Avoid 1and1(and a law question)

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Are you guys serious? When I read his first post it was obvious to me he was from 1&1. How can you guys think otherwise? It's an impossible balancing act you all must expect from corporate forum members. If they mention their company they are a shill, but if they don't they are somehow evasive.

I'll never use 1&1 because of all the horror stories I've heard, but props to jsloan for addressing this thread with maturity.

I agree with Dull,

sometimes fuckin people make mistakes and the first thing they do is go to a forum and blast the company and give all these horror stories. Well, I have heard people complain about every single company and entity in this business. You name it, GoDaddy, 1and1,Dreamhost,Hostgator,etc
As for Josh, I immediately knew he was with 1and1 from the first paragraph. Some of you fuckers are just looking for something to bitch about. On poster now even admits that he was too fucking lazy to actually take the necessary steps to do what was needed to properly have the account closed. All I have to say to most of you bitching is, Get a life!
I agree with Dull,

sometimes fuckin people make mistakes and the first thing they do is go to a forum and blast the company and give all these horror stories. Well, I have heard people complain about every single company and entity in this business. You name it, GoDaddy, 1and1,Dreamhost,Hostgator,etc
As for Josh, I immediately knew he was with 1and1 from the first paragraph. Some of you fuckers are just looking for something to bitch about. On poster now even admits that he was too fucking lazy to actually take the necessary steps to do what was needed to properly have the account closed. All I have to say to most of you bitching is, Get a life!

Life.... check.
Different hosting provider... check.
J Sloan. I am very familiar with 1and1 and what they do with billing. It's a big fucken scam. Same shit AOL used to do. So many layers and bullshit just to make people frustrated and say fuck it.

You guys know that if you fuck with x amount of people, that you will get x amount that say fuck you give me my money and the rest cry uncle and move on, BURNED! What is it 25% fight back and you have to refund, 75% you steal and they never do shit. Those are great SACM coneversion sir.

You get a BBB complaint then you handle the issue so it doesn't go down on your perm record. Come on everyone know that the BBB is a fucken joke. You get a complaint you handle, its resolved. Again, the numbers game you all play.

That's why 1and1 keeps costs so low is by ripping people off and providing the crapiest customer service in da world.

1fucks1.com should be your URL.
How lame! I can be the greatest guy in the world but if I work for Hitler:error:
The company you keep says a lot about who you are.

Anyone can fluff up shit to look like a Baby Ruth dude.

Anyone who knows josh wouldn't flame him.......he represents his company well and is an asset to the industry in general.
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I had this EXACT thing happen to me with them, luckily though my bill wasnt as expensive so i just paid it. THen like 2 months ago they sent me another email sayin i owed them money, if i get another letter with a bill from NCO financial or what ever the fuck the company was called i will not pay it.

joshua.sloan @ 1and1.com
Director of Online Marketing.

I happen to be a 1and1.com customer and have never had an issue, but if you want to respond to something like this on a forum at least be honest about who you are instead of making it look like you have some sort of unbiased opinion. That my friend, is lame.


Joshua, please let your company be very careful with their marketing practices, i have heard of the FBI raiding office/ companies who were acting in the same manner defrauding people.......:yin-yang:
You know, I gotta say, I used to really dislike 1&1, but then again, I've never used them, but recently for an upcoming service launch for WickedFire I had to take a pretty in-depth look at all the hosting companies, at least the major ones.

After looking at it, there are some things I noticed that I guess I never really realized before. 1&1 is not a hosting company meant for the average webmaster/affiliate or internet savvy kind of person. They are much more geared towards the newbies. I put them into the same category as Godaddy, Yahoo, etc. for hosting, because they are like the default or first choice kind of place for someone that doesn't really have a clue about hosting. I'm not bashing them at all for it either, because they serve a purpose for sure. That whole newbie crowd is massive too, so someone has to sit there and hold their hand and sell and upsell them on different products that they may or may not need. But for a webmaster, no way.

