at what point does the guy who picks halftime shows get fired?


haha, oh my fucking god, what was that? Maybe next year Barney will make an appearance.


I live in another country and ain't so much interested in the halftime dramas.

Came here to see what Suddenly_Ass has posted.

if you're a marketer and you don't understand the difference between the audience watching the superbowl and the audience buying taylor swift CDs, then you need to reevaluate your profession.

The exact reason they are reaching for that audience. Football fans are going to watch it regardless. They are trying to get people that don't give a shit about football to tune in.
The guys fussin about the Super Bowl halftime are the one's that do not go to Super Bowl parties that are not sausage fests.

In the real world, the Super Bowl party goes like this;

- Game starts playing, the guys are focused and the women are talking
- Commercials come on, the guys start talking and the women start watching closely
- Halftime starts and the guys go outside to hang out and drink, the women gather around the tv and watch the show.
- Repeat for the second half.

Sure this is a sexist outlook, but we are marketers and it is the reality of the Super Bowl. Just because you hate Katie Perry and think she is not cool, the show is not for you. It is for the Mom's who listen to her taking the kids to school and to actually see her perform.
They don't need to pick something that appeals to men since Football already appeals to men and they could have Disney on Ice as the halftime show and men would still watch the Superbowl. They want to give women as many reasons to watch as possible beyond the commercials. If you're that worried about the damn half time show then maybe you're not in the target audience for football. I used the halftime show as an opportunity to make chicken nachos. They were delicious.
we've swung from 70 year old rockers to nickelodeon dancing palm trees for 13 year old girls, and its all been crap. how fucking hard is it to pick a halftime entertainer with broad appeal?

I thought the halftime "show" music was better than those I can remember in the past.
The big no no of the night was passing down the middle with 1 yard to go...

I am not a Katy Perry fan or anything but at least she sung and it sounded like her. She was animated and her moves were flirty without being a total sloot. Were you waiting for a twerk or something?

Miss Elliot and "get your freak on" beat is one if the best hip hop beats in my opinion. She worked with Timbaland on it and for those in the know...know he is one of the best beat engineers of his time for "pop"ular hip hop.

Lenny can't be Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Prince and Joe Cocker at the some time brah. He was a downer

The halftime show is something to keep the wives, kids and those who don't normally watch football from going crazy.
On that level I think they did really well, better than any halftime show in the past that I can remember. Actually I don't remember any of them because most of them suck :)
That show was a ritual to say the least. The well constructed images, animals and outfits where chosen to convey a certain message.

Even the bull or cow she rode on sent a certain message. If all you saw was just lousy entertainment, you need to learn to read magic symbols.
I thought the halftime "show" music was better than those I can remember in the past.
The big no no of the night was passing down the middle with 1 yard to go...

I am not a Katy Perry fan or anything but at least she sung and it sounded like her. She was animated and her moves were flirty without being a total sloot. Were you waiting for a twerk or something?

Miss Elliot and "get your freak on" beat is one if the best hip hop beats in my opinion. She worked with Timbaland on it and for those in the know...know he is one of the best beat engineers of his time for "pop"ular hip hop.

Lenny can't be Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Prince and Joe Cocker at the some time brah. He was a downer

The halftime show is something to keep the wives, kids and those who don't normally watch football from going crazy.
On that level I think they did really well, better than any halftime show in the past that I can remember. Actually I don't remember any of them because most of them suck :)

You bring up a good point. Late 90's and 00's pop music creative process went like this:

Got the hook? Check.
Got the verse? Check.
Got the bridge? Check
Got the intro? Check.

Are we ready to go? Something's missing.
Beats by Dre? We used him last time.
Beats by Timbaland? Check.
Are we ready to go? Something's missing.

Snoop Dogg? Too high.
Ludacris? He won't return our calls.
Lil Jon? We used him last time, and still don't know WTF he was saying.
Missy Elliott? Check.

Are we ready to go? Print that shit!
In the real world, the Super Bowl party goes like this;

- Game starts playing, the guys are focused and the women are talking
- Commercials come on, the guys start talking and the women start watching closely
- Halftime starts and the guys go outside to hang out and drink, the women gather around the tv and watch the show.
- Repeat for the second half.

This. To the fucking letter. Haha. Nice job.

That show was a ritual to say the least. The well constructed images, animals and outfits where chosen to convey a certain message....


Even the bull or cow she rode on sent a certain blah blah blah fucking blah blah blah...

if you're a marketer and you don't understand the difference between the audience watching the superbowl and the audience buying taylor swift CDs, then you need to reevaluate your profession.

You seriously think the Super Bowl halftime show is about or for NFL fans? Fuck me, the actual Super Bowl itself is barely "for" NFL fans.

C'mon bro.

Aside: Thought the Missy Elliot cameo was great and the light engineering for the show was seriously impressive. Care for Kravitz about as much as I do for Perry, so no huge loss there and I doubt he minded the paycheck.
lol jryan21, i thought the same, loved missy elliot back in 'tha day'. great to see her still around.

antics: kravitz was brought in specifically so perry wouldn't have to sing "i kissed a girl and i liked it" and offend the ever-sensitive anti-gay church crowd.

as for whether the halftime show is for NFL fans... right or wrong, it used to be; agree, it isn't so much in the past few years.
Even the bull or cow she rode on sent a certain message.

When I saw that, the first thing that went through my mind was "Illumiati". I couldn't see any satanic symbols or anything but I'm sure that set piece had to have some kind of significance.