Attorney Performing Content Writing/Article Writing Services

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Wow, already got my article back and it was spot on. This was easily the highest quality article writing service / fastest turn around time I have experienced so far. Thanks
I have received several private messages from people wondering whether I am available to write for them.

I am definitely available. I don't bump or otherwise post to this thread much since most people just private message me.

This past week has been a testament to my versatility. I have written about the most mundane subjects.

Several clients have requested bulk discounts and reduced pricing. I have willingly provided discounts to many of them. Honestly, it has been a regrettable experience. It's no longer worthwhile. If you want cheap, spun content that is not unique, please don't contact me. I don't do any of that. I don't use spintax. I won't rewrite garbage I am unable to read.
Prospective Customers: With increasing frequency I have received private messages requesting that I write an article about a particular subject. The subject is not described in detail and I'm given no guidance whatsoever. This will necessarily translate into an article that does NOT discuss what you want me to discuss.

Now, I have no problem with re-writing an article that I haven't written satisfactorily. However, it's difficult to take time out of my schedule to re-write and edit articles when that edit could have been prevented had I received a full and fair disclosure of what you want me to write about.

Having said that, I humbly request that if you message me with article/content requests, please provide me with ample detail on the subject. It's aggravating when a client I have never worked with asks me to include something they made no mention of after I have written the article.
I was recently confronted with a family emergency. It kept me from being able to provide content writing services as consistently as I would have liked. Fortunately, the emergency has abated.

I am back and ready to write.


Got another article back from Rick and I am more than impressed. He took a really tough technical keyword and delivered a very detailed and researched piece of work. Thanks again.
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