Attacks on Ron Paul


Mr. Meseeks
Feb 12, 2008
New Peekamoose
Looks like the GOP is finished laughing at Ron Paul and bringing out the character assassination tactics.

The American Spectator : Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign

Haven't read through all the pages yet, heard about this article on the radio last night and heard the guy who wrote the article on the radio tonight.

Some of the twisted logic is stuff like "Ron Paul agrees with the non-interventionist views of William Jennings Bryan, Burton K. Wheeler, Henry Wallace, ect.. Therefore, he *must* be a supporter of *ALL* FDR and Woodrow Wilson's policies, and is therefore, actually a far-left progressive!"

Going to keep reading more into this, do more research and get all my points together, then see if I can call in to these programs and call them out.

I love that Paul recommending As We Go Marching is evidence of his danger to the people. That little-known, seldom-cited book is one of the best anti-state tomes ever penned. It is hilarious that the Nye Committee and America First are still, seventy years later, being trotted out as examples of organised anti-Semitism in America -- but totally understandable that a Republican mouthpiece like the American Spectator would hold that view. Nye opened Americans' eyes to the early days of government and business being bedfellows, and caused quite a lot of controversy in its day. America First got a lot of heat for what was considered anti-Semitic thrusts and viewpoints -- but the source of most of the popular charges came out of a single speech by Charles Lindbergh. As is usually the case of outspoken critics of the government, charges of racism and insufficient levels of patriotism were leveled against everyone involved with America First.

As We Go Marching is not light reading, but worth the investment -- it contains some very fascinating history of Italy, by way of attempting to explain Italy's historical path to fascism. The history section alone makes the book worth giving a little time to. It's available online here and I swear it won't turn you into a Jew-hating lefty like Ron Paul if you read it.

I started writing a comment on his blog, refuting the absurdity of his claims, but his shit is so backwards, it would have been impossible for me to stay on point. Doesn't look like he's accepting comments anyway. Pussy.

Mike Church sums it up well though:

[ame=""]Jeffrey Lord Doesn't Know The Founders or Ron Paul - YouTube[/ame]
Well he should probably get used to it. If he were to run against obama thats all obama will do since he has little else to run on.
That article was the most twisted peice of crap I've ever read in my life.

Seriously, it reads exactly like someone gave a Paul supporter the Order to write bad things about Paul, that couldn't be proven wrong... He had to SERIOUSLY twist logic to come up with the opinion that RP is an anti-semitic neo-lefty.

Luckily he made it so long and so hard to follow, for an audience of such ignorant fools, that I doubt many will read it. Let's hope.
Well he should probably get used to it. If he were to run against obama thats all obama will do since he has little else to run on.

I just started picturing this. Turns out - that almost everything Obama's team could say would look and make them look foolish.

How do you attack someone who says "follow the constitution"?

So the issues:

-- He doesn't support womens rights to an abortion... this man DELIVERED babies with out killing them?

-- He wants to stop government spending so your dollars are worth more. It will hurt the free handouts you get, but in the long run you will be able to buy bread with out a wheelbarrow of money. Since he wants to SLOWLY roll back the entitlement programs that hold you down anyway, you've got plenty of time to get a job/training/etc.....

-- He wants to stop the government having so many regulations so new businesses can open, old ones can expand, and innovation can really happen. This COULD end the free unemployment checks you've been getting.

International Policy:
-- I realize that Obama campaigned on getting our troops home, and then escalated Afghanistan, and started bombing another country -- but he's really the peace candidate!

I literally can't think of a "positive" negative spin they can do. Literally when you attack someone politically it has to make someone else look better. Beyond pushing the "crazy" image he's got - which doesn't seem crazy anymore, what do they have?

I'd just think it would backfire.
Beyond pushing the "crazy" image he's got - which doesn't seem crazy anymore, what do they have?

Hmm, from a political strategy standpoint, a lot actually. You've got defense, medicare, medicade, education, social services, police, the prison system, highway construction, and tons of other programs that people expect and that employ a huge number of people. It won't be hard to play on people's fears of getting their jobs or programs eliminated and paint Ron Paul as wanting to send us back to the dark ages.
I just started picturing this. Turns out - that almost everything Obama's team could say would look and make them look foolish.

How do you attack someone who says "follow the constitution"?

So the issues:

-- He doesn't support womens rights to an abortion... this man DELIVERED babies with out killing them?

-- He wants to stop government spending so your dollars are worth more. It will hurt the free handouts you get, but in the long run you will be able to buy bread with out a wheelbarrow of money. Since he wants to SLOWLY roll back the entitlement programs that hold you down anyway, you've got plenty of time to get a job/training/etc.....

