ATTENTION: Anyone Who Uses Prosper202 - Read this.

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I don't know Wes but just from talking to him on the phone for the little bit of time I did he seems like a good guy. xmcp is right, this kind of thing isn't really his fault. I would blame Zend Guard more then anyone. We still can't figure out what to call this.

I haven't found any answer yet but for me, here's how:

It filtered out the duplicated IPs. That hurts AOL users and users that clicks at second time(ads networks technically count that as clicks). Thus displays inaccurate spending.

It ended up showing $2000 instead of $2300. That's $300 gap :(
Okay everyone, Wes and I have figured out what happened and it has been patched. We cannot get into detail yet because other people are still using this version. Once everyone updates their copies of prosper then it wont be a big deal. Wes is about to release an update and I hope everyone updates as soon as possible.
The vuln is not the app it self but Zend encryption. Prosper has been released opensource.
This is good news, we can make addons and stuff for it now pretty easily i imagine
I'm kinda curious, how did you guys come about finding out about the vuln/exploit in the first case?

And do you think any ONE or more people have known about this before?

How can one tell if he/she was compromised?

I don't use P/T202 but these are questions I'd ask if I did..
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