ATTENTION: Anyone Who Uses Prosper202 - Read this.

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Tough Marketing

New member
Jun 9, 2008
It has came to my attention that prosper has a vulnerability.
I have emailed tracking202 and tried to get a hold of the owner to explain what is wrong.

The vulnerability allows people to steal traffic without being noticed in the spy section and log in to your prosper account and steal your hard earned data. Keep an eye on the ip's that are logging into prosper on the administration page.

I don't want to be too specific here I just want to make sure everyone is aware of the issue and keeps an eye on their traffic and data.

Also, with this vulnerability the hacker can view 202-config.php so don't use root as your user name. Make sure and create a regular user for prosper and make sure its ip restricted.

I am sure once the owners of tracking202 get with me and I explain what these hackers are doing they will release an update and fix this issue asap.

xmcp please verify.

Will you definitely be able to see the IPs in your log if they have compromised your data?
Damn.. there goes my "secret" source of traffic! Psh! The midget porn campaigns will have to get actual paid sources now, darn!
Will you definitely be able to see the IPs in your log if they have compromised your data?

If they haven't done further modifying. The problem with prosper is a file doesn't need to be encoded with zend to run. They can make changes to each file and even encode it back their self.

From what I have seen, their ip did show but it was just a proxy.

Just make sure they can't get into your database and make sure when you log in it shows your log in attempt and the ip. Watch for any other log in attempts that may have your ip but the time is wrong.
Any chances this vuln was done on purpose for the company to get access to those juicy stats, like they did with their hosted version? I know Wes, he's good people, but those other two, and the quasimodo kid really give me the willies.
Any chances this vuln was done on purpose for the company to get access to those juicy stats, like they did with their hosted version? I know Wes, he's good people, but those other two, and the quasimodo kid really give me the willies.
This would be a lot of overkill if they just wanted data. Much simpler/less noticeable ways to do it.
They wont be able to log in but they could easily put it back.
They can still get your 202-config.php and get into your database if its not setup properly.

They can still modify your redirect scripts to send traffic to their own sites.

k, so I'm a newb with this so I apologize in advance. But what your saying is they can redirect the traffic that prosper shows clicking on your site, but they are actually being redirected to their site?
I am personal friends with Wes and the other guys. They would never do such a thing on purpose. I'll be sure to bring this to their attention asap.

Thanks for the heads up Tough Marketing. This will be fixed soon.
I am personal friends with Wes and the other guys. They would never do such a thing on purpose. I'll be sure to bring this to their attention asap.

Thanks for the heads up Tough Marketing.

Being from Brooklyn you get suspicious of anyone being nice to you or trying to help you.

why would prosper202 need to ping their server? They could have written the script so it didn't do that.

I don't care if anyone is a great guy.

I'm a great fucking guy but I'll rob the shit out of your campaign in a second.

so seriously internet marketers stop being so fucking dumb.
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