auction2post plugin for Wordpress, turn eBay auctions into posts

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wearing same clothes as yesterday, coding away.

Also remember that you can survive for weeks if you don't eat, but only for a couple days without water. Keep a bottle of water near your computer/bed for the next 2 weeks. Don't be engaging in fruitless activities like driving around and getting food and stuff. :-D

This WP plugin sounds great. Will there be an option for people to post products from other countries other than the U.S? For example if I had a site that sold TVs to people in the UK and was accepted to the UK EPN program, could I just put in my aff id like i can with BANS?
Also remember that you can survive for weeks if you don't eat, but only for a couple days without water. Keep a bottle of water near your computer/bed for the next 2 weeks. Don't be engaging in fruitless activities like driving around and getting food and stuff. :-D

And for fucks sake...stay out of the wf boob threads! (aka Affiliate Black Holes)
Will there be an option for people to post products from other countries other than the U.S?

it is currently limited to the US site only right now. allowing other country codes will be an early feature update.

And for fucks sake...stay out of the wf boob threads!

quit abusing ur mod powers and tracking my activities on wf! lol! ;)
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