auction2post plugin for Wordpress, turn eBay auctions into posts

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i follow what you are saying. initial development didn't include expiring posts, it was requested and i figured i'd implement it. any seo experts w/ a suggestion for handling the 404 more gracefully?

no expert but there's a pretty cool plugin that deals with 404s that basically just redirects to a search page of your current content...can't think of the name but it has 404 in it.

thanks for the plugin! any idea on the price tag on the premium one?

very cool looking software and feature list - will give it a try. looks like you will have lots of premium version buyers if it works well.
looking at a june 1st target release date. premium plugin price point between $49 - $99 based on similar plugins. of course there will be a nice wf discount code.

anyone having issues w/ signing up for the eBay developer app id? you are allowed 5000 calls a day with it out of the box (free), but if you get your application approved you can get 1.5 million/day. I need to find out more about the approval process and perhaps make signing up for the app id optional. advantage of your own appid is that you know you're going to get your 5000 calls a day and not be dependent on someone else.

developer production appid should look something like this:
stupid n00b question (didn't see a readme file in the plugin)...underneath the appID box theres a Default Campaign ID box and a Default Custom ID box...what goes there?
OK, this plugin is fucking awesome!! I'd rep you again but apparently I need to spread some love around first. PM'd you my landing page if you want to see it. I just "built" a site in just over an hour that I had scheduled 20 hours to build (which means it would have taken me 30+). to go search the forum for EPN info.

Thanks man!!!
just looked at your site - freaking awesome!

wanted to get this out as quickly as possible - so yeah, no readme...

in case it wasn't clear: you need to be accepted to the ebay partner network to make commissions with this plugin.

Campaign ID is your EPN campaign id you want to use for the site. So for my example, I created a campaign id for beetleclassic - 5336252766 - that's how EPN knows who to pay - so be sure to set that otherwise you're just sending free clicks!

Custom ID is anything you want it to be - it's for tracking. So say I just wanted to use one campaign id across many sites - then i could set the custom id for each site beetleclassic for example. You can see that my current custom id is "freeversiontest".

The premium version will allow for the assigning of a custom id on each search that is generated. This is great for tracking what's driving winning bidders to eBay - might even make it dynamic so you can know exactly which post sent the winning bidder through.

hope that helps - again - nice looking site!
Campaign ID is your EPN campaign id you want to use for the site. So for my example, I created a campaign id for beetleclassic - 5336252766 - that's how EPN knows who to pay - so be sure to set that otherwise you're just sending free clicks!

Thanks, figured that was the case. The first 10 items are mine so I still get paid from free clicks but I'll get on that EPN business as soon as I get off work.

Again, this thing is f'n awesome and all the tracking bits you're talking about in the premium edition sound sweet.
didn't even think of that market - eBay sellers/powersellers who want to have a blog auto generate with their auctions - dumped into the auction category or specific product subcategory. thanks for helping to expand my thinking and market!
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Yeah, that's a huge market for your plugin right there. 99% of them can't even figure out a blog or their own platform (that's why they still sell on ebay even tho they're getting raped on fees) so you'd want to have a bunch of free walkthru videos on the presell to get thru the barrier of retardity.

If the free one is this badass, I can't wait to see the premium version.
I'm getting this when trying to add posts:

Search / Post report:

An error occured
Add more auctions.
Pretty generic message.

any idea on what this error might be???

server is running php5 and WordPress Version 2.7.1
any idea on what this error might be???

did you enter your ebay dev appID on the general options tab? that would probably generate the error. The ebay API isn't fool proof - sometimes it barfs on acceptable queries... so i loop the query three times and this has seemed (in limited testing) to be an adequate number. i haven't had the problem since, so i'm suspecting there's an error in your appID...

any follow up would be great. thanks for testing it out!

i've also heard some issues on zensix boxes - will check w/ subigo on this. currently hosting my site on his new DA server. highly recommended.
medicalhumor sent me a pm saying issue is resolved on his box - category is for the ebay category #, not the blog category. that's not implemented yet. it's default behavior is to dump everything into the default category on your blog ('uncategorized' is default - but you may have changed name).

if you're having an issue with the plugin, put in a generic search term like 'wii' and set the number of auctions to return to 1 and add the posts. that's a good test to see things are working, then you can expand the search query.

i'll be sure to have good documentation when i release the premium version.

also, subigo has been great to work with while we troubleshoot what the issue is with the zensix cpanel box and this plugin. we're good to go on the Direct Admin host. You can get a great deal on that box by clicking here!
Looks really nice, but I'm too busy to beta test it. I just wanna buy when it comes out and the bugs are fixed.

Really, WF is the only place to shop now for Wordpress plugins. Could we have a sticky listing all Wordpress plugins for sale by WF senior members? I was thinking WPReview, RealVMS and now auction2post?
thanks for taking a look benji - appreciate it. it's not that the free version is buggy - it's just not really documented. waiting for the well documented premium version is all good in the hood too!

seeing others in here coming up with cool ideas and implementing them has inspired me to give it a go.

and the issue has been resolved on the zensix cPanel boxes - it's just not the cleanest solution yet. basically a php.ini file needs to be dropped in the right folders - as it stands, i have a php.ini file in EVERY folder on my account - well that fixed it, but now i need to figure out which folders actually need it. will do that in time. also, i tried the plugin on the DA box and it works, but it chugs quite a bit. although this will have the capacity to be a fully functioning autoblog / spamblog - you might get the boot if you are using too many resources on shared. fyi.
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