Attorney Performing Content Writing/Article Writing Services

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New member
Mar 28, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas
Rating - 100%
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I am hoping to provide content creation/article writing services. I intend on writing everything myself. I will not outsource any of the work I am given. The articles will be unique (i.e. not spun).

I have a Bachelor's Degree and a Juris Doctor. I received my degrees from well-renowned institutions. This almost necessarily ensures that I communicate effectively and professionally.

If you're interested in verifying my credentials, please send me a private message.

I will provide complementary review articles to senior Wicked Fire Members and/or moderators. I have had the pleasure of reading a number of posts in the Traffic & Content section. As such, I have a fairly good grasp of who I want to give these complementary articles to (e.g. Dchuck, Aeguitas, Deliguy, and the guy with the cat who incessantly posts photos of homosexuals performing lewd acts).

In exchange for the complementary review articles, the recipients will provide an objective review of my services. Thereafter, I will offer my services on the following basis: $7 per 350 word article. I will charge an additional $1 for each additional 100 words). Bulk discounts will be available. You should receive your articles within 24 to 72 hours, depending on the number of articles you have requested. Obviously, larger orders could require additional time, but I doubt it.

I believe the price I have set is fair in light of my education, the quality of the articles you will receive, and the time frame within which you will receive them.

Although I can create legal content, I wasn't offering legal-content exclusively. I mentioned my degree only to emphasize my qualifications and writing ability.

To clarify, I can write about any subject.

  • Communication: OP was very clear with what he offered and after I gave him specifics he went right at it. In one word - Painless.
  • Turnaround: The OP wrote a 450 word article in less than 4 hours. Not sure if that is standard, but hot damn that is great service.
  • Quality: The writing is top notch. I had him write about a very specific legal scenario, and he hit a home run. Article is 100% unique as per copyscape
If you need high quality content to post on your website, then this here is your man. Of all the content providers I've dealt with so far, OP easily tops the list.
I have a couple of lawyer websites in the making that are on hold because nobody over there wants to write teh unique contentz. I need landing page quality stuff, and outsourcing it to India just doesn't work.

PM me with your gmail/aim/skype if you want to discuss.
@Omgyams: Thanks. I appreciate the review.

@River: I sent you a private message containing my contact information. Unfortunately, the private messaging functionality on my account has been a bit dodgy. Let me know if you don't receive the message.
rick55555 did an awesome job for me. Turnaround was incredibly quick, and quality was flawless.

$7 for 350 words is an absolute steal. I wouldn't hesitate to order from him again.
Quick disclaimer: I've been churning out law-related content and non-law-related content. For those of you who are interested in law-related content, please understand that I am NOT providing you with legal advice. I am providing general information and NO attorney-client relationship is formed by my creating articles for you. I've made a habit of including this in all correspondence with clients requesting law-related content, but thought I might as well put it here as well.
Contacted Rick again for a smaller assignment. He had it done within 30 minutes. The best content writer I've dealt with on WF. The guy's a linguistic magician.

Breath of fresh air! Super fast communication, well written and researched content. I'll be coming back with more work soon. Thanks a lot for your hard work, don't go anywhere.
Just a quick update: I've gotten in the habit of completing content production requests the same-day people have been requesting them. Although things may change in the future depending on work load, I am fairly confident that I will be able to continue at this rate.

Additionally, if you want several articles, I typically write one and send it via private message for your approval. Once I receive your approval, I will continue to draft the other articles. I feel like this gives the client the ability to dictate the direction of the articles (and hopefully ensures that you'll be satisfied with the completed project). I will continue to be open to your feedback. I am more than willing to rewrite any and all articles that you're dissatisfied with.
Do you use any messenger? Please PM me the details. I might have a lot of work for you. Thanks!

I write the content/articles myself. They are unique and not spun. I basically do whatever the client requests. Typically, people request that I use a particular keyword/phrase throughout the article several times. Additionally, I will also use several contextual/semantic variations of the keyword.

If you're on the fence, feel free to send me a private message for a sample to ascertain whether my services are a right match for you. I will write an article on whatever subject you like, using whatever keywords you select. If you like the article, you can pay for the sample and any additional articles you require. If you don't like the article, you can discard it and I will NOT require payment.

This offer is (and has been) available to anyone interested in my services.

I have received several private messages with article and content requests. I have been busy working on a couple of bulk article orders. I am almost ready to begin accepting more work.
I would like to have a free review copy or paid one. One article about Psoriasis Fish Treatment. It is something specific. Let me know if you can write about it. I can order 20 articles per month, we are in travel business. Thank you in advance.
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