When it comes down to it, would any of you ever buy hosting from Godaddy or Yahoo? I fuckin hope not! Even if you're a newbie in this field, you are still more advanced and should know better than to buy into a service that is targeting the REAL newbies. The newbies I'm talking about are people with offline businesses that want a website and pay $5k for a piece of crap design and monthly maintainance fees from a company that doesn't rely on CSS or still makes pages with Frontpage and uses clipart from the 90's. THOSE are the types of clients that 1&1 target, and THOSE are the types that will forever remain happy with them as their host provider.

The only thing you guys should use 1&1 for is maybe buying a server from them and acting like a private label reseller to the super newbie crowd. There's a lot of money just lying around and waiting to be made if you have something to offer them. I can assure you, they could care less about anything we focus on. They get all excited when you offer them 1000 email address and 20 domain name spots, big fucking woop, that's standard, haha. But to them they focus on that because they don't know any better, and to be honest, I don't think they even care much, they just want their hand held, and to be told that what they are getting will serve it's purpose, that's it.

So before you go around bashing hosting companies (trust me, I know there are a lot of them to bash and almost all of them deserve it) you should first look into where they are advertising and maybe ask them who their target market is before you buy into anything. If they say "everyone", well, I'd stay away from them just based on that because that means they aren't thinking about the longterm, and that is one thing all real hosts need to be focused on, the longterm.
By the way.. I spoke to Josh Sloan on the phone yesterday, not even knowing about this thread until he mentioned it, and I know he's a fan of us and he means well, so I don't really think he was trying to covertly pretend to be someone else, not like some of the douchebags in the industry news area.

He pretty much confirmed my theory about them anyway, being geared towards the small-medium businesses that need a babysitter when choosing a host.

As for the cancellation fee, I don't agree with charging anyone $100 for something like that. BUT in their defense, or anyone's, if there was a contract, and it was in the terms, and you signed it, then it's your fault for not reading it. If it wasn't in the terms, then you don't have to pay it, nuff said.

Perhaps 1&1 may want to consider wiping out the cancellation fee for all affiliates/webmasters in general who weren't aware that 1&1's target market are the Godaddy upsell product suckers crowd and not the more experienced, savvy WF crowd. That would probably make both sides pretty happy, and it would also save me a shitload of time for having to get involved in this to mediate the situation... which I will do if there isn't an agreement reached on both sides since both of you are WickedFire members, that's the unwritten courtesy rule I follow. Everyone here is protected, and if there is an issue that can't be solved and WickedFire's forum is used as the arena (last ditch effort to solve it, don't use us as the first resort) then I need to get involved.

But to both of you.. if I do get involved, I will look at the situation from an outsider's point of view and post my recommendations on what needs to be done, and if one side doesn't follow it, then off to the blacklist you go, regardless if you are a company or long time member here.

So my advice to both of you guys, 1&1 and casidnet is to come up with an agreement to settle this issue otherwise I will get involved.

Let me know what you guys want to do so we can settle it as quickly as possible.
Alright, I probably shouldn't get involved but... here:

GoDaddy, 1&1/1and1 traffic comparison via Alexa:
Related Info for: godaddy.com/
As you can see GoDaddy gets about 6x - 8x the traffic of 1and1. (I know alexa ranks aren't very accurate..)

1and1, 1&1 BBB Data:

Number of complaints processed by the BBB over the last 36 months: 376
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in the last 12 months: 207
Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s).
Source: Better Business Bureau Reliability Report

GoDaddy BBB Data:
The BBB processed a total of 327 complaints about this company in the last 36 months.Of the total of 327 complaints closed in 36 months, 106 were closed in the last year.
Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record .
Source: http://data.phoenix.bbb.org/commonreport.html?bid=22000169

So... GoDaddy probably has at least 10x the amount of costumers(maybe 100x?). Yet, 1and1 has more reports with the better business bureau.

