AutoApprove Blog List #4 100,737 WordPress 17,191 Blog Engine .EDU BONUS

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let me know when its back to $19 and ill pick up a copy

The repeat customer price was lowered to $19 when I lowered the regular price.
You are a repeat customer so you can buy it for $19.
I emailed all previous customers the repeat customer discount code when I posted this list for sale.

I will PM you the repeat customer discount code again. Thanks! :thumbsup:
If you want to go ahead and extend me the $19 offer, and this list is what it says, I'll be buying from you regularly.
does this still include 100k wordpress and 17k blog engine?
Whats the price now?
Interested in buying, cheers
Yes, the list has 100k wp urls and 17k blog engine.

The price is $29 with discount code: wickedfire
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