Awesome ass movie!


New member
Nov 30, 2010
I just saw this movie today and it was not what i had expected. My GF didn't even gave me a hint about what the movie was like, but i just assume it was another lame chick flick. This movie got pretty intense and trippy. Good movie

[ame=]YouTube - BLACK SWAN - Official HD trailer[/ame]

The best action movie I have downloaded in a long time is "the town" about bank robbers from boston!


Go watch it come back and say it was bad! I dare you! Tripple dare you!
The best action movie I have downloaded in a long time is "the town" about bank robbers from boston!


Go watch it come back and say it was bad! I dare you! Tripple dare you!




I just watched it based on your recommendation, and holy shit that movie is trippy. Was hot when Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis fuck :)
Assuming it's Oscar-eligible, she will get Best Actress for that.
Its a quality movie saw it at the Toronto Film Festival. Do I think it's the "best movie of the year"? Meh... It's up there with Inception imo but at times I feel they took it too far. I also think people are just "jumping on the boat" just because critics gave it such rave reviews and the average person i have spoken with about it didn't have a single fuck of an idea as to what the movie was about.
I saw a few days ago before I saw this thread or had heard anything about it, so I had zero expectations going into it. When movies get a lot of hype, 9/10 times you're pretty much setting yourself up for a let down and the movie not meeting expectations. I thought it was pretty good to great (maybe like a 8). If I had gone into it thinking it was going to be awesome, I'd probably say it sucked / was overrated. Just the way it goes.
I thought it was amazing, great tension, great suspense I did'nt know what the hell was going on....
It might have been better if there was a subplot where Chuck Norris played like her aging secret mentor, teaching her ill skillz to enhance her ballet moves. The rest of the movie would be about her kicking the shit out of ballet fags that were trying to out-diva her.
I just saw this movie today and it was not what i had expected. My GF didn't even gave me a hint about what the movie was like, but i just assume it was another lame chick flick. This movie got pretty intense and trippy. Good movie

YouTube - BLACK SWAN - Official HD trailer

Where's the freakin movie?

edit: oh there we go sorry Didn't saw the link thought it was a blank page... well not that good but it made me watch more boobie clips from diffferent sites