1&1, 1and1 RipOffReports:
You searched for: 1and1
Approximately 11 Reports Found
Source: Ripoff Report Search Results: 1and1

You searched for: 1&1
Approximately 10 Reports Found
*A few of the results are the same*
Source:Ripoff Report Search Results: 1&1

GoDaddy RipOffReports:
You searched for: godaddy
Approximately 26 Reports Found
Source: Ripoff Report Search Results: godaddy

So your web hosting company has fewer costumers, yet more complaints than GoDaddy? You guys obviously have a problem.. I am beginning to wonder if the domain choice and company name aren't just to divide the amount of complaints and scams by 2(1and1, 1&1). This way people can't properly research your company. It obviously is shitty if you're trying to get a brand going..

You guys are scam artists, legally conning people with your cancellation fees and procedures that deter them from ever canceling your service. I suggest you either fix all the issues you have now (drop the cancellation fees and start taking care of your costumers), or fucking go crazy with and and just flat out charge people for shit they didn't do. Shit, why not bill them for features they never ordered!? Add something else sneaky to the contract like a "Nameserver update fee of $99"! Fuck, you guys could really make much more that way... Ride this bitch while it lasts!

PS: :repuke:
Well shit RudeDogg, you just did lots of research for me.. Thanks! Can I use you for other mediation issues? I'm serious too, because mediating things on here can be a huge task and a giant pain in the ass.
good to hear this.

they are currently my host but i now know what to look out for.

Serious question here, if you're charged their obscene cancel fee what recourse do you have? It seems like you're pretty much fucked, unless I'm missing something.
Serious question here, if you're charged their obscene cancel fee what recourse do you have? It seems like you're pretty much fucked, unless I'm missing something.
Yeah I think you pretty much are :( It's a legally binding contract, and their TOS is very vague.. So they can basically charge you for anything and everything they want. The messed up part is that there isn't any real mention of a cancellation fee. You would think they would just charge for the remainder of the contract (which is still pretty lame).

Upon cancellation of this Agreement you will receive a prorated refund of any pre-paid, refundable fees for the remainder of any term. Fees for certain services, including but not limited to domain name registration and maintenance, set up fees, shipping and handling, SSL certificate fees, Website Creator Plus, Website Builder Plus, in2site Live Dialog Plus, DynamicSiteCreator Plus, Additional Virus Scanner, Exchange accounts and fees for the Extended Term Packages, are not refundable unless provided otherwise by applicable local law. 1&1 may, in its sole discretion, refund other amounts as it deems necessary or advisable.
The minimum contract term is 12 months.
Written in small text of course, this only applies to the "specials" they have going on. It doesn't seem that way though, because it only shows you 3 months charges.

A minimum contract term of 1 year applies to your package when you order the software suite.
So when you add the software package you're agreeing to a one year contract. It doesn't seem that way though, because it only shows you 3 months charges. (some of the other packages have 3 and 6 month agreements).

A full refund (minus software shipping and handling fees and bandwidth) will be given through the 1&1 Money Back Guarantee for all our web hosting packages if you cancel your account within 90 days.
but then this is in the TOS :S
The 1&1 Money Back Guarantee does not apply to dedicated and managed 1&1 Server products. All monthly and setup fees for dedicated and managed Server products are nonrefundable.

Anyway, yeah they do have some pretty shady stuff going on. It's obvious that the way they present this contract isn't working, people don't understand that it's a 12 month agreement. Any legitimate company would make the contract more visible, which would stop all the BBB complaints.

@Jon: Sure, I'm down to help out. I like doing this kind of stuff, PM with info whenever :)
You're in Canada?

How can an American company touch your credit?

If they can, all you need to do is call the bureau and dispute the charges. The onus will then be on 1and1 to prove that you have to pay, and I doubt that they would take it that far.
After reading your story I skipped to the bottom, so sorry if I'm repeating anything someone else had said.

First, check to see if that $99 fee is mentioned anywhere.

If it is, don't pay it or the $300. $300 won't hurt your credit that much and after a few years (5 to 7 I believe) it won't even exist on your credit app.
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