Automating wordpress installation and config? + a checklist for you


Señor Member
Feb 1, 2009
Thanks to WF I've got most of my shit completely automated. I want to crank out some decent quality wp-zon blogs with the quickness. From what I've seen most of the solutions out there are run by retards. Anyone got a good cloning app or am I going to have to figure out the wp database structure and write something from scratch?

I'm mostly looking to just run a script to install and then configure all the options how I'd like with just an input for title/tag line.

Just for fun here's a checklist I put together you guys may find helpful. I'm trying to avoid doing as much of this as possible.

Fatmoocow's New blog checklist

1. register domain

2. add domain to panel

3. Forward name server to host

4. Install wordpress via one click install at host

5. Register twitter account via proxy

6. Go to sight, launch wordpress

7. Change default password and tagline
Settings - General - Edit Tagline
Settings - Discussion - Uncheck all "Default Article Settings" and "Email me whenever" settings
Settings - Permalinks - check Custom Structure -> /%postname%/

8. Themes
upload theme
Activate wordpress theme
Create images for banners
Upload images to site//wp-content/themes/theme_name/images/banners
Create "logo.png" upload to theme/images
verify no resizing

9. upload root files to root
dh-phpion.php (ioncube installer file)
launch dh-phpion.php from the root directory, click install, then test ionCube encoded file to verify it worked

10. upload plugins
update any plugins that are not current

google analytics
google xml sitemaps
social bookmarking - twitter, facebook, digg
feedburner feedsmith (tracks subscribers) - burn feed
related posts WordPress › Yet Another Related Posts Plugin WordPress Plugins
smart 404 Smart 404 for Wordpress
url shortener WordPress › Short Post URLS WordPress Plugins
super cache WordPress › WP Super Cache WordPress Plugins
wordpress filter WordPress Filter – Matt Walters

Activate and configure akismet - check discard option - Worpress API Key -> ##########
Activate Google XML Sitemaps
Activate Short Post Urls
Activate WordPress Filter plugin - Add filters
Activate Related Posts
Activate YARP Plugin
Settings - YARP Plugin (verify no warning for missing files)
show only posts from past 2 weeks
check display using a custom template file
check display related posts in feeds
Click update options

11. Starting Content
add about page
add privacy policy Google Adsense Privacy Policy Generator - Create a Privacy Policy Adsense

12. .htaccess
update .htaccess file to block bots and shorten links

13. Cache - do last for troubleshooting
configure super cache
Settings - WP Super Cache - check on - update status - update mod rewrite rules (verify success)

14. Analytics
configure and upload google analytics page

Can't be of much help, but I'd also purchase if you're interested in selling...
After doing a little more research. It looks like - Backup mysql, copy files, find an replace domain name within the database, paste it all into a new domain. Might be doable with some random stuff jammed together.
Looks like a pretty good setup

YAARP is a resource hog IMO.

Add Post Footer Plugin does what it does and adds a few things like an easy place to put a shiny button or adsense.

Also WP Supercache is a little buggy and probably not needed. It wont run for example with the server setup I use.

The less plugins the better.

There are a few ways to automate WP installs. Subversion, Multiblog setups etc. Search here. This has been discussed.
Good setup. Wordpress' database structure isn't too bad. Everything setting wise ends up in a table wp_options that can easily be copied into a new table.

I would 1click install a fresh setup, login as admin, set a theme, delete the sample comment/post, plugin config, etc etc. Then just dump the whole wp_* database into a sql file. A script can easily regex out the specific's from the first install into another sites. There's your new wordpress site. All it needs is hosting now, and for you to change the theme if need be.

3.0 has built in multblog, too, just rolled out a ton of them. It's beta so some plugins aren't working though.
as per previous post, get WP installed, get your plugins/theme installed/activated, confugre it all, then just write a quick php script to modify the domain in the WP db, think there's 5 mentions of it to replace.

should be pretty easy to automate the whole of it, apart from the twitter account creation as that has a captcha.
UBOT + WP Auto Installer + WP Cloner can get the most of it. I am not sure if the entire thing can be automated.
I am in the same boat. After a lot of research, it doesn't seem easy to automate custom installs of WordPress.

Both WP Auto Installer and uPress would seem they fit the bill, but being a coder I hate pissing my money away on something I can do myself. Besides, whose to say these small time vendors won't sniff my passwords.

On to the DIY route.

Automating WordPress customizations – the install.php way WordPress Bits has a good writeup on customising one part of the install, including change default options like the creation of 'Uncategorized' category and 1st post and comment.

Default theme etc. Create a custom wordpress zip with your default theme and changes already in there.

Default plugins/plugin options' more tricky. The simplest thing to do is probably do a mysql dump of the plugin tables and auto import this from the custom install.php script, as described the wpbits blog given above.

Right, time to put the theory into practice.
To save a few steps you could have all files loaded in the cpanel3-skel directory on your main hosting domain.
I am in the same boat. After a lot of research, it doesn't seem easy to automate custom installs of WordPress.

Both WP Auto Installer and uPress would seem they fit the bill, but being a coder I hate pissing my money away on something I can do myself. Besides, whose to say these small time vendors won't sniff my passwords.

On to the DIY route.

Automating WordPress customizations – the install.php way WordPress Bits has a good writeup on customising one part of the install, including change default options like the creation of 'Uncategorized' category and 1st post and comment.

Default theme etc. Create a custom wordpress zip with your default theme and changes already in there.

Default plugins/plugin options' more tricky. The simplest thing to do is probably do a mysql dump of the plugin tables and auto import this from the custom install.php script, as described the wpbits blog given above.

Right, time to put the theory into practice.

This looks interesting, a custom install file could speed things up a little.
you could accomplish everything on that list via a bash script. Floating around on the internet is an old one for setting up cloned wordpress installs on cpanel... it's gotta be broken by now (it was really old) but that's the type of thing i'm talking about... study up a bit + learn how you can have your already setup directory for wp be installed + the proper sql db's altetered...etc..