime commissions on referrals doesn't mean much after what Azoogle did. There's little stopping RocketProfit from turning around in two months, and doing the same thing. After all, Azoogle promised lifetime referrals at first.

True enough but I've found rp to be pretty damn sweet so far. Granted I'm fairly new to rp and affiliate marketing in general but they've not steared me wrong (that i know of !).
If you could do simple 2nd grade math I for one would be more inclined to take you seriously... 100 referrals making 1,000 minimum each a month would earn you 2,000 a month not 200. 2% of 100,000 is $2,000...

If you admit to having 0 referrals and don't make a penny off of referrals than who the helll are you to tell people who make money off of them to stop crying or anything for that matter... Retard alert...

Please leave the thread with your head being pulled out of your own ass now!

hey punk i was trying to make a point! i have 0 referrals because as its now been pointed out it would of been a worthless adventure. because now they go bye bye after 6 months.
hey punk i was trying to make a point! i have 0 referrals because as its now been pointed out it would of been a worthless adventure. because now they go bye bye after 6 months.

Key word in that statement is "trying"... Your pretty much as dumb as a rock huh! How about you just do us all a favor and STFU when you have no idea what you are talking about next time.. Thank you, have a nice day!
hey wayne.
STFU you have a gay ass name and your life sucks because your name is wayne

Good one.... Oh that was just great. Gay name... With remarkably clever comebacks like that it's a real mystery why you can't figure how to get one dollar from a referral...

And after reading your other posts that scream "I am an idiot without a clue" and with the fact you clearly failed 2nd grade math, I would be shocked if you could figure out much in life on your own actually.
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