-- He wants to stop the government having so many regulations so new businesses can open, old ones can expand, and innovation can really happen. This COULD end the free unemployment checks you've been getting.

International Policy:
-- I realize that Obama campaigned on getting our troops home, and then escalated Afghanistan, and started bombing another country -- but he's really the peace candidate!

I literally can't think of a "positive" negative spin they can do. Literally when you attack someone politically it has to make someone else look better. Beyond pushing the "crazy" image he's got - which doesn't seem crazy anymore, what do they have?

I'd just think it would backfire.

Adding to Moxie's comment, Obama is a good orator. He knows how to use his platform to manipulate his audience's emotions. He seems unable to think on his feet, but can wield talking points very well.

So, on abortion, Obama and Co. might say:

"Some people* think it's okay to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Some feel they should have to right to make these decisions for women despite never having experienced what they're going through. I say they're wrong. Women should have the right to choose for themselves."

On the economy:

"Some people* want to tear down the safety net that guarantees those less fortunate than themselves can receive the basic services they need. They want to do away with Social Security, eliminating the checks retirees have come to depend upon. They want to get rid of unemployment benefits, depriving those who are unable to feed their families of the one financial lifeline they can count on. Some people* want to pull the rug from under American citizens who want nothing more than to live with enough food and hope for a better tomorrow. I think there's a better way to see this country to a new dawn of greatness."

On jobs:

"Some people* side with the big corporations. They want to cut wages, eliminate jobs, and allow employers to force employees to work longer hours for less pay. I say we need to approach this with a little humanity, compassion, and forethought. We should understand that our country's greatness and promise for the future rests on the shoulders of citizens who want nothing more than to earn a fair wage for a fair day's work. And for that to happen, we need a few guidelines."

On international policy:

"Some people* fail to admit that the world continues to be a dangerous place. They act as if every nation loves the U.S., and wants to be our best friend and ally.** We should remain open to communicating with other nations, and extending our hand in friendship. We should establish peaceful ties whenever possible. There are times, however, when friendship and peace are not on the minds of those who would do us harm. In those times, hard decisions need to be made. Those who think every nation loves us seem unwilling to make those decisions."

If I were running the Obama campaign, that's how I'd do it. Note how there is nothing of value in any of the above responses. Only words to sate the emotional appetites of voters. Would it survive a logical debate. Of course not. But then, that has never been the gauge of voters.

*This is one of Obama's timeworn tactics. He says "some people" rather than calling out names.

** lol Another Obama tactic. No one actually says the stuff Obama says they say. But people believe it because Obama asserts it.
*This is one of Obama's timeworn tactics. He says "some people" rather than calling out names.

** lol Another Obama tactic. No one actually says the stuff Obama says they say. But people believe it because Obama asserts it.

Those are standard propaganda techniques that work really really well.
Those are standard propaganda techniques that work really really well.

Yep. I remember when Reagan used to do it. He was one of the best I've seen. Always had a gleam in his eye, as if to imply, "I do love these knuckleheads. They're good guys, but just a little off their rockers."

Obama is far less suave about it. I think he wants to be Reagan. lol
Hmm, from a political strategy standpoint, a lot actually. You've got defense, medicare, medicade, education, social services, police, the prison system, highway construction, and tons of other programs that people expect and that employ a huge number of people. It won't be hard to play on people's fears of getting their jobs or programs eliminated and paint Ron Paul as wanting to send us back to the dark ages.

Ahh, words of intelligence at last. Good to hear a voice of reason over there.
Why is Ron Paul fighting this "war" alone? It looks like an old man fighting his last battle. He HAS to built up other people in the republican party with core libertarian positions. If there were more people like him in politics we wouldn't have that whole "outsider" and "crazy" discussion...
The fact that they are doing this is a good thing. First they ignore, then they laugh, then they fight, then...
Why is Ron Paul fighting this "war" alone? It looks like an old man fighting his last battle. He HAS to built up other people in the republican party with core libertarian positions. If there were more people like him in politics we wouldn't have that whole "outsider" and "crazy" discussion...
A fair question. I have to guess it is because it's not easy nor profitable to be like RP.

Imagine the Republican Party gets paid to demolish brick walls. -Everyone else is using a sledgehammer, Paul is using his head. :1bluewinky:
Time's issue on the 5th calls Paul "the prophet".

Ron Paul: The Prophet - TIME

Nice to see stuff like that -- should be even for those of you who are not RP fans. Hard to keep censuring in the Mainstream when magazines and polls keep popping you up. For those of us who are and have been fans of RP it's super nice.